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Keryo Koffa

Psychological Barriers: Stop moralizing, increase your consciousness instead

1 post in this topic

Turn inward, ha! This post itself is outward. But I wanna share the difference as I transition it. Find the motivation for your current behavior. Contemplate it. External Judgements are Internal. You're only taking in input, interpret the input, you're interpreting the input. Everything, emotion and psychological states follow. When you judge, you judge yourself, help yourself instead and others. Become aware, raise your consciousness, response-ability is freedom. Take control over your own doing. It's amazing. Learn to know how, everything that happens in your body is your own doing and you can become aware of that but it takes some work. I am doing it also. Let's learn from each other.

Example: I wanna eat an apple. No! I'm fasting. But it's just an apple. Why do you want the apple? I like the taste. The taste binds you! It's the core of hedonism and equal to everything else. But I still desire the taste though. Okay, but don't feel bad if you don't get it. Okay! Can we get an apple? Yes. Do you worry about calories? Yes. Of a freaking apple?! Yes. Okay. Stop. Eat the apple anyway? Yeah, sure. It's amazing. Do I need it? No. Do I like it? Yes. Good

Inner dialogue, outer dialogue, find the motivation and tackle that, through all resistance, honesty.

Edited by Keryo Koffa

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