
[DO THE TEST] Psychedelics/Experiences/God changes how your brain works

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So i remember in the past before i even knew about spirituality/psychedelics/psychology/getting into godly states/non duality etc. , i was left brain dominant.

I did these tests many times, and i was always left brain dominant.

Now i did the same test again, because i saw it again on facebook and i was right brain dominant. Then i look the difference between being left and right brain dominant, left brain  dominant= materialistic brain  , right brain dominant = more consciousness/god based brain.


Do these short tests for yourself and find out.









Edited by Jowblob

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I used to be able to change it back and forth, but now I only see it clockwise, so right-brain 🤭 Maybe it's because I'm tired.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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You can change her direction by focusing on the foot lol very cool

Describe a thought.

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Hey, I was able to see her spin in both directions, mostly clock-wise.

Edited by UnbornTao

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I can't get her to go anti-clock wise for the life of me

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I see a swan on the bottom

Edited by Yimpa


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Dude it's nonsense. There is 2 errors in your thinking here.

1. Assuming that the direction of spin is an indication towards left or right brain dominance. Which is not true


In popular psychology, the illusion has been incorrectly[6] identified as a personality test that supposedly reveals which hemisphere of the brain is dominant in the observer. Under this wrong interpretation, it has been popularly called the "right brain–left brain test",[7] and was widely circulated on the Internet during late 2007 to early 2008.[2]

2. Assuming that right brain is superior and more god like than left brain, which is also not true.

Left/Right brain dominance is more closely connected to Left/Right handedness, ear and eye dominance. Right brain half is connected to the left hand. Left brain half is connected to the right hand. 
Right brain is more associated towards creativity and emotions, left brain is more associated with logical processing. At least this was the theory for years. Also some articles are pointing out that even the left/right brain distinction is blown out of proportion. And I read somewhere a couple of years ago (I don't know where) that brain functions can switch hemisphere in certain circumstances.

Connecting Right brain to more god like features is absolutely nonsense. Then all left handed people are better then right handed. Which should be retribution for a the suffering we left handed had to endure throughout history. We were mocked and ridiculed called devil worshippers, but no more, now it's time for the the left hand uprising 🤣. Even the Latin word for left handed is Manus Sinistra, which means sinister hand.

Fun fact, when I was doing my IT studies I did an assignment with the University of Arts in Utrecht. Although between 10 to 13 percent of the population is left handed, 40 percent of the students in the university was Left handed, I got these numbers back then from one of the professors working there. There is a correlation between hand domination and creativity. But that still means that 60 percent is right handed.

There is still so much unknown when it comes to the brain. Don't take the social media stuff for truth. It's usually just false.

Just a fun one to show how strange the brain can be:


Edited by OmniNaut

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If your left eye is stronger than your right eye it will rotate clockwise.

Possibly lol, but I got it so that it doesn’t spin at all she just goes back-and-forth.

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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14 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

I used to be able to change it back and forth, but now I only see it clockwise, so right-brain 🤭 Maybe it's because I'm tired.

I could do the same when i was left brain dominant and could make them go both directions. But now it seems impossible for some reason


13 hours ago, integral said:


Possibly lol, but I got it so that it doesn’t spin at all she just goes back-and-forth.

@integral i know what you mean, it goes to right/left for a short time and all the time. Had this experience before. I think in non duality when your mind has more control it doesn't matter, because your mind will control how she moves.



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Have you read return to the brain of Eden ? 

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Used to be able to change it effortlessly, now I see it clockwise no matter how hard I try.

Yet... I did the nostril test, and my left brain is currently more active.

No wonder the creator of this thinks IQ is real.

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2 minutes ago, numbersinarow said:

Used to be able to change it effortlessly, now I see it clockwise no matter how hard I try.

Yet... I did the nostril test, and my left brain is currently more active.

No wonder the creator of this thinks IQ is real.

Nevermind, just changed it, although I wouldn't trust it too much since the nostril test showed it's my left brain being active all the time.

Just a small thing btw, it's called "counter-clockwise."

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If you realize it's 2D and that you are projecting the direction it's going in, you can then get to automatically re-interpreting it as going counter-clockwise. Interesting. If you go left and right with your head while visualizing changing directions, you will see the dancer simply going left and right.

Edited by numbersinarow

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