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Do you guys know where you came from? Not in a spiritual metaphysical sense but like literally how you brought into this world? A WOMAN held you in her belly for 9 fucking months, carrying your dependent ass around in pain then went through the most painful expereince of literally pushing you out of her body. She risked her life health and happiness for your ungrateful ass. Then she took care of you day in and out while you cried, shit and gave nothing back. Now you sit online and bitch about women being toxic, mean, and not giving you attention. 


I’m so sick of this incel content where guys are just bitching about and complaining about women constantly. It’s all over the internet. Whether it be pick up videos, Tinder comparison videos, toxic masculinity videos (Andrew Tate, fresh & fit) I can’t consume it anymore. It’s just getting worse and worse. What’s ironic is these guys are acting worse than gossipy whiny women, playing the victim and cowering in their own pity about being undesired. 

It’s PATHETIC, and I’m so glad I caught onto this toxic trend so I can consciously avoid it. If you truly understood women you would see them as the amazing gifts they are. Are they perfect? No , but neither is your ass. 

Again, the blackpill Incel movement is absolutely pathetic and if you subscribe to this you are among the scummiest of worms and I can guarantee you, you will stay an incel until your dying day. The most unattractive thing in a man is being a whiny, complaining, victim. Luckily you can change this! You don’t have to believe this shit! 

Women are beautiful creatures, much more loving aware sensitive and compassionate than men. A woman can drastically change your life, teach you many things, help you grow and become much happier. They are medicine. And if you become a conscious loving man, you will be medicine too! You have no idea how needed and desired conscious men are. 

All this women hate is disgusting and so low consciousness. It clearly comes from bitterness and rejection, but by hating them your just fueling the fire of your own misery. 

Stop hating women and consuming this bullshit content. I write to myself as much as I do for any of you guys who might be consuming this toxic bullshit. It’s enticing to fall into this ideology but it’s pathetic. 

There is beauty is the harmonizing of yin and Yang. Masculine and feminine. Nature made it for a reason. 

One Love

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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Their brain want a women both because of atavistic needs and social pressure, they can’t for some reasons so they get angry.

No need to go that far.

The devil is in the details.

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Thank you for this. It's about time I see a post of this nature. It's usually the opposite. I could come on here and blast the male species and constantly make posts about what I see wrong with them; but I don't because I've recognized it's all a matter of perspective and how I see it. I can chose to see it a different way which will change how I experience them; which I've done. If I see men a certain way, that means i see myself in a similar way. May not be in the exact same way, but the energy is similar because we cannot see anything outside our own states of consciousness. It's all within the same scope.

One has to change themselves to see outside change. These are the types of work I focus on. The power lies within. I aim for the simplier the better and more powerful. What I see when I see hateful comments about women(or men) is a cry for help. Needing for the outer to change before our tantrums subsides. That's all they are - tantrums. The world needs to succumb to my needs and pleasures or else........ Women are this and men are that, even within myself so I'm not calling anyone out because I'm also "guilty" of this. I've recognized it's my own thought patterns and way of thinking, no matter what they have done. I can chose to see it empathetically with compassion and kindness while still going the other way, or I can demonize and throw a fit and call upon myself more of the same through the power of attention because what we focus on expands.

Thank you for bringing light and awareness to this ; and it's not only because I'm female, but it's a very powerful message even if it were shun on the male species because they are also powerful magnetic beings that also deserve love and respect. We are all crying out for love inside but have turned it outward not realizing all we need to do is show ourselves a little more love and that love will reflect back to us what we have given ourselves.



Know thyself....

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Men will hate women and desire them at the same time it’s pretty twisted

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Posted (edited)

I am off to date a crocodile in a couple hours. Wish me luck B|

Edited by Yimpa

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11 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

I am off to date a crocodile in a couple hours. Wish me luck B|

Ask what that mouth do 👹

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Posted (edited)

43 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

I am off to date a crocodile in a couple hours. Wish me luck B|

Sometimes if I contract my face, I look a bit like an owl ahah.

People have heads that resemble certain animals and I even have the impression that there is often a correlation with the psyche

Humm, too much Actualized for today



Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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Posted (edited)

4 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

What’s ironic is these guys are acting worse than gossipy whiny women, playing the victim and cowering in their own pity about being undesired. 

This is the most repelling thing men can do. Whine, complain, play the victim, and blame women for their personal issues as if they are the poorest creatures in the world.

Ironically, they want a beautiful woman to come and save them, provide them with sexual pleasure, elevate their status in society and unconditionally love them without bringing any value. They are highly delusional and detached from reality. It doesn't work that way. Women seek masculine energy, not this toxic, weak, repelling energy. Women seek a man who they can feel safe around, who they can feel like a woman around. Not like a babysitter.

Instead of taking accountability and improving themselves, working on their confidence, limiting beliefs, self-esteem, trauma healing, emotional maturity, communication and social skills, and doing everything to be the best version of themselves, they choose the easiest and lamest path and complain that it leads nowhere.

The worest question weak men ask is "what women bring to the table".

Women bring life, they bring babies (who end up with the men' surname) to the world puting their lives at risk, sacrificing their health and beauty. Even if a woman doesn't want babies, every time she does sex with a man there is a risk of pregnancy, and if she is on pills, it's a great risk to her health. If it's not good enough for those men then they don't deserve women.

Men don't understand how crucial for women is to choose the right man.

They see only themselves and their selfish dick and cry: "She has rejected me because she is so evil"

They act as if she doesn't entitled to select a man according to her own criteria and her best interest taking into account her needs and preferences. 





Edited by Lila9


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2 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

Men will hate women and desire them at the same time it’s pretty twisted

2 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

Men will hate women and desire them at the same time it’s pretty twisted

Yeah, some hate them because they wish they didn't desire them so much and the ones they really want doesn't want them back; so instead of developing themselves and leveling up to maybe attract the ones they desire the most they curse them, find fault and play the victim. That's one reason. People don't hate poor people, they hate the rich.

2 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:





Know thyself....

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5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Yeah, some hate them because they wish they didn't desire them so much and the ones they really want doesn't want them back; so instead of developing themselves and leveling up to maybe attract the ones they desire the most they curse them, find fault and play the victim. That's one reason. People don't hate poor people, they hate the rich.




Facts. And men can still hate women even if they get them and will show it by being abusive in relationship for example. So twisted this male female dynamic. You’d think one wants to move away from what they hate but no

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Posted (edited)

17 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

And men can still hate women even if they get them and will show it by being abusive in relationship for example

Because deep down they don't respect the woman because she chose his dusty ass. Now he feels less of a man because he can't really protect and provide and secretly blames her for choosing him and now he looks down upon her for this and lashes out. She has enabled him, caused him not to be motivated to do better for himself since it's so easy to get a woman like her. Most of it is subconscious where they're not even sure why they're so angry.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Because deep down they don't respect the woman because she chose his dusty ass. Now he feels less of a man because he can't really protect and provide and secretly blames her for closing him and now he looks down upon her for this and lashes out. She has enabled him, caused him not to be motivated to do better for himself since it's so easy to get a woman like her. Most of it is subconscious where they're not even sure why they're so angry.


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Posted (edited)

Women are not amazing gifts. Neither are men. 

Neither are white people. Nor black people. Or any people in between.

There are only good individuals. Amazing individuals. These people are the gifts. 

So as a man, when it comes to females, the only amazing gifts are my aunties, my mommy, my cousins, etc. Just like my uncles, my pops, my cousins, etc.

I refuse to look at a gender as if they are a collective. They are not. My mom for instance has nothing to do with any woman on here. As if a middle eastern ultra-conservative mom has anything shared with any female here. She has more in common with me, she forms my in-group. 

So no, I don't agree with internalizing this mantra. And I'll resist looking at any collective that way. This is fetishization, and a form of worship. No thanks, I don't want that bias within me anymore. God forbid I play my role in inflating the already insufferable ego's of the modern day woman. 

Edited by gambler

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8 minutes ago, gambler said:

God forbid I play my role in inflating the already insufferable ego's of the modern day woman. 

isnt that "Iooking at a gender as if they are a collective"?

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Just now, Sugarcoat said:

isnt that "Iooking at a gender as if they are a collective"?

My point exactly. That's why I won't. 

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Just now, gambler said:

My point exactly. That's why I won't. 

I meant you generalized the modern day woman as having insufferable egos but you said you don't want to generalize hmm

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Just now, Sugarcoat said:

I meant you generalized the modern day woman as having insufferable egos but you said you don't want to generalize hmm

Okay. I refuse to look at any gender as a collective when it comes to viewing them as a tribe. At that point, I disagree and hence, am interested in individuals instead. For instance, just because I'm a man doesn't make men my in-group.

Outside of making them into a tribe and then praising them as a collective who somehow might have more in common with one another than people outside their "group", there is still something useful in generalizing people off gender. Like you can say women care about their looks. Men care about strength. Western woman care about freedom. Middle Eastern men care about honor. Etc. 

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Posted (edited)

16 minutes ago, gambler said:

Okay. I refuse to look at any gender as a collective when it comes to viewing them as a tribe. At that point, I disagree and hence, am interested in individuals instead. For instance, just because I'm a man doesn't make men my in-group.

Outside of making them into a tribe and then praising them as a collective who somehow might have more in common with one another than people outside their "group", there is still something useful in generalizing people off gender. Like you can say women care about their looks. Men care about strength. Western woman care about freedom. Middle Eastern men care about honor. Etc. 

I understand what you mean and agree but I disagree with the modern woman ego stereotype

Edited by Sugarcoat

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1 minute ago, Sugarcoat said:

I understand what you mean but I disagree with the modern woman ego stereotype

The ego on some modern day women has been inflated in my perception. Not all modern day women are insufferable. Probably most aren't. I regret using hyperbole. 

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Just now, gambler said:

The ego on some modern day women has been inflated in my perception. Not all modern day women are insufferable. Probably most aren't. I regret using hyperbole. 

I understand, it’s fine. 

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