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Realms of Wonder

2 Month Life-Purpose Project.

2 posts in this topic

Hey Y'all, 

I want to share with you Episode 1 of a Music based self-documentation project I have been working on since the end of April. 

It follows my journey writing a song from the ground up, the ups and downs of that journey, shot in a cinematic way *as cinematic as my current skill level haha.

As I finish this project, I feel a lot of pride in how far I have come, and how much uncertainty I chose to overcome to create this 4 part series. whether a lot of people watch it or just a few, whether people like it or not: I am proud of the effort and learning I did.

I also hope that it resonates with at least one person, that they feel inspired to create something authentic in their life.


I would love any feedback you have.

  1. Things/moments that were boring to you.
  2. Thumbnail/title perspective
  3. Musical feedback
  4. other

Thank you!




Edited by Realms of Wonder

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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Well, I don't have anything specifically to say, just that making good art is hard. I understand your passion for cinema, and honestly that's one of the hardest arts. Hope it motivates you?

You really need to aim for the best of the best to, maybe, make some impact. But at the end of the day you may be happier...

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