
Why do ghetto people behave so much more differently than regular people?

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I unfortunately went to a ghetto high school.

I experienced ghetto horrible behavior constantly. There were fights that broke out constantly, there was always chaos in the classroom.

Also, the kids there were extremely rude and disrespectful. They had no respect for anyone and would constantly be very rude, disrespectful, aggressive and confrontational.

When they were upset they would start smacking the walls and punching lockers then they would go off on somebody and cause full chaos in the classroom.

They were very forceful and awful. Why do ghetto people behave like this instead of regular people?

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Because they are ghetto people.

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An interesting question is how much of that behaviour is nurture vs nature.


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12% of the United States population is black, but over 70% of criminals in jail are black. There is an extreme disproportionate number of black crimes in America.

We can speculate why this is the case and it’s multiple variables all coming together to create a culture that is influencing the growing mind of black children.

The most shocking thing you’ll ever see ^^^ Black children acting like gangsters cussing out police officers. THEY R IN DIAPER And he punches a police officer like I’ve never seen

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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It's a lot of reasons. The more easier reasons are straight forward. Being ghetto or rebellious as a teenager is cool. Hiphop, rap, whatever, glorifies and subsequently influences kids to act that way. Those older than them in the neighborhood acted that way and they looked up to them as made men, people of status and power. A group of people who live dangerous and exciting lives. They want to emulate that. And they probably come from broken homes too. So they have anger, restlessness, built-up resentment and bitterness too. Could've been sexually abused in their homes and/or victims of physical violence, so they act out in a way subconsciously that's meant to protect them.

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6 minutes ago, integral said:

12% of the United States population is black, but over 70% of criminals in jail are black. There is an extreme disproportionate number of black crimes in America.

We can speculate why this is the case and it’s multiple variables all coming together to create a culture that is influencing the growing mind of black children.

The most shocking thing you’ll ever see ^^^ Black children acting like gangsters cussing out police officers

Surely this is a rare case, no?

Edited by gambler

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I dont know.

If I were to guess??

Trauma is a big component, lack of healthy male role models, and being born into a low stage environment.

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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Is the part of the worldwide game they live in, there are complex causation chains that create that particular vortex and lets not assume we can ever know all the threads of events that took and take to that situation maintain itself as I is. In maybe 400 years from now all that an many other aberations of human nature will vanish. Do you remember the dark ages in England? People cutting each other heads and dirty cities? Jack the Striper?Dark Alleys? No, none of us will ever see even if that lifes were so dark as history paint it. So, this is what will happen with all that suffering life stories, vanish into nothingness, like a bad dream you have at nigth.

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People tend to meet the the bare minimum of the standard set for them. So you could assume that the standard is quiet low for ghetto people. A lot of dysfunctional families is my guess.

The greatest predictor of educational success is how well educated your parents are.

There's also a culture of glorifying SD stage red level behavior, like being violent, impulsive and crass. I remember this culture infecting the minds of classmates when I was in high school and them subsequently acting out in scummy ways. Meanwhile their parents worked for oil companies and they lived in one of the wealthiest areas in the world.

Edited by Basman

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15 hours ago, integral said:

12% of the United States population is black, but over 70% of criminals in jail are black. There is an extreme disproportionate number of black crimes in America.

We can speculate why this is the case and it’s multiple variables all coming together to create a culture that is influencing the growing mind of black children.

The most shocking thing you’ll ever see ^^^ Black children acting like gangsters cussing out police officers. THEY R IN DIAPER And he punches a police officer like I’ve never seen

@integral I agree but to me it's not necessary a racial thing at my school I saw other races acting the same way honestly. I saw white people who were ghetto as well. 

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18 hours ago, quantumspiral said:

An interesting question is how much of that behaviour is nurture vs nature.


I think it has to do with both but it was scary honestly at my school. 

I literally was in a whole school full of these ghetto ass kids and when they were upset they would start smacking the walls and punching the lockers. 

They also talk and spoke so nasty, rude and disrespectful. They had no respect for anyone or anything. 

They also behaved in an extremely violent, animalistic and hostile way. 

I was actually scared for my safety being there. 

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@Realms of Wonder

14 hours ago, Realms of Wonder said:

I dont know.

If I were to guess??

Trauma is a big component, lack of healthy male role models, and being born into a low stage environment.

I hated being in that ghetto ass school. I was actually scared for my safety being there. It wasn't good. 

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Did the ghetto school also affect your memory? Cause you posted this exact thread before. 

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@NightHawkBuzz People employ different strategies to survive or maintain their identity in this world. For some people that's being obedient to the system and they get dopamine from getting validation. For some others it's the exact opposite, acting out and rebelling is what gives them a sense of identity and pleasure. 

Generational trauma is a good concept to encapsulate most of this. When you have an unstable home life regardless of race you don't have the option to just behave and be at peace; your life is a constant struggle and you bring that struggle with you wherever you go. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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21 hours ago, Butters said:

Did the ghetto school also affect your memory? Cause you posted this exact thread before. 

Exactly. I was saying the same thing. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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18 hours ago, Ramanujan said:

the people at the bottom of pyramid are animals

@Ramanujan I know they are horrible and awful. It was honestly disgusting to see people act that way.

I felt like they weren't normal people because regular people just don't act that way. 

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On 7/13/2024 at 8:21 PM, Butters said:

Did the ghetto school also affect your memory? Cause you posted this exact thread before. 

Thank you. I was sure I read this before word to word but was not sure what to make of it. 

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I know when you use "ghetto" youre making reference to poor and black, but this question is more why do those in poverty act differently? 

When you break it down like that the answer is a bit easier to grasp. If we compare someone who grew up in poverty and lives around others in poverty, them and their family live in a survival mode, both financially but also because of the environment, physical as well. The family structure will be more likely to be broken or extremely difficult. You mentioned the kids you went to school with had poor emotional control, this would be very likely considering the parents may not have had that themselves due to the struggles and then would not be able to pass that down to their kids.

If you compare this with a middle class family, they do not have the same fear of financial, survival issues or physical danger, they most likely have a home with 2 parents who are able to instill confidence in their children and so they are not as susceptible to fall in with gangs and low level criminality. 

Because an impoverished community doesnt have as much opportunity, the people who kids see as successful are usually criminals. This sets the ways to achieve as being a criminal. To use a metaphor, if you think of a plant, it always wants to get to the light, if its a healthy plant outside absorbing sun, it will grow strong, upward and green, if its cut off from light in a dark room, but maybe theres a crack of light it will grow crooked and discoloured. Its still doing everything it can to find the light but it will not be as healthy as the plant that grows in good conditions. 

So if a young child is taught through experience that it will get results with being aggressive and committing crimes, then they will do that. 

I will caveat to say that if there is a strong family that grows up in poverty and is able to instil healthy values into their kids, those kids can definitely transcend their environment. A good example of this is when immigrants go to the US or UK and maybe in their country they were successful but in the western country they have to start from scratch and live in poor areas, usually their children do very well and dont fall into the ghetto culture. 

People often dont recognise the advantage of growing up middle class, not saying its perfect because you could definitely have shitty parents, but the general advantage you have over poor people is incredible, but many take it for granted and blame those in poverty for their circumstances. 

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