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I get daunted at on this forum by a few at times just because I'm a female, and I know it. Sometimes all I have to do is speak my mind respectfully and I get hollered at. I've seen where the same person(s) will not speak to others the same way they do to me when they are being challenged. I get silenced, told to listen and that my views are downright silly or wrong or some word in that category. 

I have been told I have nothing to say about men's issues and how 'm not a man and shouldn't speak on certain issues. I have been disrespected, called names and been accused of preaching when all I did was give an opinion and spoke my perspective like everyone else. I was warned and accused of trolling the biggest troll and misogynist on the forum (which I didn't contest), and I have been accused of being a man-hater for no reason because I've never spread hate on any gender. I was just hollered at yesterday for just making a simple statement about the Universe. Don't make comments if when one opposes, they have to get put in their place without you being poked at or your personality has not been attacked because one has the right to defend themselves if a personal attack was thrown at them, other than that no need to throw insults. 

I know all this was done because I'm a female because I do observe how they speak to their male counterparts. But I take it all in stride unless it gets waayy out of hand and then I'll speak up. Other than that, I just might say one thing and let it be.

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

You guys should knowv about sameness vs difference. For example it's true every woman (or banana) is the "same" and it's also true that every woman (or banana) is "different". 

Most disagreements involve one person arguing how every woman is the same (and makes generalizations) while the other side is arguing that every woman is different (and generalizations shouldn't be made). Do you guys not see this? 

This happens with almost every disagreement in the world. 

Edited by enchanted

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