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Attraction works in counter-intuitive ways.

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@BlessedLion Being in the womb for 9 months is not an argument for young men to not express their struggles with dating. Seeing women as queens and goddesses helps nobody. Women themselves find that kind of pedestal repulsive.

Anything mildly negative or critical of women at the moment is labelled incel ideology. Andrew Tate does not own the copyright to all discussion on gender dynamics. Young men absolutely have the right to share their frustrations, shutting down conversation will only direct men to more extreme corners of the internet.

Men like yourself who either never struggled with these types of thing or don't struggle anymore live in a different world. If a man has experienced constant rejection going back to childhood what are you going to say to him? So I guess men who don't have the luck of growing up with love and a healthy support system are just worthless and should just kill themselves? 

One day if you are in a bad state for one reason or another I wonder how you will respond if someone says to you that you are pathetic. I guess you are psychologically and spiritually perfect.

Edited by Tenebroso

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Posted (edited)

16 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Attraction works in counter-intuitive ways.

That would be excellent news, too bad it ain’t even close to true.

Here are some counterintuitive (and very fun) ideas to attract a woman:

- Dancing around like a madman while laughing your ass off in front of her

- Being extremely insulting and emotionally abusive to her

- Uninvited groping 

- Talking about “weird” stuff you might be interested in

All these are counterintuitive ways to attract. They’re obviously highly counterintuitive because who in their right mind would think these methods would work instead of getting you arrested/beat up at worst and avoided at best? These are also fun ways some of us might like to “be ourselves” because we’d genuinely enjoy doing them. Being yourself is another thing most people claim is the most effective way to get girls.

So why don’t any of these types of things ever succeed in getting pussy if being counterintuitive is so sexy?



Edited by Emotionalmosquito

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6 hours ago, Cubbage said:

I find it quite tragic that for some men to truly love females for what they are, they expect that a woman should automatically permit sex without any leading or effort to attract them on the mans behalf. Incels gonna incel though I guess. I get it, I was one when I was a teenager. Eventually though, you gotta grow tf up and man tf up. Put the work in and then let life pay its dividends, you get what you give. If you aren't giving a woman anything and resent the fact that she doesn't give you her 😻 on a platter in the first place, then you are never gonna get anywhere with dating and that's the hard truth. Women are highly emotionally respondent creatures and can smell childish, entitled attitudes and boring personalities from a mile off, on top of being able to see through a veil of fake confidence. Maybe if you start eroding the bullshit from your mind, you will start to appreciate women for the beauty of what they are, without needing anything in return. Then, after that, maybe if you train yourself to become an attractive man in every area you could possibly put work into, then maybe, just maybe, you might end up sleeping with a beautiful woman. But it will take time and effort and if you don't wanna do that then you best be getting comfortable with a life of celibacy, cause reality won't sort that shit out for you. Even if you can't pull girls, appreciating the beauty and warmth of a woman from afar without needing anything from them should be good enough for now. I'm shocked at how many "men" (they're really boys) I have discovered that do not understand this. Sort your shit out.

"Women can smell childish, entitled attitudes and boring personalities from a mile off, on top of being able to see through a veil of fake confidence" So they have this superpower yet they can't use the same intuition the smell the presence of the abusive, violent, cheating men who they complain about day and night? Are these men not entitled? So either this often touted ability to smell the true nature of man is a myth and does not exist or it curiously only works with men who are not physically attractive or high status enough. It's interesting the most damaging men to women and society always have another woman to hurt. All of this sounds like a myth to justify the vilification of unattractive men. There is no special intuition.

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@Tenebroso That's just untrue. I dunno how many people you know irl, but I've met countless average and sub-average looking guys with exceptional charisma that have beautiful girlfriends or can pull sexy women better than my mates who are genuinely good looking. I literally just saw my mate before that would be considered unattractive from a physical standpoint with yet another very good looking girl. You don't realize how deep the power of proper game really goes.

Edited by Cubbage

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43 minutes ago, Cubbage said:

@Tenebroso That's just untrue. I dunno how many people you know irl, but I've met countless average and sub-average looking guys with exceptional charisma that have beautiful girlfriends or can pull sexy women better than my mates who are genuinely good looking. I literally just saw my mate before that would be considered unattractive from a physical standpoint with yet another very good looking girl. You don't realize how deep the power of proper game really goes.

Some people have a story that they stick to not recognizing the power they have to keep that story alive. Every time I see a notification pops up with a reply from their name to a post I've commented on about dating and women, I already know what they're saying. Not word for word but something along those lines and it's usually the case. Same identity, same story. Been like that ever since i've been on here. They barely ever comment in the Spirituality section it's only in the dating section because that's where their focus is. The lack of pussy. What you focus on you get more of the same. No exceptions. Maybe if they turned their focus on how reality works and gain some knowledge on the Spiritual side of things they'll understand that there's no outside world, we attract things to us that's on the same frequency we're vibrating on and how we change our frequency to what we desire is to change our thoughts and beliefs and don't focus on what you don't want but what you do want and nothing changes before you change your identity and how you change your identity is to start embodying those new beliefs and keep it there until noticeable change occurs and it becomes who you are. That's exactly what they're currently doing but they are getting the opposite effect of what they want. Universe doesn't see a difference it's giving them what they respond to and feel emotions for and it is serving them with pleasure.


Know thyself....

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That’s it… all women haters here will be grounded and sentenced to do 11 hours of wall staring!  

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I joined a Facebook group a few days ago for memes and reaction pics. One of the first posts I saw was: "send me reaction pics for when I have to respond to incels" or something like that. It's disheartening to see stuff like this, but that's just the internet for you I guess. 


"As long as you can be fooled, you deserve to be" That's my favorite Alan Watts quote and it's true in every situation in life. 

As long as you are playing the blaming game, you deserve to be blamed.

And if you don't care for that stuff, just please be kind to each other. 

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7 hours ago, gambler said:

Well if some mothers are failing raising their boys to be men, then fathers need to raise their boys. Maybe the feminization of the household, bringing the father down a notch from his traditional role to match an egalitarian one, the mother taking the leadership role, and early divorce is why a mother might have failed in raising a man. Into what people here describe as a whiny, weak, entitled, unattractive man. 

The father is definitely most responsible for this. The premise was that you had to blame women.

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5 minutes ago, Kid A said:

The father is definitely most responsible for this. The premise was that you had to blame women.

So if you have to blame a woman, blame the mother, but actually, the blame is on the father. Got it. 

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Posted (edited)

13 minutes ago, gambler said:

So if you have to blame a woman, blame the mother, but actually, the blame is on the father. Got it. 

Both parents are responsible. But if you are for blaming only the mothers, don’t ignore the fact that there are many passive fathers who don’t act like fathers but as another child in the household and are not interested in changing or in forming any real connections with their children.


Edited by Lila9


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7 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

@BlessedLion Being in the womb for 9 months is not an argument for young men to not express their struggles with dating. Seeing women as queens and goddesses helps nobody. Women themselves find that kind of pedestal repulsive.

Anything mildly negative or critical of women at the moment is labelled incel ideology. Andrew Tate does not own the copyright to all discussion on gender dynamics. Young men absolutely have the right to share their frustrations, shutting down conversation will only direct men to more extreme corners of the internet.

Men like yourself who either never struggled with these types of thing or don't struggle anymore live in a different world. If a man has experienced constant rejection going back to childhood what are you going to say to him? So I guess men who don't have the luck of growing up with love and a healthy support system are just worthless and should just kill themselves? 

One day if you are in a bad state for one reason or another I wonder how you will respond if someone says to you that you are pathetic. I guess you are psychologically and spiritually perfect.

If rejection hurts so much,why do you need a woman so much?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Posted (edited)

3 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Both parents are responsible. But if you are for blaming only the mothers, don’t ignore the fact that there are many passive fathers who don’t act like fathers but as another child in the household and are not interested in changing or in forming any real connections with their children.


That's exactly the reason why there is so many mentally ill people because both parents are not involved, or themselves had passive fathers or mother..its not an excuse tho if you over 18

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 minute ago, NoSelfSelf said:

its not an excuse tho if you over 18



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7 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

So they have this superpower yet they can't use the same intuition the smell the presence of the abusive, violent, cheating men who they complain about day and night? Are these men not entitled? So either this often touted ability to smell the true nature of man is a myth and does not exist or it curiously only works with men who are not physically attractive or high status enough. It's interesting the most damaging men to women and society always have another woman to hurt. All of this sounds like a myth to justify the vilification of unattractive men. There is no special intuition.

In a patriarchal society, women were socialized for thousands of years to ignore their intuition and to tolerate abusive men. Women tolerating abusive men is a coping mechanism in a patriarchal society, not a preference or an indication of attraction.

It starts from an early age when boys hurt girls, pull their hair, and verbally mock them. Society tells girls that boys do these things because they love them, and this is how boys show love.
Girls are told to be grateful for this rather than angry.

As a result, girls learn to repress their intuition and natural anger at boundary-crossing and to accept men's abuse as love and something flattering.

This is a toxic belief that society instills in girls to prepare them for the day they become women and wives. This serves patriarchy and makes women more submissive and tolerant of boundary-crossing by men. But it doesn’t serve women or their children.

Abusive men are harmful to the family unit and to the psychological welfare of everyone. From an evolutionary perspective, it is deadly and irrational for a woman to mate with a violent man. No healthy woman would tolerate that unless she is conditioned to it.

This is why feminism was created: exactly because women could no longer stand the abuse. And you hate feminists for doing so.

 Maybe because you want women to tolerate the abuse from yourself and other men, you convince yourself that this is what they love and prefer. You cherry-pick situations in which women tolerate abusive relationships and ignore the fact that, after the feminist influence which brought women more power in society, the majority of women can no longer tolerate abusive and toxic men and prefer to be single rather than with an abusive or a child man.






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1 hour ago, gambler said:

So if you have to blame a woman, blame the mother, but actually, the blame is on the father. Got it. 

The blame is not solely on the father. Of those two, the blame is mostly on the father. Big difference.

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12 hours ago, LordFall said:

Well you guys have covered the sour grapes part of it; the psychology of it is pretty clear; Hate what you can't have(at the moment.)

What I don't see commented much about is the masculine disliking the feminine by pure confusion and as a stranger danger type of thing. I remember I had a girl come to one of my photoshoots last year and I had a strong dislike for her even though she was cute and sweet; which confused me.

I've reflected on it this past year and I realized she's one of the most feminine woman I've ever interacted with and it was deeply unsettling for me. Super free-flowing, dancing without a care in the world which is like the complete opposite of my mind which is always hyperactive with ideas and analyzing the world for danger. It's a strange dichotomy because the feminine is my favorite thing in the universe and I feel dead without it but I have a hard time feeling it too closely as I lose my sense of self and control within it. 


This explains a lot about the modern society which is highly masculine and value masculine energy over the feminine. I always wanted to be that girl you have met but it never was safe for me. The more masculine I became the more protected, loved and respected I was by both men and women.

Your response to her feminine energy was conscious, despite what you felt but I have seen situations in which unconscious men saw those feminine women as easy targets. 

But for women, living from the masculine energy alone while suppressing the feminine is a misery. Women have to be connected to their feminine to be happy and fulfilled and find safe ways to do that.

And men have to learn to contain and protect the feminine rather than hate it and abuse it. Starting from integrating and accepting the feminine aspect in their own psyche. So women feel safer to be in their feminine around men without getting hurt or exploited.


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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Lila9 said:

In a patriarchal society, women were socialized for thousands of years to ignore their intuition and to tolerate abusive men. Women tolerating abusive men is a coping mechanism in a patriarchal society, not a preference or an indication of attraction.

It starts from an early age when boys hurt girls, pull their hair, and verbally mock them. Society tells girls that boys do these things because they love them, and this is how boys show love.
Girls are told to be grateful for this rather than angry.

As a result, girls learn to repress their intuition and natural anger at boundary-crossing and to accept men's abuse as love and something flattering.

This is a toxic belief that society instills in girls to prepare them for the day they become women and wives. This serves patriarchy and makes women more submissive and tolerant of boundary-crossing by men. But it doesn’t serve women or their children.

Abusive men are harmful to the family unit and to the psychological welfare of everyone. From an evolutionary perspective, it is deadly and irrational for a woman to mate with a violent man. No healthy woman would tolerate that unless she is conditioned to it.

This is why feminism was created: exactly because women could no longer stand the abuse. And you hate feminists for doing so.

 Maybe because you want women to tolerate the abuse from yourself and other men, you convince yourself that this is what they love and prefer. You cherry-pick situations in which women tolerate abusive relationships and ignore the fact that, after the feminist influence which brought women more power in society, the majority of women can no longer tolerate abusive and toxic men and prefer to be single rather than with an abusive or a child man.






- for most of human history we lived in small tribes and survived on hunting and tribal warfare, it actually makes sense for women in the past to go for violent men because those men who have the capacity to protect them and succeed at hunting.

This makes less sense in civilization which evolved hand in hand with patriarchy because violence is outsourced to the state and we have laws against it, so if anything women should be attracted less to violent men in patriarchy as now a man’s strength doesn’t dictate his survival.

- If patriarchy conditions women to go for abusive violent men, why do patriarchies usually have cultures which push men to have chivalry and treat women as delicate? As patriarchy is reduced it’s changing, but it was true relatively recently and still somewhat. I saw an old news broadcast where they interviewed men in Australia about women being allowed in bars and clubs and many of the men said they were afraid to even curse infront of a woman. More famous examples would be like the knight codes of honor that had all sorts of rules about interacting with women, Japanese samurai were supposed to walk in front of women at all times in case she needed protection, Muslim men are supposed to lower their gaze when they see a woman to not direct lust at her, in contemporary western country it was standard for men to pay for dates, open doors, pull chairs out and give her their jacket when she is cold. These are all the result of patriarchal conditioning. 

Edited by Raze

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Posted (edited)

39 minutes ago, Raze said:


- for most of human history we lived in small tribes and survived on hunting and tribal warfare, it actually makes sense for women in the past to go for violent men because those men who have the capacity to protect them and succeed at hunting.

Ouga ouga bonga 🦍

Nature is not Mordor, surviving is above all being integrated into a group, we survive in a group by being cooperative.

Strong men are not aggressive, we become agressive when we are stressed.

Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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