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About the ego mind

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The ego exists within a false world which it itself creates via an act of ongoing selective attention; we pay attention only to those aspects of the world that match our unacknowledged prejudices, in other words. Anything that doesn’t fit in with the picture of the world that we have in our head we steadfastly ignore and this is this ignoring (this ‘ignorance’) that turns our prejudicial view into an actual pragmatic reality for us. Via the act of selective attention – which creates entropy on an industrial scale – we get to see exactly what we want to see, therefore, and this turns out to be the worst thing ever..

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8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Desires can be forgotten for a few hours while you meditate or contemplate, but identification cannot be erased for even a second

I believe identification is also erased when our mind is free of thoughts and we are observing only the sensory inputs without judgement or reaction.

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Life seeks the most efficient path to evolve, and in our case that path is the CEO obsessed with having a yacht with two helicopters. happiness? There will be happiness when the mission is accomplished, or extinction, or whatever. 

Exactly, the CEO or anyone of us for that matter, is trying to get to the ultimate realization as a human being by pursuing external situations, isn't it? 

Now my point is, Realistically, what is the reason a human being can not sit in its balcony, breath air/feel the breeze, and be completely Blissed out/Have a level of pleasure that makes it not think about pursing anything anymore?


Definetely there is nothing in life that stops you because it is absolutely possible, at least no one has stopped me, I´ve reached states of satisfaction with just breathing that goes beyond anything a CEO have experienced, just sitting on the floor of my cheap bedroom!

 This is the beauty of Existence, if internally the chemistry or energetic configuration is in a certain level of alignment, you realize nothing external in this world can come close to what is possible to experience within. 

This is how human system works, If a human gets their internal chemistry right, everything falls to place, even if you are living under a bridge. 


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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

This is how human system works, If a human gets their internal chemistry right, everything falls to place, even if you are living under a bridge. 

The problem is that human dynamics are very powerful, have enormous evolutionary inertia, and many triggers that force compulsive action.

would you be happy sitting in misery under that bridge if the cause was that your wife denounced you for rape to steal all your assets and spend it on your best friend, and you just came out of serving an 8-year sentence in prison, during which your daughter commit suicide because of the abuse suffered by your friend? This, on a cosmic scale, is nothing, it is just another movement of life. Could you let it go and be in perfect harmony? In theory yes, but in practice it is extremely difficult.

For example, if you were a crocodile and all your babies had been hunted to make ugly shoes for drug dealers, yes you could. You would be in the sun in total harmony and you would not care about all that even for a second. but being human is different 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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7 hours ago, BEWISE said:

The ego exists within a false world which it itself creates via an act of ongoing selective attention; we pay attention only to those aspects of the world that match our unacknowledged prejudices, in other words. Anything that doesn’t fit in with the picture of the world that we have in our head we steadfastly ignore and this is this ignoring (this ‘ignorance’) that turns our prejudicial view into an actual pragmatic reality for us. Via the act of selective attention – which creates entropy on an industrial scale – we get to see exactly what we want to see, therefore, and this turns out to be the worst thing ever..

Agree in the process , but I don't agree that it is the worst that can happen. It is an evolutionary mechanism that is adjusted millimetrically every second, from generation to generation, to make a species go from living in caves to traveling through the stars in record time. That's pretty impressive, considering our ancestor a few million years ago was a rat. The only problem with this is that on an individual level it is absolute shit.

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@Breakingthewall That was a good read. I'm happy you are creating posts.

I'm also into this process you are describing and find many similarities with it. Although I'm also concerned in parallel with other pursuits in the Awakening Realm.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:


Exactly, the CEO or anyone of us for that matter, is trying to get to the ultimate realization as a human being by pursuing external situations, isn't it? 

Now my point is, Realistically, what is the reason a human being can not sit in its balcony, breath air/feel the breeze, and be completely Blissed out/Have a level of pleasure that makes it not think about pursing anything anymore?


Realistically speaking, the reason is, effort. You have to put a lot of effort to keep sitting blissed out in nature or in your bed for prolonged durations. 

Our mind gets programmed to chase pleasure, in which karma also can play a role, and we have to put a lot of effort in the form of enquiry, discipline, meditation etc. to overcome the programming or bondage.

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46 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

The only problem with this is that on an individual level it is absolute shit.

It could very well be a part of Maya. Do you think your life till now is an absolute shit? 

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19 minutes ago, An young being said:

It could very well be a part of Maya. Do you think your life till now is an absolute shit? 

No, It is not complete, but if you do not make a serious conscious effort, little by little you fall into increasingly closed patterns of identity and rumination, until you become someone with a schematic, dead mind, and this translates into underlying anxiety. It's not horrible like being tortured, but it's dull, annoying, unpleasant, dead.

Life is another thing, is pure joy and creation by definition, but in the case of humans it's a challenge, an enigma, and if you don't solve it, things can turn very hellish 

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38 minutes ago, An young being said:

Realistically speaking, the reason is, effort. You have to put a lot of effort to keep sitting blissed out in nature or in your bed for prolonged durations. 

Our mind gets programmed to chase pleasure, in which karma also can play a role, and we have to put a lot of effort in the form of enquiry, discipline, meditation etc. to overcome the programming or bondage.

You can't keep sitting blissed because the identity, not because the seek of pleasure. Almost all movements are to reinforce identity.

In solitude, identity falls apart, it requires intense mental work of rumination to be maintained. in social relationships it is affirmed. The search for pleasure is normally the search for evasion from anxiety. If we did not have to constantly reinforce our identity, we would not see content, we would not constantly talk to people, we would seek success, etc.

Any animal sits alone for several hours in a state of perfect harmony. For a human it is a very difficult effort, because his identity breaks down and we are absolutely addicted to it

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:


would you be happy sitting in misery under that bridge if the cause was that your wife denounced you for rape to steal all your assets and spend it on your best friend, and you just came out of serving an 8-year sentence in prison, during which your daughter commit suicide because of the abuse suffered by your friend? This, on a cosmic scale, is nothing, it is just another movement of life. Could you let it go and be in perfect harmony? In theory yes, but in practice it is extremely difficult.

Well, firstly you are known for putting extreme examples 😂😂 A lot of bad choices would have to be done to get to the place/example you are saying.

But, ultimately, yes. Homeless people do drugs because if within is tuned in a certain way, it overpowers anything on the outside.


I mean nothing is of the outside, homeless people as all people are suffering their minds, not reality.

No one suffers 'reality' because you might think reality is shit but if I shot you heroin and meth you will suddenly won't suffer reality. So it wasn't reality that you were suffering. Reality is always neutral. It was your mind-body-energies producing certain miserable chemistry within you. 


The trick of course is that the producing of this chemistry is deeply related with the survival of the self, that´s why if you end up homlesss your mind will start to produce certain horrible thoughts as well if your wife cheats on you. 

So in my opinion the game is prioritising good feeling before survival. Realising that is more important to be joyful just looking at a wall than fitting into whatever society standards the mind has absorbed as what is the 'best' way to exist. 


The best way to exist is to be satisfied and blissful 24/7 of the time, any other way society can go fuck itself. But thats my view, I'm a radical case. 😂

Edited by Javfly33

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

You can't keep sitting blissed because the identity, not because the seek of pleasure. Almost all movements are to reinforce identity.

Do you believe identity and seeking pleasures such as alcohol, masturbation etc. are linked together? If so, how?

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1 hour ago, An young being said:

Do you believe identity and seeking pleasures such as alcohol, masturbation etc. are linked together? If so, how?

i would say my identity is bliss but i will rather sacrifice it for scraps of quick fix instant gratification as i am a lazy good for nothing unwilling to sit and toil over being what i am

i mean, everyone else is jumping off the cliff so why not me

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2 hours ago, An young being said:

Do you believe identity and seeking pleasures such as alcohol, masturbation etc. are linked together? If so, how?

I don't think that sex is in the same category. Sex is a natural impulse and it's impossible to avoid. The thing is when sex becomes and addiction, just to evade anxiety.

 Usually all pleasures/addictions have an evasive function, getting out of your anxious vibration for a while. Real sex, with connection, is not an addiction, it is something with a great mystical component, a high human activity

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Usually all pleasures/addictions have an evasive function, getting out of your anxious vibration for a while.

I am not so sure about it, but I do agree that it can be one of the reasons. 

1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Real sex, with connection, is not an addiction, it is something with a great mystical component, a high human activity

Sex with an intention to make your partner happy leads to immense happiness, and not pure pleasure. I would define pleasure as something that gives happiness due to selfishness or even less effort.

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1 hour ago, An young being said:

would define pleasure as something that gives happiness due to selfishness or even less effort.

For example? 

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7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

For example? 

I can't give an example that is of pure pleasure, but let me try to give something closer. When you act like a psychopath and intend to murder someone cruelly and derive happiness from seeing them suffer, I would say it's an extreme form of pleasure.

A less extreme form of pleasure will be masturbation, where you don't put much effort like in sex such as finding a partner, making them fall in love with your etc.  whereas in the first case, you get immediate and intense gratification with less effort. It also depends on your intention of doing it, is it just for pure intense gratification or to relax after a period of stressful effort.

Such forms of pleasures will make you dull and devoid of liveliness, and keeps you from exerting effort and even make you more selfish.

Edited by An young being

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17 hours ago, An young being said:

I can't give an example that is of pure pleasure, but let me try to give something closer. When you act like a psychopath and intend to murder someone cruelly and derive happiness from seeing them suffer, I would say it's an extreme form of pleasure.

A less extreme form of pleasure will be masturbation, where you don't put much effort like in sex such as finding a partner, making them fall in love with your etc.  whereas in the first case, you get immediate and intense gratification with less effort. It also depends on your intention of doing it, is it just for pure intense gratification or to relax after a period of stressful effort.

Such forms of pleasures will make you dull and devoid of liveliness, and keeps you from exerting effort and even make you more selfish.

The pleasure of torturing someone is something quite natural, since at the foundations of life is competition, the fight to the death for survival, so the one who tortures feels power. It has been done in all tribal cultures, it is not evil, it is life. It is the same as the feeling of winning a tennis match but exacerbated and without the civilized filter. The masturbation issue is something else. You are horny and you do it, and that's it, but since it has a huge genetically implanted reward component to promote reproduction, it is easy to turn it into the b side of pleasure: the evasive compulsion, the addiction, that leaves you empty, sad and without vital energy . Some substances like cocaine, heroin or nicotine touch this area of reward of the brain 

But there are more subtle, let say, perverted pleasures.  Maybe some son of a bitch 4 years older than you who, when you were 11, enjoyed beating you up? Maybe a rapist, a scammer, a narcissist who surrounds himself with people with no self-esteem? It's always the same, primitive survival impulses implanted in genes. Their genes scream: it won't be me who will be expelled from the tribe to starve, you will. I'm not going will not be enslaved, I'm going to wield the whip.

These people are still wallowing in the mire of the primitive, they cannot get out of it, for them enlightenment is impossible, even as an idea. Enlightenment is leaving the genetic struggle behind, being reborn from the animal mud as divine essence. then, the pleasure is another: being, observing the work of existence, giving what you have inside without expecting anything in return. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

The pleasure of torturing someone is something quite natural, since at the foundations of life is competition, the fight to the death for survival, so the one who tortures feels power. It has been done in all tribal cultures, it is not evil, it is life.

Those who wish to think from a higher perspective shouldn't classify any person as good or evil, since everything has its foundation in nature and it's evolution, like you've said. 

Can an animal get enlightened? Sure, it can live without thinking much about the past and the future, which itself is a great achievement and reduces suffering to a  considerable extent, but it can't completely be free of its ego. Similarly, some humans are still similar to animals with pure survival instincts and hence difficult to be transformed. But it's still possible to transform and enlighten such people or even animals with love and compassion.

Just like survival instincts are in the nature, the pleasures of selfishness and egoism leading to immense suffering is also in nature, in a more fundamental form. It's not the question of being born good or evil, it's the question of which direction the life journey can be pushed towards from the starting point to make it more fulfilling.


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