Gennadiy1981 and Suicide

61 posts in this topic


18 minutes ago, Yimpa said:


   Yeah I stand by me, and you just stand there in the corner OK?😂

Edited by Danioover9000

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On 7/5/2024 at 10:45 AM, bambi said:

@Leo Gura do you put suicidal tendency and ideation down to bad genetics, or trauma or both etc, did you ever release any videos on this?

There are many factors.

Mental illness is a big factor.

Misuse of the mind is a big factor.

Bad childhood and parenting is a big factor.

Bad life choices is a big factor.

Health is a big factor.

Lack of socialization is a big factor.

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6 hours ago, Thought Art said:

In order to be mentally healthy and enjoy life you just simply need to do the right things. People over complicate this. 

That's not true.

There are many factors beyond your control. You can't just will your way out of serious mental illness or health problems.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura Well, it’s perhaps not universally true under all circumstances. But, right living is useful for those who are out of wack due to wrong living thinking acting… I’ve acknowledged already the nuanced nature of this subject.

If you neglect your mind, body, spirit you will feel like shit. Of course harsh external circumstances and past play a role in this. 

I am not promoting to feel good all the time either.

But, yeah there are circumstances which are terrible and I’m not saying that the suffering is someone’s fault. It’s not. 

It’s a nuanced subject and I promote multiple perspectives and nuanced understanding of the individual/ collective nature of the thing.


As someone who has, at this time largely cured my own suicidal ideation I can say that these things work. Building a healthy mind body and lifestyle is a major part of feeling good for those whose depression is not of deep chemical, physical or harsh life circumstances that are unavoidable and helpless. 

I think it’s wrong to promote helplessness as a universal thing, but it’s also wrong to promote that these things would fix everyone. 

Each person’s situation will be unique. I continue to contemplate. 

Edited by Thought Art

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@Leo Gura Also, what I am saying is not “willing” something. That would be to misunderstand what I mean. I did not “will” away my depression or suicidal thoughts. 

I experienced the ups and downs and worked away at it slowly and patiently for years. Almost a decade now. 

I studied books, experimenting with techniques, had set backs, plenty of them but I keep going. 

I feel as if I am building a health mind, body and spirit and sense of life purpose. That helps. 

Edited by Thought Art

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Letting go and being present. Eckhart Tolle is a great master of this. 


Life purpose is of course great, but if you are already down in life and things are not going well it's not going to work for a lot people. 

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I should have some good input on this issue.

I have been struggling with suicidal thoughts for about 13 years. I have been diagnosed with a combination of depression, anxiety, ptsd, autism, and ocd. There were many factors fueling my suicidal thoughts and has helped me address some of these problems.

First of all, I have been reading the book list. I became well educated on emotional mastery and used trauma release exercises like forgiveness to help with suicidal thoughts. I combined this with self reflection with a journal and I tried therapy with mixed results. I tried anti depressants with disastrous consequences. I would say that the emotional mastery I learned from this site has helped to ease my suffering. Therefore Leo's teachings can prevent suicide.

Secondly, existential problems were causing me some anxiety. I had been thinking deeply about life since I was a child, and it was obvious that I put more thought into this than normal people. My family followed Christianity, but I was skeptical of religion. I used a lot of self reflection and the teachings from many spiritual books to help answer some existential questions. I found some good answers in surprising places like success and productivity books recommended on the book list. I struggled with nihilism especially for a long time, but this site helped me to find meaning and purpose. Therefore, Leo's teachings prevent suicide.

Currently I am seeking a new type of therapy. My biggest weakness seems to be understanding relationships and social isolation. I had a very chaotic upbringing riddled with betrayal and illegal activity. It makes it hard to trust those closest to me. On top of that I have a hard time relating to people due to autism and my family is frustrated with me because of my autism. Misunderstanding social situations gets me into trouble on several occasions. Currently, actualized hasn't helped me with this particular issue, but maybe there will be relationship videos on the future. Sometimes my damaged family relationship triggers suicidal thoughts.

My mind used to be very chaotic. Now my mind is much quieter than it used to be.

Maybe there is a lot more I could say, but I don't know what else.

@Leo Gura Thank you for your valuable work.

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We are in a time where your mental health is very very valuable to you and it will be more with the AI. Besides, you are in a sea of people who are not mentally well and can't or won't guide you because they are not competent enough or "it's not their problem", but every unwell person on this earth really is your and everyone else's problem because it will affect your well-being. And especially when you are becoming a parent, you should have some serious self-reflection under your belt otherwise if you can't cope, do you trust that your children will or the significant other will cope? I feel i am not even qualified yet for that. I don't want to do all of that damage (and I mean that not all was not necessary, but most mental turmoil) I received growing up to another human being. My mother once replied me "somehow you will manage to take care of your children". I understand what this somehow means, and I can't imagine how bad it was for other people.

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I’d say alcohol is the big killer for me… if I go out drinking on Saturday night - the whole week after I feel completely hopeless. All my mind can think of is negative stuff. 
Most people are fine with alcohol, but for me it causes so many problems. 

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Letting go means accepting yourself as God. Suicide and all.


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How I want to approach this topic is sort of like how El Salvador solved their gang crime issue. They did massive sweep putting gangs in jail. However, unfortunately some people who may not have been in gangs were jailed too. 
People judge El Salvador for this. However, life is harsh and when it comes to saving a country sacrifices also results for the greater good of everyone. 

My point is, I am aware I can’t serve everyone. But, I can with my growing understanding help many.

When I provide some of the most powerful practices, concepts and ideas for living a joyful life for most people some people won’t be able to take the advice. That doesn’t mean I will just cower down and be like “oh someone disagrees with me” well, maybe they have some truth but I went and studied this for a decade and I will continue to. I can’t help everyone but my Qigong is helping people. 

Recently my Qigong video was shared on the suicide anonymous UK Website.

My Qigong video is at the bottom. Try it out and see how Qigong can be a useful tool in your life. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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3 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

Recently my Qigong video was shared on the suicide anonymous UK Website.

My Qigong video is at the bottom. Try it out and see how Qigong can be a useful tool in your life. 

Sweet, thank you for sharing!


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You either awaken or kill yourself during the process. Its not fun to do but the pay off is like holding in an ejaculated for decades and then finally releasing it.

Edited by Hojo

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5 hours ago, Hojo said:

You either awaken or kill yourself during the process.

No. Don't normalize this attitude. 99% of people live just fine while asleep.

Edited by Leo Gura

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On 05/07/2024 at 1:12 AM, Leo Gura said:

We have suicidal people on this forum. Plenty of them in the mental health sub-forum. It's sad and I hope they seek out face-to-face help because a forum is not enough to fix that.

I have spoken to some of them and they are very stuck. Unfortunately I don't have the time nor skill to coach every one of them.

I've gone through very difficult health problems so I understand how hopeless and miserable life can get.

Maybe some of us cold compose a long resource listing of the beast Trauma Healing Practitioners and post there in hope some could look for this face to face help. The thing is that if some is very deep in a mental problem and also have money problems they will not be able to afford the necessary help.

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One kind of resource which in my opinion can encourage suicidal tendencies are resources having or sharing bleak or nilhistic viewpoints, or those leading to having no sense of purpose of existence, including sollipism. Discussion of such beliefs should be done with moderation and positiveness, as such can easily to lead to loss of sense of purpose in life, especially when consumed by people in lower conscious states.

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@Rafael Thundercat They say some 20-30% or even more of the population is dealing with Mental Health issues, I was thinking about this awhile ago, in Canada there are about 40million ppl, if 25% of the population has mental health problems, that's 10mil ppl, there are not near that # of therapist or counsellors to help, so its gone out of control imo, I wish it wasn't this way... I think we have to offer ppl programs that are not about Enlightenment, Absolute and such grand things, but just basic stuff, how to be Healthy, How to be Happy, How to Think Right, Eat Right, Breath Right, Sit Right, stuff like this should be taught in schools from day 1, the other stuff like math and geography means nothing if Your mental health is rotten, so there are ways to deal with it for the next generations, this gen will have to suffer thru it and deal with the consequences of it Unfortunately!

@An young being Yes Agreed, that is why for me I keep telling these Absolutist, Non Dualist types and they know who they are, that there are levels and progressions to everything, Living and Promoting the Absolute or Solipsism as the only way or thing existing is rubbish, tell that too the Parents that just lost their child to Cancer, the Solipsist will say its all Imagination and will fluff it off and say bla bla bla, but its a reality for those Parents, so we have to Start from where we are At, not where the End Goal/Destination is, this is Compassion and Realization of what is the Reality, as it encompasses it all, not just one aspect of it...

My Nephew died by Suicide in 2006. it devastated our Family, he was only 27, had tons of friends and family and potential, but mental health was very poor, addiction too, it runs in the family, but its a Cultural problem too, we don't teach our kids how to live and just Be Fulfilled naturally, it was Sad...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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10 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Yes Agreed, that is why for me I keep telling these Absolutist, Non Dualist types and they know who they are,

Referring to me are I totally get you. You have missed the point in my messages when I speak this way, and my life isn't based around non-dual stuff and absolutism. I'm not in the dating section speaking absolutism, nor in the health section speaking isms. It's only sometimes in a discussion on spirituality I may bring this up. 

Life is a progression, yes it is, but certain topics for certain discussions and certain time and place for certain talks. You seem to have a problem with it on a spiritual sub-forum where it belongs. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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