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Actualized is the best self help content to me.

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I've been watching Actualized since 2014 before then I didnt even know what self help was. I just always had the attitude that I knew everything and I was special.


In alot of ways I really was special I was like nobody else but I constructed an identity that was very contrarian so it just happened naturally mainstream stuff made me sick. I ended up working at Wells Fargo in my early twenties and I felt myself being forced to be a people pleaser type so I searched "How to not care what people think." I found Leos video which ironically has the most views to this day I believe.

From there I was sent into self development and learned basically anything on Actaulized along with anything referred by Leo.

I had already done alot of psychedlics, I wasn't like a psychonaut or anything but for some reason using psychs and praciting things I learned on Actualized never really crossed paths. 


My whole point of writing this is just because I've been going back through alot of the old videos here and there and then also comparing them with other videos and content I've seen online and to me it's just the best. 

It didn't make me richer or healthier or happier by any means really to be honest as much as I wanted it to it just never did, and I'm not blaming the content I think the root of all my issues stemming around any conceptual problems are mostly due to my beliefs. Ironically the things that made me see the most results were LOA shit.

I manifested a  high paying job by believing that I am all realities including ones where I am no longer poor. I manifested a different living situation by believing I was somewhere else. My life has gotten dramatically better within the past year externally.


My main issue now is I'm lonely and always desepreately looking for women to connect with and be with or try to have sex with which sucks because prior to like 2018 I've never had that problem and i've always been with alot of women but I'm sure my last relationship really fucked up the way I view dating along with maybe just the way the culture is at the moment.

The most success I seen recently was by doing obnoxious amounts of LOA shit I started to see alot of girls between like feb-april but I feel like it costed me like time, money, etc. Not to mention I lost alot of followers on social media probably just by being annoying/ unhinged so in essence fucked with my business as well. 


It just drove me to the point where I put down the LOA shit and just went back through Leos old videos. I started to relearn about my ego and how attached I was to all this bull shit that didn't really mean anything. I started meditating more and just doing my best to stop identifying with my body and mind and just realizing how most of my issues are illusory. 

I'm not ignorning anything I have going on my life I still am balancing all these things but I just feel different about it. I'm not saying Actualized is perfect either but when I compare it to other stuff it just makes the most sense. Its very clear and straight to the point. It's engaging and inspiring as well as deep and impactful.


It just always blows my mind that there are no other content creators in this field that are as good I guess so I am highly appreciative. 



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