Spiritual Gain Is No Different Than Material Gain.

Princess Arabia
By Princess Arabia in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
All is mind, most will agree here. Your wanting a brand-new sports car, a new watch, shoes, a better job, starting a business or getting a new gf/bf, is no different than you wanting to achieve anything on a Spiritual level. You might think I'm insane but please hear me out; and this post is in no way trying to say not to do either or that a wanting a new car is the exact same thing as meditating. It's simply showing how the reasons for your desires are the same - A FEELING. To achieve anything or to get our desires met, the same tool is used. Thought. Thought is matter. That car was a thought before it came into manifested existence. You wanted that car so you could FEEL a certain way, whatever that is. That spiritual practice we do, whatever it is, was once a thought. We want to achieve an outcome. That outcome makes us FEEL a certain way. That car, house, job, gf/bf, makes us FEEL a certain way. When that particular thing no longer makes us FEEL how we want to feel, it is replaced by another thought which then results in another desire in order to bring on said desired feeling.  Acquiring something materialistically or Spiritually brings on the same result - a desired feeling. It's still trying to gain something. People who are materialistically rich or have acquired lots of materialistic goals tend to think they are better than others, more fortunate, in a better place and are blessed. People who have ascended Spiritually, transcended old behaviors, patterns, have achieved a lot on a Spiritual level, meditate a lot, have done shadow work, read a lot of Spuritual books, have gone to numerous retreats etcetc, tend to think they are above the normie, are more conscious, fortunate to have discovered this lifestyle, are above others who go out clubbing, drinking, gossip, and engage in low-conscious stuff. Whether it is low-conscious or not is not what I'm referring to here but the feeling it gives. Less hedonistic, more righteous, of a higher caliber human, more intelligent and above the rest in that way. How are the two any different when it's the same tool used and the results are the same. It's all in the mind. Thoughts. Only difference is how that feeling was achieved. We are all searching for a feeling. Even the quest for truth , is satisfying an urge, a feeling of accomplishment a quest and a quenching of one's thirst. The desire for a hot chick VS the desire to feel at peace through meditation is pretty much a desire borne by thought and accomplished by thought. Same tool, same outcome - A BETTER FEELING. Believe it or not, some people are addicted to suffering and will go out of their way to self-sabotage because it's a familiar feeling, They are uncomfortable feeling feelings of happiness and joy because they don't feel deserving. IT'S ALL ABOUT A FEELING. So to sum up, our quest for materialistic goals VS our quest for Spiritual ascension is really not any different, but only how the mind categorizes both, the contents, and the way it gets accomplished. Same result and same tool used. The mind has tricked us into believing that one is better than the other when the only thing achieved and or sought after is A BETTER FEELING. The same emotions arises when that desire on both levels doesn't get or gets met. Frustration, joy, sadness, happiness, contentment, peace etcetc and the same way they are all short-lived and the next quest begins. It never ends on both levels (material/spiritual), until both gets exhausted and the seeking stops which is almost next to impossible for the individual. It's automatic. Even the monk is seeking for a feeling of serenity.     
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