Merkabah Star

President Kamala Harris.

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1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

If you have a problem with that, you have a problem with democracy.

In a democracy if people decide they want a felon or a rapist to be their leader then so be it. Ultimately it's the people who vote and decide.

Getting a job is not based on voting or democratic values. 

How does my asking a question of that nature suggests that I have a problem with democracy. My question did not suggest that it should not be the case. It merely stated that felons usually have a hard time getting a job based on that criteria alone, yet one can become President of a country. I'm aware that getting a job is not based on voting or democratic values but it certainly can be based on sex, gender, age and race. So, there are some things other than qualification that can cause someone to not get employed. I mentioned that because just because it's not asked on the application, doesn't mean it isn't a consideration that certain employers might be interested in, depending on the position. Also getting a job in politics that one gets hired for or any job related to politics but not subjected to, can be based on political preferences.

Is it the people who vote and decide who RUNS for the Presidency. I also know that the person(s) who run for that office do need to fit certain criteria, one of which is to be a citizen.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, mrPixel said:

That's not true, a democracy doesn't mean that you don't have some basic guidelines in place.

What's the guidelines supposed to do?There is nothing which says that felons or rapists make up for bad presidents.

Besides that every US president is a war criminal. So I don't see how that matters so much.

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55 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

What's the guidelines supposed to do?There is nothing which says that felons or rapists make up for bad presidents.

Besides that every US president is a war criminal. So I don't see how that matters so much.

It all depends on the circumstances of that conviction. A violent rapist VS someone convicted because he was 18yrs old and had consensual sex with a 16 yr old us much different (this is just an example). Who would want someone that committed a violent horrendous act that ended up with someone being very aggressively hurt, victimized and traumatized for a President.

I find your arguments to be very weak.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 hours ago, questionreality said:

I cannot believe what I read, I had to read this 5 times.

What makes you think that you have better understanding of politics than almost everyone on the planet? Politics is not even your main domain.

The problem is that you don't actually hold yourself accountable, and just brush off being wrong with circumstances changing.

People who are actually wise and conscious, don't usually make such statements. In the past you claimed to be the most conscious human on the planet and that you reached the highest levels, and now this?

If you are serious and truly believe this - then you have to be delusional.  

How do you not see the problem with such statements?

Leo is the Conor McGregor of spirituality. And apparently politics too

Leo, you should get into the whiskey business

Edited by mrPixel

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7 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

The more you do this work, the less authority you give to others and the more you realize the foolishness of others. If you think that there are others above you from spending years doing this work, then you wasted many years climbing up a guru’s ass.

I have reached states of consciousness that most people around me haven’t achieved. I haven’t reached the highest, but from my work so far, I see the many traps and foolishness of spiritual authority. I see right through those Buddhist Bats.

One of the insights one should have is realizing that all the answers to the Universe are within. Consciousness is the answer. Nobody can write about enlightenment which makes it pointless to read books about it because consciousness is direct and reading is hearsay.

You are all over the place, man. 😀

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7 hours ago, questionreality said:

What makes you think that in this field you have higher intelligence and higher competence? 

What makes you think that you always know best?

Your condescending attitude towards others (ex: depraved bookie), and the amount of arrogance/ego that you display is surprising to see, given that you been doing this "work" for so long.


You are making more sense than most people here. 

Leo on the main forum seems legit, even with his salty attitude and behaviour,  it’s only in the politics sub forum that he totally comes undone. 

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2 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

You are all over the place, man. 😀

You underestimate Biden’s intelligence. 

Spoiler alert: The Aliens abducted him a long time ago :P


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1 minute ago, Yimpa said:

You underestimate Biden’s intelligence. 

Spoiler alert: The Aliens abducted him a long time ago :P

Now that i can believe. True wisdom. 😂

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13 hours ago, questionreality said:

What makes you think that in this field you have higher intelligence and higher competence? 

What makes you think that you always know best?

Your condescending attitude towards others (ex: depraved bookie), and the amount of arrogance/ego that you display is surprising to see, given that you been doing this "work" for so long.


I read your frustration and I see your points. Look everyone who is alive today has some ego, only those who transcendent do not have but they are also not here with us. And I agree with @Merkabah Star in his latest post about Leo, actually it’s weird lately I started to agree with him more than before. Now about about Leo.

I mean I hope Leo won’t get upset but this is my observation of him. I believe I noticed three things Leo is biased, like really biased and no arguments in the world will change his mind, it’s politics on Israel, Trump and Covid vaccines. Like no matter how many arguments you will give Leo will not take anything into consideration. @Leo Gura I am not criticizing you but I know you want to be caught when you are bias and I bringing my humble view. But that said, having three biases only while most of us have over hundreds if not over thousand is almost nothing. That’s a truly big accomplishment. But when it comes to other topics listed outside the biases, oh Leo knows them as an expert. I am amazed the way he teach such complicated subjects using such simplistic language so that pretty much anyone can understand. I will admit that prior to discovering I was listening to other philosophical channels, but they were not covering even a tenth of the depth Leo covers and using such complicated language that at least half went over my head. By now I have dropped all of them and only listen to actualized when it comes for personal development. 

And by the way, lately Leo is being more “vulgaric” in his tone that he is awakened and we are all asleep and not near it, and he is right, compare to awakening, we are still dreaming tenth dream while he is awake as early as a sunrise. He can criticize us that we cannot even begin to understand solipsism and that he probably is the only one who did understand, and I tell you, he is right on that. This person achieved such depth of understanding that I would say all of us combined are not even at his finger nails. And I am not exaggerating.

So to conclude @questionreality no need to get upset or defensive, no one is here to convince anyone to change their views and those who are here to convince are actually wasting their time, we are here to express our different views or how we all see reality and that’s fine and that’s perfect. Especially when it comes to police there are a lot of biases poping up because they evoke our survival and living. So just accept others point of view even if you don’t agree but at the same time it’s ok and even correct to point to others that their thinking is just a way but not the way 

But remember, There is no one right way or a wrong way. 

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You guys keep wanting me to stoop to your level of bias, to affirm your biases. Of course I won't do that. That's what leadership entails.

Gaslighting doesn't work on me anymore.

I am not going to compromise 1 inch with wrong ways of thinking. This is not CNN.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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51 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You guys keep wanting me to stoop to your level of bias, to affirm your biases. Of course I won't do that. That's what leadership entails.

Gaslighting doesn't work on me anymore.

I am not going to compromise 1 inch with wrong ways of thinking. This is not CNN.


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It can't always be that if you don't agree with me then you are biased. 

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6 hours ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

I read your frustration and I see your points. Look everyone who is alive today has some ego, only those who transcendent do not have but they are also not here with us. And I agree with @Merkabah Star in his latest post about Leo, actually it’s weird lately I started to agree with him more than before. Now about about Leo.

I mean I hope Leo won’t get upset but this is my observation of him. I believe I noticed three things Leo is biased, like really biased and no arguments in the world will change his mind, it’s politics on Israel, Trump and Covid vaccines. Like no matter how many arguments you will give Leo will not take anything into consideration. @Leo Gura I am not criticizing you but I know you want to be caught when you are bias and I bringing my humble view. But that said, having three biases only while most of us have over hundreds if not over thousand is almost nothing. That’s a truly big accomplishment. But when it comes to other topics listed outside the biases, oh Leo knows them as an expert. I am amazed the way he teach such complicated subjects using such simplistic language so that pretty much anyone can understand. I will admit that prior to discovering I was listening to other philosophical channels, but they were not covering even a tenth of the depth Leo covers and using such complicated language that at least half went over my head. By now I have dropped all of them and only listen to actualized when it comes for personal development. 

And by the way, lately Leo is being more “vulgaric” in his tone that he is awakened and we are all asleep and not near it, and he is right, compare to awakening, we are still dreaming tenth dream while he is awake as early as a sunrise. He can criticize us that we cannot even begin to understand solipsism and that he probably is the only one who did understand, and I tell you, he is right on that. This person achieved such depth of understanding that I would say all of us combined are not even at his finger nails. And I am not exaggerating.

So to conclude @questionreality no need to get upset or defensive, no one is here to convince anyone to change their views and those who are here to convince are actually wasting their time, we are here to express our different views or how we all see reality and that’s fine and that’s perfect. Especially when it comes to police there are a lot of biases poping up because they evoke our survival and living. So just accept others point of view even if you don’t agree but at the same time it’s ok and even correct to point to others that their thinking is just a way but not the way 

But remember, There is no one right way or a wrong way. 

You read me wrong, I was not blunt enough.

To say that everyone has some ego, is false equivalence and does not apply to Leo's case. This is not about having different political views, as people can agree to disagree, this goes much deeper than that.

When your guru tells you that he is the most conscious person on the planet (or in his own words, experienced the highest levels of consciousness any human being in history that did), trashes other spiritual teachers and teachings, and claims to know more about politics than almost anyone on the planet, you should see HUGE RED FLAGS.

When your guru almost never admits that he was wrong, never apologizes for anything and displays that level of arrogance, you should see HUGE RED FLAGS. In the latest video on the topic of "being wrong" that he did, he still at the end found justifications for his wrongdoings and sobbed over himself "reaching highest levels of consciousness", while on this forum he claimed that he was being vulnerable and humble. 

At this point, it is fairly obvious that he was either a narcissist from the very beginning or has lost himself along the way (as happened with many gurus).

I am also not the first person to point this out either, just see what the ex mods and ex long time users of this forum have said.

The scariest part is that majority of the followers/students are not able or willing to see these obvious things on the surface - they are in complete denial, ignore the red flags and find every excuse in the book to justify it.

This in no way devalues all the value that he brought to all of us over the years. In fact, it's the work that he preaches allows us to see this.


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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You guys keep wanting me to stoop to your level of bias, to affirm your biases. Of course I won't do that. That's what leadership entails.

Gaslighting doesn't work on me anymore.

I am not going to compromise 1 inch with wrong ways of thinking. This is not CNN.

Please don’t take it as an attack against you, it’s just how some people see you and contemplate on that, maybe there is a reason that some people see you this way and ask yourself why. But by no means we tend to gas light you in any way.

You brought some other interesting point. So there is an ideology A and Ideology B. Of close in absolute domain they are same but in relative domain they are opposite, and a person knows that ideology A is right and he truly believes in it, so then if you truly believe in it, then what you are saying never bent your believes no matter what and even be willing to die for your beliefs? Hmmmm I contemplated on it, maybe you are right, if you are truly believing in it and that what makes you who you are then be prepared to die for them?

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You guys keep wanting me to stoop to your level of bias, to affirm your biases. Of course I won't do that. That's what leadership entails.

Gaslighting doesn't work on me anymore.

I am not going to compromise 1 inch with wrong ways of thinking. This is not CNN.

I don't expect you to change your mind. Please take this as constructive criticism.

- Acknowledge that there are other people who are as smart or even smarter than you, at least in the specific domain of interest.

- People who are actually interested in complex and deep conversations are only going to be repulsed away from your arrogant domineering style.

You can be the intellectual alpha without having to announce it at the end of every post as if it is adding to the conversation.

- Every person literally thinks they are right and wouldn't comprise on their positions. So I don't get what you are trying to prove here.

- This domineering style is not what apt leadership entails and it is becoming a meme at this point. If everyone is pointing it out, then maybe there is something that you can change. Imagine if everyone on the fourm copied your exact style. 

Every thread would be flooded by narcissists. 

I don't want to see more apology videos and posts. You make them and go back to the old behaviour.

Above all, I don't seriously expect any changes, so take it lightly. I think this is baked in your DNA and wouldn't change to be honest. And that's fine.

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@questionreality I see what you are saying. So when it comes to political aspect only for Trump you are right, and again politics are biased to begin with, that’s why I stay away from it.

@Leo Gura see below what I wrote about you and let me know if this is accurate just curious if I truly understood. 

Now when it comes to other topics and especially about spiritual development, you know on this one I would side with Leo. See Leo goes straight to the point and cuts the BS. Other gurus will not tell you straight up things or would play games for you to experience enlightenment on your own. I don’t know whether it’s good or not but sometimes you want straight answers and many gurus would tell you that the enlightenment will come on its own and etc. Leo would say the way it is. And I am not taking Leo’s words as a given, I personally went through it and basically what he explains in his videos it’s just solidifies what I have experienced. And it’s very nice to hear someone reiterates your experiences at least you know you are not there all alone.  Just the idea that you are  there all alone, that you and God, that you and God is one and the same and etc. Those are very deep and profound experiences and mind you many gurus would even deny such things. Just take the topics of Psychedelics, not sure if you know there is a very mainstream spiritual group “Chopra” (I call them spiritual morons) they not only shit on psychedelics and mix it with general drugs such as cocaine and heroine but they deny the idea of achieving such high states. I am still surprised how those idiots still stay in spiritual business, I got personal beef with them, they laughed at me and mocked me, even called me drugatic for convincing their students about the benefits of enlightenment of 5 MEO DMT. Do you know how frustrated I was with those dumbbells and I can see how Leo is also frustrated with other gurus who deny and subscribe only to one set of teachings,  I can see how he can call them names and say they have a long way to go. 

From personal experience I dealt with a lot of spiritual teachers, and sorry for venting out, but I was getting so much shit from them, I was even surprised how can they be even called spiritual teachers and if they were, I said God help their students. I got rejection from them saying they solipsism is a myth, that it’s all in my head, that reality is real, one dushbag even came up in front of entire circle came up to me and pulled my skin and said if I feel it then I must be real as this reality is to make fun of me. I can see Leo’s frustration and how many just do not understand the depth of spiritual teaching and he has the right to be upset. I used to go to them and trying to convince them but was wasting my time, and sorry for saying bluntly but most of the gurus can be a waste of time if you are really going that deep. Yes for an average person who just wants to meditate those will be good, but to go to such high levels, and I would say only a very small level of those individuals can achieve, like an extremely minority, that you can have counting on your one hand and still have fingers hanging, then you will end up frustrating with those gurus. 

Yes I can totally see why perhaps Leo is getting bit upset and also the awakening that he achieved, we can only dream of, but of course we can all achieve such if we put a lot of practice into it, and I mean a lot. So yes I believe Leo has the right to be arrogant and point to us that we are all asleep because in reality we are asleep compare to him and since he reached such high stages he has the right to call down on us as much as a sports trainer calls down on his students to get them up and running as he wants them to do.

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1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

- Acknowledge that there are other people who are as smart or even smarter than you, at least in the specific domain of interest.

Sure. I don't claim otherwise.

The context of this thread is wanting me to somehow come around on Trump, Covid vaccines, or to conform my political understanding to that of bookies.

There was no intelligent or serious discussion here.

If you want to offer an intelligent political argument, I would love to hear it. Mostly what I hear is quite unserious.

This whole thing started because I am arrogant for not taking bookie betting odds as serious politics? This is a nothing-burger.

I was explicitly asked why I don't take bookie odds seriously, and I gave my honest answer.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

. This whole thing started because I am arrogant for not taking bookie betting odds as serious politics? Get real. This is a nothing-burger.

Nice straw man, very dishonest dismissal from you - this has nothing to with not taking bookie betting odds and you know it. In fact with this statement, you have confirmed everything else that I wrote about you above. In fact, with such dishonesty, I am not sure if you can be even taken seriously.

Everything started with this statement of yours:

22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Because I have a deeper understanding of politics and human nature than nearly anyone on this planet.


Coming from a guy who also made claims about reaching the highest levels of consciousness in the history of human man kind, and claiming to have the highest teaching, this is a big deal. 

You preach self-honesty, avoiding self-bias, watching out for blind spots, etc. Yet, you don't embody what you preach.

You are more delusional than I thought and it's quite sad to see.



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@questionreality You are welcome to your opinions of me.

I was clear and honest with you in this thread. You just wanted to hear something else.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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