
I´m never been interested in fucking but I´m attracted to women, explanation?

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2 hours ago, Hojo said:

Making up ideas about feelings is ego. Making up that you used a woman is ego its just feelings being empty is good ego is scared to gain control it says I used this person i must feel bad.

Is sexually assaulting a woman and making up ideas about feelings also ego? 

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On 10/07/2024 at 11:05 PM, Hojo said:

Making up ideas about feelings is ego. Making up that you used a woman is ego its just feelings being empty is good ego is scared to gain control it says I used this person i must feel bad.

Not sure i get you. 

Although of course women will like just sex for sex sake. However women invest more into sex so at the end women will end up regretting just casual sex or expecting some sort of commitment from you.

Whether we like it or not, sex works in different ways for men and women. 

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@Javfly33  We have feelings and then we make up an explanation on why we are feeling the thing but its not correlated except for the fact that we have trained our mind to think that words and emotions go together. So we can use this as a pavlovs dog to feel an emotion but thought and emotion are not correlated.

you created yourself to feel certain ways about words and scenarios but you can feel anyway about any scenario if you detach from these constructions. It was a survival mechanism to be loved. Now that you have Gods love you can undo that if you have Gods love.

Try to feel the emotion of raw fucking a woman while brushing your teeth without thinking about raw fucking a woman just feel the emotion it has nothing to do with raw fucking a woman thats what you assigned the emotion to. Think about raw fucking a woman see the feeling where is it located focus on where its located and try to stop thinking about fucking a woman and then just focus on that emotion and try to make it bigger.

Edited by Hojo

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11 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Javfly33  We have feelings and then we make up an explanation on why we are feeling the thing but its not correlated except for the fact that we have trained our mind to think that words and emotions go together. So we can use this as a pavlovs dog to feel an emotion but thought and emotion are not correlated.

how is it not correlated? When you feel hunger, a lot of times it's because you need to put fuel in your stomach. using a word to describe or explain that feeling is correlated to that feeling.

If you really believe this, then I guess you'd be anti-trans then? because every feeling they get about gender dysphoria is not correlated to any of their thoughts or explanations they make up, they can just feel, as you say, anyway about this scenario if they detach from this construction.

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@gambler  I wouldnt describe pain as an emotion maybe the very base emotion it seems to be a direct cause of physical reality.

Sex is different it requires you to want to do something which is ego. I say hunger is pain.

Gender dysphoria is ego. I think gender dysphoria is ego out of control so much you want to maim yourself. I think schizophrenia is ego out of control too. I think they are the same thing.

I dont think trans is schizophrenia I think trans is just very feminine men and masculine women so much so they want their own label and they created it. But I do think gender dysphoria is.

Gender dysphoria says I hate God I want to permanently changed how I view God. And alot of time it dosent work because its a mental issue. Changing physical reality doesnt not solve mental issue. It can give you peace of mind to solve the mental issue but then after you have peace you see the problem was the dysphoria you had and you just fucked up big time. You see the problem was the mental struggle not physical reality.

The soul has no gender. Ego has gender

Edited by Hojo

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7 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@gambler  I wouldnt describe pain as an emotion maybe the very base emotion it seems to be a direct cause of physical reality.

Sex is different it requires you to want to do something which is ego. I say hunger is pain.

Gender dysphoria is ego. I think gender dysphoria is ego out of control so much you want to maim yourself. I think schizophrenia is ego out of control too. I think they are the same thing.

I dont think trans is schizophrenia I think trans is just very feminine men and masculine women so much so they want their own label and they created it. But I do think gender dysphoria is.

Is there anything wrong with wanting a healthier ego? If you can feel anyway about having casual sex, wouldn't it be better to feel it has an element to it which can be problematic, such as the risk of addiction? If that's the case, what's wrong with choosing a path that emphasizes self-control and discipline, ultimately leading to more meaningful relationship and transcending the animal experience for a human experience?

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@gambler Ego is satan literally. You fall from heaven via ego

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Just now, Hojo said:

@gambler Ego is satan

But having sex whenever you want is still ego?

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@gambler Yes its ego too only one is saying i love God the other one is saying I hate God

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Just now, Hojo said:

@gambler Yes its ego too only one is saying i love God the other one is saying I hate God

Well then, I guess I'll be Satan.

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13 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@gamblerGod loves satan and you

Going back to what you said about having thoughts or explanations about a feeling, wouldn't it work the other way around too? If you feel sexual energy, you might have a thought that you're horny or explain to yourself that you need to fawk/masturbate. But you said words don't correlate to feelings right? Is it satanic to choose to detach from these constructions of the mind and let the feeling pass without attaching to it?

Edited by gambler

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@gambler Yes I was going to say I have that exact problem as a compulsion. I had extreme death anxiety for 25 years and I would think of sex before I sleep in order to not have a panic attack as its a very primal emotion and good to think about. As a result my mind became sexual and I jerk off alot and have watch alot of pornography. Developed guilt around it and fell deeper. I notice that when I am in bed I will think of sex beofre sleep and I was automatically touch my penis. I have programmed my mind by doing an activity so much that I have attached the thought of sex to the emotion of feeling horny and I have developed touching my penis with thinking about sex as well. To reverse this takes time and all these sexual feelings are not even generate by wanting sex I did it because I was too scared to go to sleep at night because its the same thing as dying. Now that I surrender I can stop these attachments but you need to see them first.

You have to un demonize reality by loving what you do then you can detach.

Edited by Hojo

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2 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@gambler Yes I was going to say I have that exact problem as a compulsion. I had extreme death anxiety for 25 years and I would think of sex before I sleep in order to not have a panic attack as its a very primal emotion and good to think about. As a result my mind became sexual and I jerk off alot and have watch alot of pornography. Developed guilt around it and fell deeper. I notice that when I am in bed I will think of sex beofre sleep and I was automatically touch my penis. I have programmed my mind by doing an activity so much that I have attached the thought of sex to the emotion of feeling horny and I have developed touching my penis with thinking about sex as well. To reverse this takes time and all these sexual feelings are not even generate by wanting sex I did it because I was too scared to go to sleep at night because its the same thing as dying.

Interesting. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights with me.

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I had the exact same issue, I was attracted to a woman's beauty and energy, but I never had a raw desire to fuck women. Whenever I would make out with a girl or go down on her or feel her up, I couldn't get a boner. I felt like an outcast and deeply frustrated that I never got laid. I lied about my sexual experiences to my friends because I couldn't handle the social consequences of being labeled a virgin. 

There are many factors that lead to this deficiency in my life, but I mainly blame my addiction to masturbation. 

Finally, at 28 years old I started to get into social dancing and started working at restaurants where I'd interact with women. I started to feel sexual energy coursing through my body while talking to females and dancing with them. This had literally never happened before up until this point.

I finally had sex for the first time a few weeks ago and I have no issue getting it up anymore. And I've mostly dealt with my masturbation addiction at this point. 

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I think you should contemplate about your sexuality more while the sexual energy arises. It will enable you to better understand which method is most suitable for you.

I'm sexuality-wise different and a bit complicated. For example, it never made sense to me to chase. I'm still in the process of finding methods that reflect my needs better.

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I used to have something similar going on in my adolescent and early teen years. I thought girls’ bodies and voices were irresistible but the pussy itself looked creepy, almost alien like 

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On 20/7/2024 at 11:47 PM, Emotionalmosquito said:

I used to have something similar going on in my adolescent and early teen years. I thought girls’ bodies and voices were irresistible but the pussy itself looked creepy, almost alien like 

I like eating pussy thought, the few time i have lol

On 18/7/2024 at 8:48 PM, Nemra said:


I think you should contemplate about your sexuality more while the sexual energy arises. It will enable you to better understand which method is most suitable for you.

I'm sexuality-wise different and a bit complicated. For example, it never made sense to me to chase. I'm still in the process of finding methods that reflect my needs better.

I think im just sexually castrated Because of my karmic impressions. 

@Spiritual Warrior thats great to hear man. I relate a lot with your history. I think indeed i have repressed the natural male sexual energy

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