Yeah Yeah

Virgin 27 Male - Suicidal Rage

152 posts in this topic

As for suicide, i'm right there with you time to time.

For me the more I focus on myself at those points in time, the worse it is. 
So hopefully this focus on 500 approaches takes you completely out of your head.

Focus on someone else, not yourself, when you are at your lowest (which is one reason why companionship with others is such a strength)

I am also aware that healing takes focus on yourself, but somedays that's not enough.

Edited by BlueOak

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@BlueOak Thanks dude - I'm thinking to go to the Gold Coast tomorrow and maybe attempt socializing and chatting to some women casually and check for venues or potential party locations to dance or karaokie - Wish I could go with mates but I'll attempt this alone if I can step away from weed which I smoke which medicinalized my inner wounds


Wish I could get over being depressed and laugh and be playful and joyous more often and not stress overthinking negative emotions which is probably ruining my health and potential to actually live the best version of my self I can in every moment FUCK

Edited by Yeah Yeah

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7 hours ago, Yeah Yeah said:

@BlueOak Thanks dude - I'm thinking to go to the Gold Coast tomorrow and maybe attempt socializing and chatting to some women casually and check for venues or potential party locations to dance or karaokie - Wish I could go with mates but I'll attempt this alone if I can step away from weed which I smoke which medicinalized my inner wounds


Wish I could get over being depressed and laugh and be playful and joyous more often and not stress overthinking negative emotions which is probably ruining my health and potential to actually live the best version of my self I can in every moment FUCK

Welcome, and take no expectations other than the chat, other than the experience of talking to several women. No expectations means much less anxiety because whatever happens happens.

You are getting closer to not being depressed. Rage or anger is a step above depression as an example.

What you are showing is some courage or willingness above, what I was hinting at is acceptance of whatever result happens, which as you can see is a LONG way from fear, shame, or guilt. If you can hit acceptance or neutrality of the result, life is a lot easier almost across the board in all experiences.



There are slightly different versions of this, and you will feel different ways in regarding different things, different days, patterns, and beliefs you have or are currently experiencing.

Generally, though anger gives fuel to create action, it moves upward towards a result. Anger is a lot of energy moving and if its focused on the goal it can be very helpful to achieve it.

So although you want to be joyful, moving through anger is a good start.

Question: What is a negative emotion to you? Which ones are you labeling as bad? Did someone tell you X is wrong, and so now you suppress X thus never moving through it or allowing it to naturally conclude?

When an animal has an emotion they roar or bark, they shake their body, you see it expressed in them. When humans get them, they bottle them up, keep them in the nervous system, and unconsciously either suppress them cutting part of themselves off, avoid what causes them, or keep reliving them, unwittingly.

Oh and if you ever want a short cut, its always self love or self = everything love

Edited by BlueOak

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Definitely check your weed habit. If it is interfering with your productivity, you are smoking too much. One does not need to be high all day, every day. Fuck Whiz Khalifa.

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@Yeah Yeah I am 23 , the same thing I am struggling with but I am not suicidal due to it. It is not worth giving away your life due to someone else's choice.

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I'm 26 and I don't feel bad about being a virgin at all. What you are really struggling with is feeling unworthy of and disconnected from intimacy. One way of dealing with this is connecting with the divine feminine as a spirit guide. It's basically about imagining the feminine ideal to receive wisdom and energy from it. I recommend reading Tara Springetts Higher-Consciousness Healing.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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9 hours ago, Yeah Yeah said:

All this time I have still been battling suicidal thoughts like I could still potentially just end this dream of life in all honesty idk why put up the effort to survive but good for you dude best of luck anyways, your words or anyone else's words are fundamentally meaningless to me.@martins name@martins name

Do literally anything you can to make that "reach" "action" "starting the thought process of doing the attempt" something that shuts down in a few seconds because it has so many contraditions/worries/fears. fear damaging ur body/attempting it, fear the other side the unknown BADLY. fear it fear it fear it fear it fear it . fear that plunge so bad you would never do it. its terrifying, what if it taints the plunge ugly. idk man just fear the otherside and fear bringing harm to ur body when out of ur own mind/head

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum — it's breathtaking... I suggest you try it.

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You don't have to apologise you didn't do anything wrong

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum — it's breathtaking... I suggest you try it.

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It's okay man you'll get a girl just ask God or the Universe and have trust in God or the Universe you will for sure get a girl have a little more patience

And know for sure there is a girl for you for sure for sure for sure It's not enough even repeating it three times

The Universe has a girl planned for you have faith in that

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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@Atb210201 great dude. @Yeah Yeah another thing is you can do is that put the not knowing for the future which is recognise that you don't know the future and also realise that you can get someone in the present 

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On 7/9/2024 at 9:40 AM, Yeah Yeah said:


So I have never been with a woman, and the pain of being this age without even having had a girlfriend can almost be crippling - I don't want to walk around suicidal depressed rage in case it attracts negative experiences in my life, which it has done, as for example my ability to focus is diminished almost to wanting to die - 

So 27 feels too old to be a virgin, and over the years I continue to bottle down these hormones, but sometimes like once a week, or every two weeks the bottle pops open and I contemplate ending my life ... 

If I do not ever meet a woman, and thus never have my needs met - I must know Leo, am I fine to commit suicide? Will there be repercussions on the other side? Or will this free me from this internal torment - Do I have the right to feel this suicidal rage being my age and having missed out ... I am near to 30, nor do I know how I'll afford marriage, or if marriage will destroy me anyways - Can someone tell me why I should not just end it? Thank you 


Please, this continues bothering me and as the days pass the rage continues and I do my best to live more positive and light hearted, but still - Why don't I just end it? What keeps me alive Leo - I mean did I choose this life or what, can I choose my next life where everything is easier and better? Why is this life on such hard mode with a mind of its own going some direction ... 

Yes—there are repercussions.

You lose the gift of a physical body. You continue to exist but must live out your pre-destined earthly life timeline, but without a physical body. You may still have desires such as eating food and sex, but will struggle to fulfill those desires without infrequent aid from other beings. See Pretas (better to receive this knowledge from a True Guru than trust Wikipedia in my experience but linked for convenience).

I hear of deep regret from those who have suicided. I can't 100% remember where I heard that, it may have been in Betty Shine's book Mind-to-Mind or Betty Shine's Infinite Mind.

This 8-minute video may help you make sense of things:


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Relatable but being a virgin is better than losing it to someone u really dont like at all (which is my case). It's truly blackpilled out there and this guy proves it

Edited by WritingHands

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On 7/9/2024 at 3:19 AM, integral said:

That’s around the same age Leo finally got laid. You’re not alone even Leo took a very long time to get this figured out.

Watch his three part series on “ how to get laid“

Over for me because he was working on himself at least or he had the opportunities back then it was more sane out there and less twisted. Leos genetics are pretty decent and he's freaking tall.I have no energy to invest into myself nor I am mentally wired to be able to make it enjoyable.

Also I have agoraphobia which is like, worse than cancer because I get panic attacks of going far away from home due to losing track or not being able to find a way back.

You barely live with this


 it's not physical but it makes you physically sick aswell


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16 minutes ago, WritingHands said:

Relatable but being a virgin is better than losing it to someone u really dont like at all (which is my case). It's truly blackpilled out there and this guy proves it

Very dark video. Towards the end he showed some inside rage, you could hear it in his voice. He's speaking about particular types of women. Notice how some types of women with respectable jobs, having their shit together, doesn't party or go clubbing, doesn't sleep around and are looking for respectable men for marriage or long-term relationships, women who are CEO's bank managers, business owners, these men don't want or can't have, They're trying to lay up with the  women who are young and naive or are sleeping around or are club and party goers with big tits and ass. Then they complain when the act as such.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 7/11/2024 at 2:03 AM, gambler said:

I'm 32 and a virgin. Though I do have Klienfelter syndrome. And while my physique looks much more masculine now thanks to weight lifting, and therefore no longer looks like the most extreme case of it (imagine a man with a 2007 Kim Kardashian-like physique), it still looks embarrassing. My testicles have never dropped and are the same size as when I was a child. My physique is some sort of male-female hybrid thing (mostly masculine now, but still looks off). I tried going to the doctor's to see how they could help me but they told me I would need to strip in front of a male doctor and I just don't have it in me to do that. Also some of my temperament is that of a female. For instance, I'm extremely neurotic. I have a need for having my feelings validated. And I want to talk about my feelings way more than I should.

Anyways, you're not alone.

Embrace the authentic you. 

Once you are able to love yourself, this opens the door for some lucky girl love to love you for you

Edited by Spiritual Warrior

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@Spiritual Warrior Yeah I must also do the same as I have a lot of resentment towards girls. I lost many girls whom I wanted to be in a relationship with. They started dating other guys. It hurted me very badly.

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On 12/1/2024 at 10:31 AM, Spiritual Warrior said:

Embrace the authentic you. 

Once you are able to love yourself, this opens the door for some lucky girl love to love you for you

I love you

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On 7/8/2024 at 5:10 PM, Yeah Yeah said:

Can someone tell me why I should not just end it? Thank you 

I was exactly your age when I started my pickup journey. It's not too late at all.

There's nothing wrong with your situation. This is not a reason to kill yourself.

The solution is simply to focus on socializing and talking to girls. You still have time to meet many girls.

But also, frankly, jerking off can be more enjoyable than sex with girls. You'll be surprised that sex with girls is not as good as it seems. I can have a better sex by myself. When you realize this it's a huge relief.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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