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I started this whole journey of self actualization and at one point thought through some of your videos @Leo Gura that hobbies are stupid and a waste of time. But after having watched and contemplated your videos about the spiral stages, I I reconsidered things. Like you say in the videos, it’s information and not a strict manual. And so at 21 I had zero hobbies and interests. But at 24 now, I love photography and scuba diving and these are two things which I genuinely love and for my understanding are not something stupid. Through these things which I’ve discovered for myself I’ve found meaning and love for a lot of aspects of life, aesthetic, Nature and so on. 

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Do what makes you happy, it ultimately doesn't matter what Leo thinks about hobbies if they fulfill you.

You have an intuitiveness about your nature that nobody else will understand, and your path is unique to you. So stop thinking so much about should's and shouldn'ts or what others think and start flowing and just do what feels right (you still have to watch out for traps and have discipline). But trust in yourself. If it feels like what you are supposed to do, and you don't do it, you could be jeopardizing your own progression. For example many hobbies turn into fulfilling lifelong careers.

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