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what I am going to say is that the world is what you think it is. To some people it will be very real to others utter nonsense. I prefer to view this as a system or a tool.

 I, personally, stay away from words like reality (real) and truth(absolute truth) because the implication is that there is an objective reality out there that is independent of me and that the "truth" is also independently objective.

The problem with these notions is that all knowledge is dependent on observers who both observe and interfere with experiences differently. It has to do with meaning, which is the story that connects two or more experiences in our mind. We make up meaning; it comes from the imagination. We can make it up any way we like and we can change it when it suits us. 

To me the next rational question is, on what basis then do I make my assumptions? Since I can't really know everything about what is going on here and the evidence is contradictory, at best, what can I do with this big confusing mess known as reality?

My answer is to look at what is important to me, and judge on the basis of how any assumption or meaning works in my life. Since I have chosen to be happy, I make assumptions that foster my happiness. I make decisions based on the overall pleasure they will bring, and I make up meanings that support my happiness. That is, I find stories that make me feel good.

Edited by Evelyna

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23 hours ago, shubhamsharma said:

Is astrology real? Any thoughts on that?

It is an intersting discipline.

I've found that people who have real charts made often find it's accurate. 

Maybe the planets imprint themselves onto people as tey are born. who knows? We don't really know how gravity operates. 

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Western or Indian?

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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