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Need help interpreting Gut Health Test results

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I did an gut test with a biomesight who were offering a special for those suffering from long covid.

Most of the tests came back with positive results, apart from the section labelled "probiotics" which was scored as "poor". 

I'm not sure if these bad results are the result of a pre-existing condition or long covid has fucked up my gut.

Any advice or even just interpretation would be helpful. Thank you.

@undeather @Michael569


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I'm not loving the bifido/lacto ratio but it has to be taken in context to the rest of the report. Do you think you can post the whole thing in here Alex? 

Cut out personal details, just printscreens. I think @undeather is more qualified to interpret this than me tho 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
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2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

I'm not loving the bifido/lacto ratio but it has to be taken in context to the rest of the report. Do you think you can post the whole thing in here Alex? 

Cut out personal details, just printscreens. I think @undeather is more qualified to interpret this than me tho 

There isn't really a report I can print off, but I can "add a practitioner" on the website, and it gives whoever I choose access to a version of my full health profile, including my results. 

The website is designed to allow people's doctors and nutritionists access. 

I understand I'm not paying you so I don't mind if you say no. But if it's something you're intrigued about or interested in, let me know. 

Thank you :)

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Shit just checked you cannot just add any practitioner it has to be one of their registered ones.

There's a list of gut microbiome analysts and dieticians available.

I'm not sure who I should exactly go to for full understanding and what to do with this. 

I have the tests and it shows some issues consistent with long covid but not all. Some things definitely do seem to need improving.

I was mostly concerned with the below one. equol.jpg

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1 hour ago, ZenAlex said:

Shit just checked you cannot just add any practitioner it has to be one of their registered ones.

yeah, that has to be a professional, as this is a patient test interpretation. 

Weird that they put so much focus on Equol? That's kinda random since half the population of UK probably don't even eat soy. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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