Rafael Thundercat

A rant against Pornography and PornHub

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19:20 im done with internet today 

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Didn’t pornhub do this thing where they removed all content that isn’t verified. Which seems a step in the right direction 

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Posted (edited)

23 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

19:20 im done with internet today 

In the 17th century nannies used to jerk kids off before bed. 

Mary, mother of Jesus was 12 years old. Mohammed had a 9 year old wife. 

People have been sexually abusing kids for so long it's really not surprising people still do it. I think it's wrong though.

I do think we are too sex obsessed and porn obsessed but do you blame us? We are tricked in to living sedentary and wasteful lives in increasing isolation and pollution. Of course we are jerking off, there's nothing else to do! 


Edited by enchanted

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Posted (edited)

@Schizophonia Having a counter move for any move 🧠, remembering a video that suits the situation is sometimes better than text reply.Voice messages would be dope to have on here to sent 🤔

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Voice messages would be dope to have on here to sent 🤔

Wow that would be great, but I doubt Leo would do it. I think the Forum will be Archaic forever

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Imagine to leave porn and have real sex whenever you want with someone you truly love...nobody 'll want porn again with that situation. 

Sadly in this society is hard to find real and good sex, bc we're always busy, distracted, and overwhelmed by things. Or worse, also for moral reasons...

Thats why porn is given for free to all of us. Porn is an easy and low energy consuming way, to be sexually satisfacted. 

I cant see this situation positively


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42 minutes ago, Asia P said:

Imagine to leave porn and have real sex whenever you want with someone you truly love...nobody 'll want porn again with that situation. 

Sadly in this society is hard to find real and good sex, bc we're always busy, distracted, and overwhelmed by things. Or worse, also for moral reasons...

Thats why porn is given for free to all of us. Porn is an easy and low energy consuming way, to be sexually satisfacted. 

I cant see this situation positively


Is porn harmful? The evidence, the myths and the unknowns (bbc.com)


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@Rafael Thundercat  the point is not about, it is harmful or not. We re just into an unnatural and miserable situation

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1 hour ago, Asia P said:

Imagine to leave porn and have real sex whenever you want with someone you truly love...nobody 'll want porn again with that situation. 

Sadly in this society is hard to find real and good sex, bc we're always busy, distracted, and overwhelmed by things. Or worse, also for moral reasons...

Thats why porn is given for free to all of us. Porn is an easy and low energy consuming way, to be sexually satisfacted. 

I cant see this situation positively


This does not apply for perverts like me. I also have infinitly high libido.

Honoring the self I've grown to love.

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1 minute ago, shree said:

This does not apply for perverts like me. I also have infinitly high libido.

If one day we meet I will not shake your hand. :D

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Asia P said:

Imagine to leave porn and have real sex whenever you want with someone you truly love...nobody 'll want porn again with that situation.

Most people are not watching porn because they're unable to have sex with someone they truly love. Someone they truly love doesn't provide the perversion that porn does and doesn't satisfy their sexual fantasies. One has nothing to do with the other, especially for men.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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Perverted energy has to go somewhere (not saying all porn is perverted, just the perverted ones). So perverted porn is an outlet. It's all energy. Road ragers are also letting out that anger energy. Has to go somewhere.

Know thyself....

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55 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

If one day we meet I will not shake your hand. :D

I would highly recommend you and everyone else not to touch my hand.

Honoring the self I've grown to love.

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I wonder if we would have Calculus if Isaac Newton had access to porn? Would we have Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel? Beethoven's Late Quartets?.....

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Porn is parasitic. I would eventually drink the kool-aid that they were attempting to feed us when we were hitting puberty. I removed the shame associated with it. Had the false belief that I could use it responsibly. Turned out it was all a lie. They lied to me. I was had. When I had feelings of shame around it, funny enough, I would use it "responsibly" and I was less interested in it. And hence used it way less. Like ridiculously less. Like once a month or two type of thing. Even went as far as 6 months one time. The omniscient all-encompassing boogeyman called repression was nowhere to be found. Does this boogeyman even exist? I don't even know. Seems like if you believe in him, he becomes real...

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5 minutes ago, LordFall said:

@gambler Why are you against it now? 

addiction is exhausting

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