Julian gabriel

The Greatest Questions Ever

36 posts in this topic

thought it would be cool to create a thread of just the coolest most profound questions we can come up with without giving answers.

Here's some examples:

what happens after you leave the body?

what do you think about throughout the day?

what was the most traumatic experience of your life?

what do you want most?

are others concious?

how to become immortal?

what do you fear most?

how to control reality?

what makes reality exactly the way it is?


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Is there a right way to live to have a fulfilling life?

What is time, what is space, what is stuff?

Is reality governed by strict laws or is it more flexible?

How does reality maintain itself, what is persistence?

What is thought exactly? Voices, hallucinations etc.

Do my thoughts leak and/or do they come from "somewhere else"?

Does my body do its own thing, or do "I" control it?

What should living be about if anything? Fun, finding God, grinding, socialising, mastery etc.?

What is and what is the function of dreaming? Are dreams "other worlds"?

Will anything be left of "me" or my conscious experience after death?


57% paranoid

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Why am I not a crocodile?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Could a psychological torturer kill someone with 1 word?

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Why do I even care?

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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To be or not to be, that is the question:

or it is nobler to suffer

under all that cruel Fate throws at you

or to take up arms against a sea of worries

and put an end to it by fighting?

To die, to sleep, nothing more;

and in that sleep find rest from all heartache

and the thousand pains your body gives you,

that would be an ending to wish upon yourself.

To die; to sleep: perhaps to dream: Oh no,

that's where it hurts: for what dreams come in that sleep of the dead,

when we have thrown off earthly cares,

It makes us hesitate: this is the consideration that leads

to the misery of such a long life,

For who would endure the scourge and scorn of time,

the injustice of the oppressor, the arrogance of the rich,

the pains of unrequited love, the errors of justice,

the rudeness of an official, and the contempt

with which fools reward your patient work,

when you can find peace with a simple stab in the back?

Who would endure all this, sweating and groaning under a miserable existence

if it weren't for the threat of what comes after death,

the undiscovered land from which no traveler returns

confuses us and makes us weak,

so that we would rather bear the burdens we know

then to face the unknown.

Thus conscience paralyzes us into cowards,

and thus healthy decisiveness is spoiled by pale brooding

and great undertakings come to nothing.

Hush now, there is fair Ophelia! Nymph,

let my sins be remembered in your prayer

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Why are there still bugs on this forum? Or is that a feature?

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Why do I have a face with eyes,nose,mouth etc..? What was the first Face I saw ever? As far as I can say, I dont rememeber seeing my Mother face whenI was a baby. I saw faces in Visionary States, faces inside my mind with eyes closed. So Who to say I cant create faces in another fashion that not human?

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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Why can't I see my nose.

Because you’re not noisy enough.

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Is Solipsism true / Is experience all there is 
How does some specific form arise from Nothingness 
Is consciousness existence itself or is consciousness created by the brain 
If there is an outside material universe, why am I me and not someone else in this universe 
Why do I have my point of view and not somebody elses / Why was I born as me specifically 
If all atoms of a creature get replaced in the exact way, will it still be the same creature 
If I get beamed from one place to another, will I still be me 
How does consciousness get lower and higher 
Why are nightdreams sometimes so real 
What is after death / Is immortality real 
How can 5 Meo be so powerfull  
How conscious can an AI be 
Will physical laws be forever 
Is God and Love the same 
Whats the best way to live 
Is true knowledge possible 
How does enlightment feel like 
Can human limits be transcended 
What is the nature of time and space
What is the origin and destiny of the universe 
Are there parallel worlds or multiverses or realities 
Is there a essence or substance that underlies existence 
Are quantum mechanics deterministic or probabilistic 
What is beyond the observable universe
What is the fate of the universe 

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1 minute ago, Yimpa said:

Because you’re not noisy enough.


Know thyself....

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17 minutes ago, GLORY said:

How does some specific form arise from Nothingness 

Nothing created from Nothing out of Nothing

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How does fun backfire?

Is it better to be a somebody than a nobody?

What IS the hidden cost of selfishness?

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Posted (edited)

Who’s idea was it to make our bodies require food and water? It’s annoying, expensive and extremely inconvenient.

Why is it illegal to go out in public in our most natural form?

Why do white knights always have to start shit when they notice me flirting with girls?

Why do girls grab onto our shoulders right before they knee us in the balls?

Why does “being yourself” rarely ever turn out well for some people?

If sex is an evolutionary driving force then why do people have bizarre kinks that make zero sense evolutionarily speaking?

Why can’t we be convinced (and it actually be the case) that after physical death we get to do absolutely whatever the fuck we want with infinite power and no limits whatsoever?

If you put a happy person radiating pure love in a room full of evil people, that loving person becomes prey. If you put an evil person in a room full of loving people, those loving people become prey. So why do people say love is the most dominant force when obviously it’s the opposite?

Why can’t we attract girls just by making weird noises and dancing around while laughing hysterically and having a great time? 

Why do we consume our food socially but expel our food privately?

Why are my fellow men still ignorant enough to get suckered into marriage?

What types of products could you make from extracting the constituents of menstrual fluid?

If sex is so enjoyable then why don’t people laugh like goobers during it?

Why are the most horrifically embarrassing situations also the absolute funniest?


Edited by Emotionalmosquito

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On 7/3/2024 at 10:30 PM, Julian gabriel said:

what happens after you leave the body?

The only answer I really really want a million times more than any other. Is knowing this too much to ask?

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What is the real value in the experience you are having right now ?

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Do I have everything I need right now? 

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6 minutes ago, Verg0 said:

Do I have everything I need right now? 

What am I identifying as everything? 

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