
What's the point of psychedelics of I always fall back asleep?

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Better to be immersed in the dream or moving back and forth?

Thus far I have not seen the possibility to be fully awake at all times. And even Leo says he can't sustain it off psychedelics 

Edited by PenguinPablo

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To be fully awake at all times means to completely let go of the fact that you were ever a human.

It's okay to be immersed in a dream, but the dream has another quality when you realize it's only a dream.

You cannot sustain these high states with psychedelics, but you can experience the highest Truth if you are interested in it.

The experience of that truth can be a good motivation to be more authentic and live a generally better life while immersed in the dream.

By experiencing yourself as a God, you get the chance to make your daily decisions out of love instead of fear. That is a huge game-changer.

Edited by shree

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Posted (edited)

What's the point of eating if you always get hungry?

What's the point of resting if you will always exert yourself?

What's the point of the sun rising if it will always set?

What's the point of laughing if you will always cry?

Apparent states of consciousness rise and fall, ebb and flow like all else. Is any one state more desirous? There is your mistake.

Edited by halfknots

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"What's the point of seeing above the forest for a few hours if I always fall back?"

Well, at least you've seen what's behind the trees, you can then determine a direction for yourself,

you've seen there's water running not too far away from where you usually stand,

you've seen you were going in a direction that would lead you further in the forest with no escape,

instead you can go the opposite direction where there's better things to do,

you've seen an ocean and montains, everything you saw during all of your life was trees all around you but now you know there's something else you couldn't have concieved of..

There are lots of good reasons to rise above the forest, even if it's just for a few hours don't doubt it


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Why does it have to permanent to be worth it?

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It's an impressive experience when it is happening, but the next day it becomes a memory which fades over time.   It doesn't seem to even change long term patterns.   It's not a substitute for a long term yoga path.     

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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Posted (edited)

Psychedelics are good at breaking people out of their narrow-minded thinking and radically shifting someone's perspective. Shrooms at low doses can be amazing for people with mental health issues like depression or anxiety.

But generally speaking, psychedelics alone are not going to keep you "awake" or even wake you up. You could get a million different misconceptions on what it even means to be "awake" from psychedelics.

Do you really think you ever fully woke up?

If you woke up fully, the dream would stop, everything you experience and could possible imagine experiencing would stop existing. You would cease. So stop thinking you have woken up at all from psychedelics.

Edited by Paradoxed

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12 minutes ago, Paradoxed said:

If you woke up fully, the dream would stop, everything you experience and could possible imagine experiencing would stop existing. You would cease. So stop thinking you have woken up at all from psychedelics.

This is false.

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Yimpa said:

This is false.

Do you mind elaborating?

If we are living in a reality being imagined by consciousness or God, to truly awaken from the dream for good means something different than carrying a level of high awareness "awakened state" with you in your daily life on Earth (becoming construct aware of things like ego, awareness of self-bias, false dualities, end of beliefs, aware that you are in a dream, etc.) If God truly woke up in this sense, the dream would stop.

It feels like there is a distinction to make between being "fully" awake and lucid dreaming (awakened state). Thinking you are fully awake seems highly self-deceptive to me.

I am open to hearing other interpretations...

@Leo Gura

Edited by Paradoxed

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3 hours ago, Paradoxed said:

Do you mind elaborating?

You already did!

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Posted (edited)

@Paradoxed @shreepeople are not referring to "simply a high level of awareness." They are talking about God awakening from the dream (but after the psychedelics effects wear off, your state or perceptive largely reverts back to being in the dream)

Edited by PenguinPablo

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Posted (edited)

18 minutes ago, PenguinPablo said:

@Paradoxed @shreepeople are not referring to "simply a high level of awareness." They are talking about God awakening from the dream (but after the psychedelics effects wear off, your state or perceptive largely reverts back to being in the dream)

We gotcha. I don't think you could be in that state all the time. Maybe if you maintained a state of deep meditation for most hours a day. The high level of awareness is what you bring to your dream life. I have been in said state before on psychedelics. These heightened states are different than being awake while inside the dream. You can be aware of the dream while participating in it. In the state of consciousness you are speaking of there is no functioning in the dream.

Whether you want to take psychedelics despite them not permanently waking you up is really only up to you.

Personally I'd rather move back and forth than to be immersed in the dream. It doesn't ultimately matter.

Edited by Paradoxed

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14 hours ago, Paradoxed said:

If you woke up fully, the dream would stop, everything you experienced and could imagine experiencing would stop existing. You would cease. So stop thinking you have woken up at all from psychedelics.

How do you know the dream would stop and you would cease to exist?

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Posted (edited)

4 hours ago, Jehovah increases said:

How do you know the dream would stop and you would cease to exist?

You, the conceptual self, the human identity would cease existing, you as infinity and as God would continue eternally. If you woke up fully, the dream would end by definition, but that doesn't mean you would end, you would still be what you already are- God, just not dreaming anymore. Pure infinite love. So in that sense you could misunderstand me. Start identifying as infinity because you are eternal. But the "you" typing here on the computer here would stop. You, your body, the computer are all being imagined by you- which is not external from you, but is you. The great I Am. God is infinite. If you are aware you are imagining this realm, the dream still exists as you are still encompassed in the dream. That is what most people mean when they say they are awakened to the Truth- they are aware they are dreaming. If God were to fully wake up, he may decide to go back to sleep and imagine your life again. Or imagine himself somehow else. Upon physical death I believe everyone gets to experience a difficult barrier followed by bountiful love. Nobody ever truly dies, because you never truly existed. You are infinite and divine. But to be fully awake would mean the dream of who you are here stops.

I am only trying to parse what I have experienced through ego death with psychedelics. I don't know anything.

You can wake up fully while on psychedelics- physical reality will completely stop existing and the ego along with all false boundaries disappear as you stop imagining "reality". Eventually you decide to go back asleep because you like the dream and enjoy dreaming.

Edited by Paradoxed

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You already are infinite. What's pure infinity? You mean I may decide. You are going to have to define what dreaming means.  How do you know what existence is and where is here?

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Posted (edited)

@PenguinPablo This is a very good question. I've thought the same myself but considering it now, the upgrades that I've received from tripping have been profound. Sure I haven't experienced ego death, but I've felt such an intense love that it turned up that dial for me permanently. Sure the dial went back, but it wasn't fully reset. Also, consider the insights. I'm sure you've had those. Again, for me these were permanent game changers. I've stopped hoping for mystical experiences on them now. I also don't take huge doses as I'm still a little wary. Largest dose I've done is 300ug of acid. Like I say it was a deep sense of being connected, feeling love and basking in the awesomeness and beauty of reality. I'd class it as a deeply spiritual experience, for me anyway. After that synchronicities seemed to occur more in my life and I felt a lot more guided and connected to a higher power, whatever that is. It was the closest I've come to a sense of what I'd like to call God and I've never been the same. So I'm team psychs :) 

Edited by Wisebaxter

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Posted (edited)

Psychedelics will show you how little you know and close minded one is. It will open your horizons and show you unimaginable things. Let them teach you. 

Also, I have friends that are permanently in an altered state of consciousness close to enlightenment or at least on its way to it. They had no idea of the spiritual path nor enlightenment neither practices. They just randomly did psychedelics and went into the rabbit hole. Having an ego death that destroyed their egos (old self). Not the same anymore. Some benefits they got was opening their love energies permanently and developing siddhis.

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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On 13.7.2024 at 6:10 AM, PenguinPablo said:

@Paradoxed @shreepeople are not referring to "simply a high level of awareness." They are talking about God awakening from the dream (but after the psychedelics effects wear off, your state or perceptive largely reverts back to being in the dream)

I know. My answer stays the same.

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