
Unbelievable Enlightenment Method

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Do you guys believe this? Seems a little far fetched.

Why so many practices? Why so many paths? I have a feeling that Leo would totally disagree with Rupert on this one.

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49 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Do you guys believe this? Seems a little far fetched.

Why so many practices? Why so many paths? I have a feeling that Leo would totally disagree with Rupert on this one.

This is Self enquiry, it is the direct path. Many spiritual teachers have made self enquiry with their own scent - like Mooji. They point to the same thing. I've been raving about Ramana's self enquiry for the last couple days because it's in my opinion the best version, because it gives the mind a proper suicidal practise while you are allowed to look at yourself.

The thought Who am I destroys all other thoughts, because you actively detatch from what pops up in your awareness as thought and try to go towards that awareness which is you, but the moment you make that into an object "There I am", you are already the one who is looking at that too.

Holding the I, the apparently "personal awareness" clear of thought is actually Ramana's teaching, but Who am I is used to stop the mind when it tries to attach to something.


Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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7 minutes ago, Shiva said:

if someone asks you: "are you aware?" - for a second you'd pay attention to it and respond "yes". But how long can you stay there?

Most people haven't ever been there and if they have maybe for a second or two. The good insights however come after having stayed there for hours, days, months and years.

Having watched this video there's a risk of falsely believing to be enlightened.

In a way it is as simple as he says. In a way it is not!

Yes, as it leaves room for the mind to take and interpret.

That is exactly why I like Ramanas original teaching way more  even though all points to the same awareness free of thought.

If one doesn't know how to stay as pure awareness, that means mind is there and needs to be untied. The one doing the untying is the mind itself, but you are the one that sprinkles the seeds @electroBeam




-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Shiva what do you do after 'locking' onto your awareness? Because in my experience nothing happens, you just stay ultra sober. But you don't bliss out like a buddha.

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44 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

This is Self enquiry, it is the direct path. Many spiritual teachers have made self enquiry with their own scent - like Mooji. They point to the same thing. I've been raving about Ramana's self enquiry for the last couple days because it's in my opinion the best version, because it gives the mind a proper suicidal practise while you are allowed to look at yourself.

The thought Who am I destroys all other thoughts, because you actively detatch from what pops up in your awareness as thought and try to go towards that awareness which is you


It depends who you are though, because saying 'who am I' can make you point to the body, because society has held up the notion that you are the body for so long that that's what you point to when you are asked that question. Where with 'who is aware' its pretty clear you go back to the creator.

Though loved that excerpt! I've been looking for the best meditation practices for a while now, and I'm surpised I haven't come across that one(and Rupert's) so much time wasted.

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18 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

It depends who you are though, because saying 'who am I' can make you point to the body, because society has held up the notion that you are the body for so long that that's what you point to when you are asked that question. Where with 'who is aware' its pretty clear you go back to the creator.

Though loved that excerpt! I've been looking for the best meditation practices for a while now, and I'm surpised I haven't come across that one(and Rupert's) so much time wasted.

Yes indeed, the question Am I aware that Rupert suggest is actually in essence the same, that's why I said it's self enquiry with different scents, resonating to different conditionings! It's beautiful

-1/12 is Infinity 

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45 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

@Shiva what do you do after 'locking' onto your awareness? Because in my experience nothing happens, you just stay ultra sober. But you don't bliss out like a buddha.

Enlightenment is the end of suffering, not a psychedelic experience / something flashy

-1/12 is Infinity 

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When I'm aware of awareness it opens up a larger headspace that is normally not directly experienced. It's not that awareness isn't always present, just woefully unappreciated for it's depth and beauty.

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I love Rupert Spira.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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3 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Do you guys believe this? Seems a little far fetched.

He considers only the space in which he is. Now it is his freedom to speak according to the peak, the sunlit peak where he is, or to consider the people who are still in the dark valley. 

An enlightened person is never wrong, but he can be useful or he can be useless.He is useless! for us because we cannot think to his level  He is perfectly right; about that there is no question, because I know the peak and what he is saying is certainly true -- from the vision of the peak. Those who have arrived, for them the journey becomes almost a dream phenomenon. For those who have not arrived the journey is real, the goal is just a dream. They are living in two different worlds.

For thousands of years we have been told the ego does not exist. Has it helped us in any way? There have been people who have told, in India particularly, that the whole world is illusory, MAYA, it does not exist, but has it helped India in any way? The true test is there: whether it has helped, whether it has made people more authentic, more real. It has not helped at all. It has made people more deeply cunning, split, schizophrenic; it has made them hypocrites.

Zen says no effort is needed, nothing has to be done. When nothing has to be done, what is the need of a Master? -- because the Master will tell you to do something. Nothing has to be done -- what is the need of the scriptures? -- because the scriptures will tell you to do something, to know something. Nothing has to be done, nothing has to be known. You are already there where you are trying to reach.

And I know this is true, but to talk about this ultimate truth to people who are living in tremendous darkness is futile .No enlightened person can ever be wrong, but only few enlightened persons have been of help. The majority of enlightened people have been of no help at all, for the simple reason because they never considered the other.

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2 hours ago, Snick said:

Sprirituality is the science of deconstruct to the deepest level and to finally arrive at I AM

The "I am" is only the door. Full enlightenment goes beyond "I am".

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You know what you have to do all day tomorrow guys/girls :)

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@electroBeam Yea hell yea. This is also what Bentinho teaches.
The reason why Benthinho however teaches mostly empowerement (self-actualization) rather than enlightenment teachings and self-realization, is that in order to dissolve your sense of self, even when you are aware of the great "I am", you need to take another steps.
The eradication of lack beliefs. The end of seeking. End of neediness. Emotional wholeness (or as Matt Kahn puts it emotional oneness).
Once you align yourself with the true "no sense of lack" which IS the perspective of the great "I am", suddenly the sense of self becomes redundant!
The function of the sense of self is dystatisfaction. You eradicate dystatisfaction through following your excitement/desires/healing/empowerement.
And you naturally merge with the great "I am", and the real fun can begin, where the door opens to merge with God.

Get real on what you really want. Realize that is driven out of lack, eradicate the lack within you, and your higher self shall merge with your lower self. As your higher self merges with its expression it bcomes a channel to god- You will literally become a walking god, in its highest alignment.


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this is basic self inquiry as thought by ramana maharshi and nisargadatta maharaj.

although i think these are the best videos i have seen on the practice


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I actually used this method in the beginning. The length of distance you need to go to get to "enlightenment" is no further than going from believing you are unconscious (a ridiculous assertion) to being aware of being aware. It takes no time. It is always available. If one were to do this throughout the day consciously, then they would be constantly aware. I mean, its not going to bring you psychic powers or anything, but it will remind the self of what is aware. That state is where you enter enlightenment. Everything works itself out from there. The problem is when one can't separate from and disidentify with thoughts. The self is consciousness acting like a self. When this is seen, the rest is just details. When the thoughts arising are not about you, you wont care. Then you will be at peace, and won't need some earth shattering vision of infinity. There is just peace, and whats happening. You already contain everything, so what more is needed to satisfy no one? When people talk about all of their psychic experiences, it is irrelevant to you, its not something to chase for aggrandizement. How can you chase anything when you have no control of what is appearing in you, and who cares if someone has some supernatural power in a dream... It is a dream.

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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@unknownworld Lol. I mean really. Just put on some music, be present, close your eyes and feel that aliveness in your chest and the endless space that you are. Just pure potential for all that occurs. Life is so damn good. Liberation from being the center of the universe is enough in itself. It's so funny that reality complains about fake reality(including the person I thought I was until very recently). Tell someone that they are infinite, and the first thing the mental state does is say: "well there seems to be more infinite infinities than I am." When that thought process releases, there is no center and nothing sticks, there is just being in wonderment that what is is happening. It's incredible, and it is right under your nose. 

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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