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Looking For A Mathematician

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anyone in here that can point me to an excellent mathematician who knows the fundamental forces?

/World out

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19 minutes ago, ProMetEVS said:


anyone in here that can point me to an excellent mathematician who knows the fundamental forces?

/World out

Edward Frenkel

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I am probably going to call a physicist who speaks my native language and tell him what Einstein got wrong instead. Though I am a bit worried about what will happen...

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Should probably call sometime early morning or just past lunch so the guy is less likely to dismiss me just out of low glucose?

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What did Einstein got wrong? And what could happen?

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He based his theory on the assumption that there is only now (called roomtime) but he did only include the past and the present in his theory. He didnt include the future (which is obviously completely counterintuitive). Now is not only the past and the present, it is also the future.

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Ofcourse to someone who is not enlightened it all seems counterintuitive!

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I hope I wont have people eat my liver now, if a picture of Mohammed or saying lords namn in vane pisses people of imagine what will happen to "me" when they hear about this...

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I need a mathematician to tell me I am wrong basically and that I just imagine stuff. My intuition tells me that I live in the now but I also have an experience of the past and the future. Doesnt this mean that the future exists now and that we should be able to "detect" the future with out senses just that we dont have a clue thats what we are looking at because our senses arent wired that way?

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I made a spelling error. Should say: "the future exists now and we should be able to detect the future with our sense...". 

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My intuition tells me one aspect of "future" is like a reversed coin toss. The "future" can tell the outcome (future) and the probability (present), but not the "reality" (past). To a human this would be like something is only a probability (doesn't exist) until it happens, then it becomes either heads or tails. This is the schroedinger equation? We live in "reality" so we "know" past and probability (present) but not the future.

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Another analogy is that we are walking with our backs into time, seeing not lies ahead. Knowing that all there is, is now, we can also "see" ahead of time. Just that it doesn't look like what we imagine in our heads.

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Have you formally studied math and physics? If not, you won't be able to communicate your intentions and ideas to them very clearly and will likely be wasting your time, as the difference in perception would be far too incompatible. 

By studying math and physics you should be able to communicate with them on terms they understand and bridge the gap in perception so your argument gets across. If you can't do that, you will seem no different from a raving lunatic and nobody will take you seriously. That is with good reason.

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I know, thank you Saitama. I am a chemist, I am bad at maths but have studied a little physics. 

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This is my problem, I have an intuition but I don't know how to formulate it. There are many good mathematicians and physicists that know how to do it and it strikes me like a more direct path?

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Is there really no one else that has tried to communicate the practical implications of enlightenment to science. I am not talking in a "spiritual" sense but in a "factual" sense?

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To "me" as a scientist it was "the natural reaction of my ego" to speak in jargon.

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The process goes like:1) here I am in the now, I get it :) 2) what are the practical implications of this? 3) let's start with trying to get an intuitive feel for general relativity 4) ok I have an intuitive feel for it now but it is missing the concept of future 5) I am insane 6) how do I communicate this? 7) am I insane!?

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Present: no time for this have to get the kid to kindergarten and my ass to work

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1) I am stuggling to understand what you mean by Einstein missing the concept of the future in his model of general relativity. It is a model which is drawn from what we humans have found about how spacetime functions and has so far accurately predicted future events.

2) You should not lie to heavily on your intuition when looking at scientific models which do not deal with time and spacial scales similar to times and distances which we experience within our lives.

You have to understand that your intuition is incredibly limited. Your intuition is basically the 'feeling' you have about the way the world should work. You get this feeling from a couple of places. 

Firstly it comes from your DNA - what 'feelings' about the world have helped your ancestors survive. 

Secondly, you get it from your direct experience. For exapmle, if you observe that time is constant no matter what speed you travel at, you may intuitively feel that time is constant throughout the universe. It  is an extremely unintuitive idea to think that time changes as you travel at high speeds yet this has been unarguably proven. 

Our intuition is a tool which helps us survive and prosper as a species, it does NOT provide any value when talking about concepts which are far from what we experience on a day to day basis.

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