Ima Freeman

The importance of energy

24 posts in this topic

@theleelajoker It's the universal Truth for every living being. Yogis back then knew their shit.


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22 hours ago, inFlow said:


@Ima Freeman Couldn't agree more. Having energy is crucial in spirituality.

My pro tip would be eat a satvic diet. Learn about ayurveda and Gunas. Ditch Rajastic/Tamasic foods and go for Satvic, which actually nurtures your being with Prana/Chi. Some food might fill you up, it might have the building materials in them, protein/carbs/fats vitamins etc, but the energy is not there, the food is sort of "dead", without any prana/chi. That kind of "dead" food leeches energy from you.

Also from my experience, seemen retention is very crucial in maintaining good energy levels. Even the act of masturbation without ejaculation alone is leeching energy from you. I've noticed that if you have sex with a woman, it's okay, because you trade energies, but if you masturbate your energy just leaves your body. It's quite hard to notice these differences, but if you are aware enough you should grasp the difference. It's not worth the pleasure when you notice how much less energy you have. And this energy actually empowers you so much.

Sleep is very important. Try to sleep around 9-10PM, not later. You will notice how much more rested you will be.

Physical yoga is important to get rid of any stress-tention that might acumulate in the body through out the day. All of that shit gets locked up in your body as muscle tention. You release that tention after a yoga sesion in "shavasana". After you relax your body, your sleep deepens, you rest in the night way more.

Having small breaks through out the day is also important. Learn about Yoga Nidra and try to practice it when you actually have those breaks. Just try to sit or lay down somewhere and just release the tention, relax your body fully for 5-10minutes, it's sort of a sleep for yogis. Actually notice from which side of the nose you are breathing, if it's the left nostril dominant - you need to relax, if it's right nostril dominating breathing then you can eat/work/take action. Notice it and play around it.

Distract yourself way less through out the day. Never watch short content videos and doom scroll as they say. That stuff is cancer for the mind.

Hope my words are insightful. ♥

Thank you for the lengthy reply

Yoga Nidra sounds interesting. 
It's kind of what I meant by the direction the energy flows.

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14 hours ago, Chadders said:

@Ima Freeman Energy is deeply intertwined with all things. To cultivate more energy is by giving your body more life force and capability ultimately by living well

Though there is another way and that is to release existing energy within. We suppress so much that we have pent up energy that manifests as anxiety. There’s a resistance then diminishing your energy potential. It’s being able to freely liberate that energy that is the greater challenge. 

This is personally a thing that I am working on. To let go of inhibitions. I’m quite a high energy person when connected with the divine

Yeah, anxiety is potential energy blocked of it's way to get transmitted. 
That's seems to be why many "depressed" people also have "anxiety disorder"

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1 hour ago, inFlow said:

@theleelajoker It's the universal Truth for every living being. Yogis back then knew their shit.

Yeah, it's no coincidence that I recently experienced major shifts in my personal experience and now feel more and more drawn to a re-read of the yoga sutra in my book shelf + doing more yoga asanas.

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