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Keryo Koffa

The Single Most Profound Concept

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The following will be a pointerful description from which you are to interpret the singular focus and theme.

To realize as its own holon and name the ability and activity of directly accessing and realizing the pointed to source which unites, correlates and contextualizes so much of one's activity and thought. The act of realizing the source of a duality, the non-dual pointed to "thing" behind it around which everything manifests. Imagine studying tons of mathematical concepts but not having the label of Mathematics and not realize the substrate that binds all the different areas. To realize as its own thing the fundamental question whose inquiry leads to the manifestation of all concepts and understandings. The act of inquiry itself, meta inquiry, source. That which I point to is the ability and mental faculty to realize that there is something that all knowledge gravitates around and that gives rise to all conceptual pointers that point to it but are not it. And in that realization, attempting to access that source directly.

Pointers to describe that activity: God, Source, Non-Duality, Meta, Unity, Pointed To, Context, Source of the Context

But most importantly: DIRECT EXPERIENCE

But beyond that, there needs to be sufficient context to question the source and interconnectedness of and unite all that data, see where it springs, what causes emotions to materialize, and then going meta on the emotion itself, and then go meta on the source of all emotions, and then go meta on the source of metaness itself, and then go meta on that

This is what Awakening is, to realize a deeper context as its own thing, the access and realization of which recontextualizes everything

Now, how does one become aware of such? Consciousness! Levels of consciousness! Awareness, Inquiry, Intuition, Pattern Recognition, Psychedelics, Authenticity, Openness, Radical Open-Mindedness, All the titles of all of Leo's videos, navigating all the videos in chronological order and realizing the source of the evolution of the topics Leo talks about and realize through Direct Experience the reason for all of them and all of Leo's experiences he's pointing to.

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

No, I'm not, this is my only account. I remember somebody wondering if I'm Razard86 before too XD. I only started this whole acceleration process into self-understanding in September. It seems elecroBeam has stopped posting in 2022. I might look into him. Ultimately, we all share one consciousness but are unaware of each other's specific personalities, there are bridges and synchronicities. We're all connected. Am I you? Well, if I open myself up to it, I can traverse the sensations that materialize us both. It's really fascinating

7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

BTW you are incredibly intelligent 🧠 

My ego feels flattered. It's really about exploration and contextualization, realizing what has held you back and what you dismissed and avoided before can become your greatest strength, that you can collapse artificial barriers and realize understanding in the process. There is much to be discovered.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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As I was going through all of Leo's videos, this one perfectly described what I was referring to. PARADIGM. Specially, the ability to become aware of paradigms, are recontextualize everything through the self-realization of the source of all of ones interpretation and how it was shaped and fully encompassed in the context of that lens, that shaped one's whole reality, of which one can become absolutely aware of


    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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6 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

All the titles of all of Leo's videos, navigating all the videos in chronological order and realizing the source of the evolution of the topics Leo talks about and realize through Direct Experience the reason for all of them and all of Leo's experiences he's pointing to.

In my opinion, most of the spirituality is toxic. They tell you how the things are, so you create patterns in your mind, identifications and limits from what you have read or heard. The only thing they can tell you in spirituality is: empty your mind, open your heart. everything else is stories. If you fill your mind, you close your heart. The heart of the infinity is your heart, and there is the reality. The mind must be empty, absolutely. Totally clean, then you can see through the surface and open yourself. 

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9 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

In my opinion, most of the spirituality is toxic. They tell you how the things are, so you create patterns in your mind, identifications and limits from what you have read or heard. The only thing they can tell you in spirituality is: empty your mind, open your heart. everything else is stories. If you fill your mind, you close your heart. The heart of the infinity is your heart, and there is the reality. The mind must be empty, absolutely. Totally clean, then you can see through the surface and open yourself. 

And where does that lead? How does it change one's life? I didn't turn transparent. I still have to survive. How does it affect the actions I take and experiences I create. If my mind was completely empty, would I still exist?

Those are the questions I kept asking myself until now but I think I finally get the pointer. The pointer is to let go of the ego so much, that everything that happens, occurs naturally, 100% aligned with the body, fully self-conscious and without resistance and suffering.

But the world still exists, right? Something is still happening, right? Life is still occurring, right? Just without resistence?

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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23 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

And where does that lead? How does it change one's life? I didn't turn transparent. I still have to survive. How does it affect the actions I take and experiences I create. If my mind was completely empty, would I still exist?

Just empty a while, not empty 24 hours . Enough to open yourself. Then the mind can elaborate from direct perception. but if they tell you something in a video and you incorporate it, you are already contaminating that direct perception, it's a mess, not clean. 

23 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

But the world still exists, right? Something is still happening, right? Life is still occurring, right? Just without resistence?

For me the thing is to achieve the most clean perception.  I see very obvious than the perception has to come from the direct reality. Anything else means nothing. Then, what I try is to forget everything about god, life, infinity, conciousness, etc, and just perceive. Open myself, and for that it's obvious that the mind must be empty, clean, to be totally open to the now. It's like an action. You have to push the button "nothing means nothing" and deactivate the meaning, then perceive directly. At first you can do this 3 seconds and it's vertigo, you are floating in the middle of the infinity, without anything to grab. Then could be horrible, you are absolutely alone in existence, trapped in the eternal now, and then infinity opens. You are open. That's the process more or less, and for that you have to stop believing in the mind. The mind is just noise. We could talk and think, it's inevitable, a human compulsion, but to perceive, mind must be silent 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Breakingthewall My current contemplation leads to the idea of "beliefs shape reality" but they're an experiential reality that has to be overridden by conscious focus and awareness itself. If it turns out to be true, it would explain basically everything and all the psychedelic, meditative, non-dual and other states, since as they dissolve all conditioning, reality becomes non-dual.

What I want to know is if your experiential environment dissolves into nothingness. Also, what does nothingness feel like? I'll be accessing it myself soon with a specific focus on psychedelics, but to experientially let go is still an effortful process for me, since I'd freak out if in a normal state of mind, my environment just morphed away, hence creating a feedback loop of reinforcing resistance materializing it anew. But I can work on that.

I agree that direct experience is key. But I've also been doing a lot of shadow work, since my subconscious keeps feeding me past ideas that seem to still be saved somewhere as ripples since they're consistently entering my awareness. But I'm learning to let go and tune out.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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1 minute ago, Keryo Koffa said:

But I've also been doing a lot of shadow work, since my subconscious keeps feeding me past ideas that seem to still be saved somewhere as ripples since they're consistently entering my awareness. But I'm learning to let go and tune out.

Tons of very serious shadow work has to be done. We have to identify all the negative energy and where it comes from, do a total cleaning. It's quite difficult, there is always some shame, narcissism, sadness, regret, fear. You have to look at them directly, look at yourself completely without hiding anything, look at reality directly, without the fantasy of control.

5 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

My current contemplation leads to the idea of "beliefs shape reality"

Beliefs are nothing, reality is absolutely simple in one way, and absolutely complex in another, no one of them can be grasped by any belief, has to be perceived directly. 


7 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

What I want to know is if your experiential environment dissolves into nothingness. Also, what does nothingness feel like?

There is nothing in the sense that there is no mind doing an scheme of how the things are, but it's full, it's the reality. The thing is connecting yourself with the reality without the filter of the logical mind, that creates a bubble that isolated you with the no stop flow of thought. It's like comfortable, a security area, but it's a fiction, it doesn't really protect you

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

The thing is connecting yourself with the reality without the filter of the logical mind, that creates a bubble that isolated you with the no stop flow of thought. It's like comfortable, a security area, but it's a fiction, it doesn't really protect you

@Breakingthewall I actually think I get that part. What I'm wondering about is if the actual experiential physical reality I'm pointing to itself is not equally an activity projected outwards and created through deeper mechanisms that are imbued in the body's physical structure which manifest through consciousness itself and are in a feedback-loop with the logical mind and whether one can understand and manipulate the form of this reality like a psychic by becoming experientially, not merely logically aware of its manifestation and deeper immaterial intelligence and then to explore that realm beyond the logical in the experiential to the same extent we are currently navigating the intellectual.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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15 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

actually think I get that part. What I'm wondering about is if the actual experiential physical reality I'm pointing to itself is not equally an activity projected outwards and created through deeper mechanisms that are imbued in the body's physical structure which manifest through consciousness itself

Agree, I believe that you can perceive how reality emanates from itself, so from yourself, and in some way influence it. I think we actually influence it unconsciously, at least in part. This can become more conscious, but I don't know to what extent, or if anyone knows.  


21 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

then to explore that realm beyond the logical in the experiential to the same extent we are currently navigating the intellectual.

I think so. Let's see to what extent. Very interesting possibility. 

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@Breakingthewall AMAZING! We agree, my problem was that when you were previously speaking about dissolving or emptying the mind, I thought that included experiential reality, I guess my concepts were a little too expansive, since I see now that you meant the mental domain, though it is vast with its interpretive overlay and reinterpretation through focus which creates and modifies how we physically see objects and distinguish them from each other, since that part of cognition helps us navigate the world through even visual and sensory means itself. But of course it has a source that is getting modified by it and that's what we want to access, the experiential reality sans mental distortion. This clears up so much resistance and confusion within me, you cannot believe, am I glad it finally clicked in me. I though, the goal was to dissolve experiential reality itself and I wondered how to warp the physical world itself into blankness. Though actually, maybe that's the next stage, hehe :D

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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 I would draw you both a knot where two heads of a kundalini snake rose up together, and showed you the experience of a dance at the same time. 

At one side of it, I would have emotion, the other intellect, or the masculine and feminine, and together they would mirror the pattern of infinity you are at the moment.



Personally I would dissolve the distinction further, but that's just my own ego talking. 

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5 minutes ago, BlueOak said:

Personally I would dissolve the distinction further, but that's just my own ego talking. 

I can see that, I've been expanding my paradigm by reading lots of Seth Material. There, reality is a psychic one, self-created and our existence as biological creatures is itself a cosmic evolution into an interconnected reality of individuated and mass conscious with what we call our ego being an externally oriented aspect of a deeper entity wholly aware of manifesting the entirety of this experience in all its detail and responsible for shifting us between various states of consciousness, know the mechanics of how it is so intricately created and manifested in our illusion and focus into physical experience through the manifestation of deeper beliefs and motives in the image of physical and psychic reality, mirrored in the environment and all objects, a field of attraction navigating all possible realities.

If that's what you're talking about and I didn't go 180 to what you meant.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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@Keryo Koffa

Certainly, we are constantly experiencing ourselves. Awareness can be full-bodied for example, and entirely emotional, or it can be a mental construct, or both.  The mirror definition works for our minds, but the experiential definition works better when describing our emotions. What mood you are in right now is tailoring the experience you are having.

I was touching on two difficult concepts, and also commenting on the way you both played out this masculine-feminine, logic-emotion discussion in the thread to arrive at a balance point.

Here was my own difficulty or hesitation when I considered it.

All is universal mind: Yes. We often say this.
But Mind is our concept. Universal mind would also mean universal emotion. Universal everything. Psyche is a more encompassing word to use in that case.

The other is the re-enforcing of gender identity in society at the moment, and I wanted to avoid falling into that trap too far when I spoke on it, as it better plays out in the society forum. Spirituality as a whole once encouraged the unification of genders, which didn't play out as favorably across all the social dynamics we have.

So when I say dissolving emotion and intellect together, I mean removing unnecessary distinctions where we can when speaking the experience of ourselves, seen between emotion/intellect which work together in a pattern to create reality. Which I think was probably the original intent of spiritual people in years gone by, which started the cascade of identity problems some experience today by taking it too literally.

*Some spiritual people speak about detachment from emotions so they are no longer influenced by them, but that seems to me like cutting off your arms so you can walk more easily.

Edited by BlueOak

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On 7/5/2024 at 2:48 PM, BlueOak said:

@Keryo Koffa

Certainly, we are constantly experiencing ourselves. Awareness can be full-bodied for example, and entirely emotional, or it can be a mental construct, or both.  The mirror definition works for our minds, but the experiential definition works better when describing our emotions. What mood you are in right now is tailoring the experience you are having.

I was touching on two difficult concepts, and also commenting on the way you both played out this masculine-feminine, logic-emotion discussion in the thread to arrive at a balance point.

Here was my own difficulty or hesitation when I considered it.

All is universal mind: Yes. We often say this.
But Mind is our concept. Universal mind would also mean universal emotion. Universal everything. Psyche is a more encompassing word to use in that case.

The other is the re-enforcing of gender identity in society at the moment, and I wanted to avoid falling into that trap too far when I spoke on it, as it better plays out in the society forum. Spirituality as a whole once encouraged the unification of genders, which didn't play out as favorably across all the social dynamics we have.

So when I say dissolving emotion and intellect together, I mean removing unnecessary distinctions where we can when speaking the experience of ourselves, seen between emotion/intellect which work together in a pattern to create reality. Which I think was probably the original intent of spiritual people in years gone by, which started the cascade of identity problems some experience today by taking it too literally.

*Some spiritual people speak about detachment from emotions so they are no longer influenced by them, but that seems to me like cutting off your arms so you can walk more easily.

Ah, yes, one can perceive the masculine and feminine aspects in reality but overidentifying with either causes many problems, in fact it seems that from whatever reference point we have adopted, the natural tendency should be to integrate the opposite. Of course everything is inherently united and what we really ought to work out, is what we are disconnected from. To quote Seth:

"On some occasions, for example, the woman may go overboard and exaggerate female characteristics, in which case the animus or male within comes to her aid, bringing through dream experiences an onrush of knowledge that will result in compensating malelike reactions. The same applies to a male when he over-identifies with what he believes to be male characteristics, for whatever reason. The anima or woman within will rouse him to make compensating actions, causing an upsurge of intuitive abilities, bringing a creative element to offset aggressiveness. Ideally, left alone, these operations would result in a balance individually and en masse, where aggressiveness was always used creatively, as indeed it can and should be. The animus and the anima are, of course, highly charged psychically, but the origin of this psychic charge and the inner fascination are the result of a quite legitimate inner identification with these personified other-sex characteristics."

And I can definitely see the connection of emotion and thought, they are often tried to be separated but are far better used united, yet both of them have to be understood and mastered as well. Sadhguru for example says it is both inherently merged, emotion being "juicy thought" and carrying greater momentum, both being connected to feeling.


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