
Alex O'Connor and Destiny podcast.

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   Is actually decent, albeit I felt they didn't address the elephant in the room with Jordan Peterson's video: Him dodging and weasel around defining Nazism as ultra far right and falsely claiming that Nazi Germany and Adolf's Nazism was a left 'social nationalist party.', which is basically Jordan accepting their premise and their branding whilst ignoring the scholar and literature on Nazism.


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So to my understanding, Peterson would have a problem with gigantism if the Catholic church were to reach that point again. I mean he is a classical liberal, and has bemoaned many times the lack of division of political power and religion when it comes to Islamic governance. He is for the separation of church and state. So I don't understand this point. I feel like Peterson should've just said, yea gigantism when it comes to the church would be a problem too. Instead what he was seemingly alluding to was that the state of the church today, and tomorrow, doesn't hold that level of power anymore. And he is right on that. But that doesn't mean that Peterson is pro gigantism when it comes to the church and anti gigantism when it comes to other institutions. The gigantism of the Catholic church was problematic and hence why the separation of church and state happened. The example of the catholic church ironically bolsters his argument against gigantism.

Edited by gambler

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

basically Jordan accepting their premise

It's even worse than that. Hitler and Nazis were virulently anti-Marxist and Communist. They wanted to kill all the Marxists. Nazis made not distinction between Marxists and Jews.

You gotta be completely delusional to think that Nazis are left wing or socialists.

Edited by Leo Gura

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17 minutes ago, gambler said:

So to my understanding, Peterson would have a problem with gigantism if the Catholic church were to reach that point again. I mean he is a classical liberal, and has bemoaned many times the lack of division of political power and religion when it comes to Islamic governance. He is for the separation of church and state. So I don't understand this point. I feel like Peterson should've just said, yea gigantism when it comes to the church would be a problem too. Instead what he was seemingly alluding to was that the state of the church today, and tomorrow, doesn't hold that level of power anymore. And he is right on that. But that doesn't mean that Peterson is pro gigantism when it comes to the church and anti gigantism when it comes to other institutions. The gigantism of the Catholic church was problematic and hence why the separation of church and state happened. The example of the catholic church ironically bolsters his argument against gigantism.

   I would agree with Jorden that lack of division in power between politics and religion when it comes to Islam governance, specifically the caliphate and more theocratic versions of it. In this point I would agree they would need more humanism and secularism and modernism for them to be compatible to modern western cultures and countries of today. And yes in history when the catholic church was a bit gigantism it was a problem, in particular if it's Spain or France only, but at least in that time there was more unity and cohesion for Christians then, even though yes it's medieval times and it's mostly the serfs and peasants serving their land lords and kings but at least with the crusade was a response to caliphate Islam discriminating against the Christian portion of middle easterners then and destroying churches and all that. The crusades did unit most warring feudal and kingdoms under one banner, and one unity front against the Islamists then because they had a common enemy to unite against. And even before the crusades from Christianity, during the pre Islamic world, when there was no Islam or that religion and it's just a bunch of pagans worshipping many different gods and being mostly tribal there was bound to be a lot of disagreements and divisions that can't be reconciled. 

   Also, first time in my life I seen the word gigantism used like this to refer to when say the church has excess power. Gigantism usually refers to a few very tall and big people, like what are you so upset about Jordan? Sorry but taller means more attractive, get black pilled or something!🤣

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On 7.7.2024 at 1:15 AM, Leo Gura said:

It's even worse than that. Hitler and Nazis were virulently anti-Marxist and Communist. They wanted to kill all the Marxists. Nazis made not distinction between Marxists and Jews.

You gotta be completely delusional to think that Nazis are left wing or socialists.

Yes it's sadly true. They wanted to eliminate them all. 

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1 minute ago, OBEler said:

Yes it's sadly true. They wanted to eliminate them all. 

   True, Jordan acting like this is his first time knowing misinformation and that groups can lie and give misleading titles. He really thought Nazis were a left wing party because they advertised themselves as social nationalist party. I guess he forgot to read past the headline and maybe had a personal beef with scholars that studied Nazism. Anyways am done here. 

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