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Keryo Koffa

Alternatives | "Ego-Death" is but one way to Frame the Experience, a Negative Focus

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You can frame it in a more positive, humorous light, it's an equally valid perspective

You can also see it as change / cessation / transcendence / expansion / dissolution / shift of focus / change of perspective.

You can also perceive it as a shift in identity / a haircut / pruning tree branches / getting new clothes / moving house / going on vacation / a new job / making new friends / going to party / upgrading your PC / cleaning yourself of mud with a shower / taking a dump (a massive ego-dump) XD.

You can also realize it as quitting a toxic relationship / setting boundaries / taking action / lifting weights / change of lifestyle / healthy habits.

Those were all positive framings, but it can also be experienced in a negative light, so its important to be aware and know why.

You can feel it as nostalgia / missing an ex, even if they were abusive / being homesick / the loss of a parent / having a tornado sweep your home away / being alienated from the people around you / being promoted after having gotten cozy in your position / you and your friend going to a different college after high school / long term relationships / leaving your family behind as you go into space as an astronaut / missing your childhood and hometown / having the favorite flavor of your favorite food disappear and be replaced / having somebody destroy your long gathered collection or the sand castle you spent so much effort on / feeling alone and lonely / feeling abandoned, forgotten, left behind, ignored / being forsaken by god / entering hell / panicking / massive discomfort / being an alien / being stranded on a deserted island not knowing if help is coming.

So then most importantly, it's how you integrate your understanding/perspectives/experiences into your deeper awareness, to mitigate panic during trips.

Your essence is beyond life and death but do take care of your body, it's your temple and made of love

Fear is vanity but caution is wise, here's no benefit in panic, a greater explorative awareness is a better choice

You are Love. You deserve Happiness. You're doing the Best you're currently Capable of.

You are an Expression of the Infinite. You have Agency. Fall in Love with what you Choose to Engage in.

Surrender to intuitive Flow. Your Journey is about Liberation from Limitations, not about perpetuating Suffering or Hardship.

This journey is uniquely yours to cherish and unfold. When you Realize the Vanity of your Pursuit, you'll stop asking questions and start having fun

Transcend and include, all perspectives exist in a web. Any duality can be united. You can transcend the spectrum of experience and get to its essence, instead of aiming for maximum joy, truth, purpose, you can become their essence itself, including the whole thing inside yourself and understanding it in and out, though you can always contextualize and expand your awareness further.

You are your beliefs and you have the power to change and determine them. Anything is possible and you access it with higher awareness and faith in yourself. Your doubt itself limits your experience and creates the life you have. This is all tricky, as your own paradigm-lock will prevent you from even seeing others beyond it, that would give you the agency to choose, that's why deconstruction/concentration/meditation/contemplation/yoga are important.

"Ego-Death" itself is a valid perspective, the ego dies, but your essence doesn't die, you liberate it and gain greater awareness of both the previous ego and its opposite duality.

You get to choose, you expand your autonomy, you transcend paradigms, your life when integrated holistically will turn to the better, if you're not lost in backlash and work through it.

Just like lifting weights will give you soreness but leave you stronger, how solving a puzzle is frustrating but grows you, how emotional labor makes you suffer but gain greater appreciation, awareness and perspective.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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59 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:


"Ego-Death" itself is a valid perspective, the ego dies, but your essence doesn't die, you liberate it and gain greater awareness of both the previous ego and its opposite duality.


Where does this ego go?

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Infinity? Experience? Love? Being?

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Death is always framed as a bad thing when it really isn't.

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4 hours ago, Jehovah increases said:

Where does this ego go?

IMO, never leaves.  It only gets "reduced".  The word "ego" imo has so many false narratives attached. I also feel ego should be replaced with amygdala.

In my experience with 5meo I have noticed as time & journeys go by my "reactive wiring/nature" has been greatly reduced. For lack of better words, it feels like my consciousness & amygdala have learned to be "emotionally healthy" roommates. This dynamic is what imo is the reason on why 5meo is so good at healing trauma, your "emotional knee jerk reactions" are greatly reduced. I am very close to experiencing ego dissolution/ Liberation/ black void, peak samadhi, etc. I am curious to experience my "mind frame" in this new set point. 

  This new "set point" of peak consciousness, will it result in being "buddha like"?  one super chill dude who has no reaction when one feels slighted, interrupted, cut off, supposedly dis-respected? Or de we morph, transform into a new level of humanity that is mind blowing??

"Things that make you go hhhmmmm"

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@Jehovah increases Desire, need, want, it wants the best, but it itself determines what that is. It wants the best of all worlds. But that creates a cycle of problem solving and its own paradigm-lock, but the ego wants what it wants irregardless. It's quite a pickle...

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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4 minutes ago, RamPhoenix said:

IMO, never leaves.  It only gets "reduced".  The word "ego" imo has so many false narratives attached. I also feel ego should be replaced with amygdala.

In my experience with 5meo I have noticed as time & journeys go by my "reactive wiring/nature" has been greatly reduced. For lack of better words, it feels like my consciousness & amygdala have learned to be "emotionally healthy" roommates. This dynamic is what imo is the reason on why 5meo is so good at healing trauma, your "emotional knee jerk reactions" are greatly reduced. I am very close to experiencing ego dissolution/ Liberation/ black void, peak samadhi, etc. I am curious to experience my "mind frame" in this new set point. 

  This new "set point" of peak consciousness, will it result in being "buddha like"?  one super chill dude who has no reaction when one feels slighted, interrupted, cut off, supposedly dis-respected? Or de we morph, transform into a new level of humanity that is mind blowing??

"Things that make you go hhhmmmm"

Interesting, This was taken from google. it is an A.I. overview. The "powers to be" want us to keep using the idea of "ego" & not what it should be. AMYGDALA. Notice how they even mention we have been "conditioned". This twisted, toxic "matrix, modern civilization" conditioning has ALL left us with a massively dysfunctional amygdala!   If neanderthal shadowed us for 24 hrs he would be clueless why we are "reactive" about so many things. He would probably get reactive only if he was physically harmed or physically threatened. I now feel most peoples mental health issues stem from in modern civilization, predominantly cities & suburbs. 



The ego and amygdala are both parts of the brain that can be considered less rational and can influence behavior:


Some say the ego is the conscious mind, or "I", that uses reason to set goals and navigate life. It can also be a result of "conditioning" that helps keep us safe, such as through flight or fight reactions.


This almond-shaped part of the brain is located in the limbic system, or "lizard brain", and is associated with fear, emotions, and motivation. When the brain senses a threat, the amygdala can trigger the fight-flight-freeze response to prepare the body for survival. This is sometimes called an "amygdala hijack" and can lead to sudden, intense emotional reactions that may feel inappropriate afterwards. Symptoms of an amygdala hijack include:

*Feeling confused or cloudy-headed

*Sweaty palms or rapid heartbeat

*Overreacting and then feeling guilty 

   My intuition is buzzing. IMO we are doing ourselves a disservice by using the term EGO when we should be using the term AMYGDALA.

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@RamPhoenix So the reactionary "OMG" or "no,no,no,no,no!" is the amygdala being insecure? Fascinating...

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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40 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@RamPhoenix So the reactionary "OMG" or "no,no,no,no,no!" is the amygdala being insecure? Fascinating...

This was good!  It took me a bit to process. thank you for sparking thought. 

OMG/ no,no,no,no :  it is amygdala processing if this is safe or not safe.

a huge insight to a stressing issue. a sense of relief. You respond with OMG since the insight relieved the "stress/threat" of not feeling safe. Your new insight has now given you a sense of safety. a calm happy amygdala.


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@RamPhoenix I don't know how to keep up, I guess it's my "intuition" behind the scenes is interconnecting, but the paradigm expansions are increasing and I am amazed by its infinite complexity. All of reality flows so steadily, no system could encapsulate it, yet to understand the present moment, infinitudes of complexity are manifesting. I don't know how to feel and be at this point.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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1 hour ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@Jehovah increases Desire, need, want, it wants the best, but it itself determines what that is. It wants the best of all worlds. But that creates a cycle of problem solving and its own paradigm-lock, but the ego wants what it wants irregardless. It's quite a pickle...

There is no paradigm lock. You mean God, God always gets what it wants.  God is infinite Ego.

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@Jehovah increases Yes, but there is a focus that highlights aspects and creates one's perception and one can go meta and realize there's infinitely more beyond that. What I called paradigm-lock may very well have been a self-determined focal point that oneself forgot about and gets the feeling of remembering anew. I suppose there is no forgetting, just awareness shifting, but even so it is marvelous.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Just now, Keryo Koffa said:

@Jehovah increases Yes, but there is a focus that highlights aspects and creates one's perception and one can go meta and realize there's infinitely more beyond that. What I called paradigm-lock may very well have been a self-determined focal point that oneself forgot about and gets the feeling of remembering anew. I suppose there is no forgetting, just awareness shifting, but even so it is marvelous.

You create this so-called focus and this perception. Once you awaken as God you don't forget.

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@Jehovah increases I suppose my fear was to lose myself, now that I see the infinity beyond me and how small my experience is, I realize how small my reality was and still is and it's kind of insane.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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2 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@Jehovah increases I suppose my fear was to lose myself, now that I see the infinity beyond me and how small my experience is, I realize how small my reality was and still is and it's kind of insane.

It's not beyond you.

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Posted (edited)

I just wonder how? I am shedding the need to think in mechanical terms, it's just so perplexing how complex reality is and how infinite god is, how simultaneous and intelligent everything is

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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It's not perplexing at all. Yes I wonder what it would be like if God had created a Universe without Love or emotions.

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