Yeah Yeah

Virgin 27 Male - Suicidal Rage

152 posts in this topic

3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I was exactly your age when I started my pickup journey. It's not too late at all.

There's nothing wrong with your situation. This is not a reason to kill yourself.

The solution is simply to focus on socializing and talking to girls. You still have time to meet many girls.

But also, frankly, jerking off can be more enjoyable than sex with girls. You'll be surprised that sex with girls is not as good as it seems. I can have a better sex by myself. When you realize this it's a huge relief.

@Leo Gura A pattern I've noticed with you Leo over the last 10 years is how you've grown in not needing people and being better off by yourself. I'm not saying I'm right, but something I've noticed and makes me curious. Where most humans we can become overly needy of others, and overly dependent, you seem to have gone the extreme opposite.

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@Leo Gura If I don't socialize for more than a couple weeks I get extremely depressed. Crazy amounts of despair. But its like an antidepressant once I do go out with friends and especially if I am approaching. Luckily I have started going out again recently (albeit only once a week). And my spirits are high again. 

@Yeah Yeah Do you have anyone to go out with? I've been going through the same as you. Making some meaningful progress like this can switch your attitude and snap you out of this depressive spiral. 

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2 hours ago, Greatnestwithin said:

@Leo Gura A pattern I've noticed with you Leo over the last 10 years is how you've grown in not needing people and being better off by yourself. I'm not saying I'm right, but something I've noticed and makes me curious. Where most humans we can become overly needy of others, and overly dependent, you seem to have gone the extreme opposite.

I'm exceptionally solitary and introverted. So my lifestyle would not suit most people.

Don't copy me. Find what is right for you.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I was exactly your age when I started my pickup journey. It's not too late at all.

There's nothing wrong with your situation. This is not a reason to kill yourself.

The solution is simply to focus on socializing and talking to girls. You still have time to meet many girls.

But also, frankly, jerking off can be more enjoyable than sex with girls. You'll be surprised that sex with girls is not as good as it seems. I can have a better sex by myself. When you realize this it's a huge relief.

Somewhat unrelated, but: What would be a reason to die? Is there a set of circumstances that would seem reasonable for suicide in your world view? 

And adjacent to that, I’d like to know how you reconciled yourself with all your physical health issues. Because you seem to do better now. 

I could listen to a lecture video about that topic. 

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


But also, frankly, jerking off can be more enjoyable than sex with girls. You'll be surprised that sex with girls is not as good as it seems. I can have a better sex by myself. When you realize this it's a huge relief.

This is subjective. I enjoy sex with a girl more than just watching some pixels dancing. Yea iron grip feels better than the real thing (sometimes) but the intimacy and connection tops it for me. Especially if a girl really fires me up it feels better. Less is more when it comes to hedonism. 

Wanderer who has become king 


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1 hour ago, Vynce said:

Somewhat unrelated, but: What would be a reason to die? Is there a set of circumstances that would seem reasonable for suicide in your world view?

Serious chronic health problems that have no solution. Or very old age.

I read about a case of an Iraq war veteran who got so badly wounded in battle that he could not walk, could not sleep, was in constant physical pain 24/7, had to be taken care of by a nurse every day, and had to shit in a bag because his intestines were too damaged. He lived in hell for several years, his girlfriend left him, no doctors or medicine could help him. His only realistic solution was suicide and so he killed himself.

That to me is a legitimate case for suicide. Not getting laid is not. You don't even realize how good your life was until you have a woman to constantly deal with. You will be begging to be single after a while of girl drama.

53 minutes ago, AION said:

This is subjective. I enjoy sex with a girl more than just watching some pixels dancing. Yea iron grip feels better than the real thing (sometimes) but the intimacy and connection tops it for me. Especially if a girl really fires me up it feels better. Less is more when it comes to hedonism. 

Sex with the same girl will soon get boring. And many other factors will diminish the quality of real-world sex: from problems with timing, to girls who are bad at sex, to condoms, to pregnancy scares, and more.

Of course sex is nice, but it's not as nice as people make it out to be.

Don't forget that sex ain't free. You'll be paying for it somehow. Usually with crazy drama. You will have to deal with all sorts of girl nonsense just to get that sex. Some degree of that is okay, but it does get old after a certain point.

I'm not saying don't pursue sex or relationships. Pursue it. But don't exaggerate its importance to your happiness. A day will come when you will wish you were single and free. When you finally realize your need for girls was largely a fantasy of your own making you will finally find some peace and happiness. Don't confuse horny excitement and drama for peace and happiness.

Edited by Leo Gura

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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I read about a case of an Iraq war veteran who got so badly wounded in battle that he could not walk, could not sleep, was in constant physical pain 24/7, had to be taken care of by a nurse every day, and had to shit in a bag because his intestines were too damaged. He lived in hell for several years, his girlfriend left him, no doctors or medicine could help him. His only realistic solution was suicide and so he killed himself.

“Metallica - One”

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

But also, frankly, jerking off can be more enjoyable than sex with girls. You'll be surprised that sex with girls is not as good as it seems. I can have a better sex by myself. When you realize this it's a huge relief.

I agree. He has a belief that sex is essential and another belief that causes him resentment for not having sex. These two limiting beliefs are keeping him resentful. I'm 31 years old, a virgin, and I'm happy about it. I could have had sex but refused many times. I'm anchored in spirituality, bliss, peace, and well-being. With that being said, we must be prepared for life by making ourselves strong and powerful—energy, vitality, and a drive to work with joy and motivation. That is enough. 

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@Leo Gura Being single rather than having a superficial connection is great and also we must seek meaningful connections not surface level connections likes of which happen in my college. Few girls show interest in me while majority of girls reject me and then start dating other guys. However, I have recognized this as an opportunity for finding a meaningful relationship by a course in which growth mindset was taught. All thanks to genuine and deep personal development journey which began by watching your channel since 2017 . I also follow other self- improvement teachers . Also , secondly I have realised that when I ask myself for the girls who rejected me - Do I really like them ? The answer is always no .

A question - Is doing personal development and simultaneously trying to find a relationship better than not doing personal development and just going from one relationship to another ? 

Also could you make a video only addressing the inner game or the part 1 of your 3 part series was enough.

Edited by Rishabh R

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OP, believe it or not, I lost my virginity when I was 27 and a half years old. 

I got incredibly frustrated with finding a girlfriend or even finding a girl that I was down to have sex with. I even got rejected hundreds of times before and there were many times I felt so hopeless about it all.

But I eventually got my first lay and then got laid with a few more girls. By the time I was 30 years old, I got my very first real girlfriend ever.

I tried everything from online dating sites/dating apps to cold approach/warm approach to meeting girls in social circle for years in small cities, which led me to getting countless nos and some yeses. 

The dating game has really gotten messed since around the beginning of the 2010s because of the rise of the internet, social media, and women becoming more and more capable of being independent. In some ways, it has become more rigged against men. However, it has become easier than ever before to meet all new kinds of women out there.

It's crazy, but in this day and age, I feel like you gotta really play the numbers game hard by approaching and asking out as many new women you meet in real life as possible. Also, you gotta play the numbers game even much more so with online dating sites/dating apps by matching with, messaging, and asking out as many new women as possible on those venues.

I think it really sucks hard trying to meet new girls when you live in a small or even medium-sized town or city that's not big like Vegas, Phoenix, Chicago, Austin, LA, or NYC. It's so unfair.

You especially gotta play the numbers game to the max to get laid with and get in a relationship with attractive women.


Edited by Hardkill

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You'll be paying for it somehow. Usually with crazy drama. You will have to deal with all sorts of girl nonsense just to get that sex.

You're basically calling all girls immature by saying this?

How about an emotionally-stable relationship where both parties just so happen like to fuck each other? Is that common?  @Leo Gura

Edited by Yali

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17 minutes ago, Yali said:

How about an emotionally-stable relationship

You will have to go through 5 wackos before you find a girl like that.

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@Leo Gura

if you had to guess, what percentage of girls do you think are capable of actually being emotionally mature in a relationship?

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3 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura

if you had to guess, what percentage of girls do you think are capable of actually being emotionally mature in a relationship?

Impossible to say. It all depends. And it depends on you too. You can find an emotionally mature girl, but will she make you hard? Your dick will lead you to the craziest girls.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Your dick will lead you to the craziest girls.

how about a highly feminine girl that isn't crazy? @Leo Gura

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You will have to go through 5 wackos before you find a girl like that.

The sixth never comes and it's the reason why you're single

You gotta invest in the good enough girl and take responsability for the growth and maturity of both. Conscious Leadership, right? Sometimes it's too much work, I agree. What for in the end, one might say?

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Just now, Yali said:

how about a highly feminine girl that isn't crazy?

The more femenine the more crazy, that's the rollercoaster

The man is the stability and direction she needs

The women is the kite, the man is the thread

Without one another: women goes lost with the wind and man is on the ground bored.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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1 minute ago, Davino said:

The more femenine the more crazy, that's the rollercoaster


that sounds like a gross simplification of what it means to be feminine @Davino

maybe immature femininity is like that 

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13 minutes ago, Yali said:

how about a highly feminine girl that isn't crazy? @Leo Gura

Good luck

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura so if a girl is highly feminine that automatically makes her crazy? I'm confused at what you're trying to get at

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