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How to push yourself for growth without Burnout and stress?

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Lately i have been making changes in my life but it's incredibly difficult because i experience heavy and very scary ego backlashes..

Please give me some advice how to navigate all this stuff.. because there are moments where i am quite terrified by this whole process..

Thanks a lot.

Edited by SQAAD

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Yeah, the most intermediate helpful was doing something like yoga namaskar, sambhavi mahamudra and naddi shuddi daily, since it takes about 20-30 minutes to complete. That gives good lubrication. There are other things I can share privately. The problem is that different things will help at different times. Burnout happens due to lack of bliss and sense of overall health it think. If you manage to nail that, then I think you can change any other area of your life more or less sensibly.

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