
(TO EVERYBODY) Why do you think it's not "allowed" to record in higher states

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30 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Jowblob in all honesty, do you really think when tripping, technical devices should always work like they should? And if not then you count that as a mystical experience? Angel talking to you when your phone runs out of memory space giving you a hint that the world ends because there is no space for humans or something? 

I dont want to be direct but this thread goes into delusional areas. Mixing mystical experiences with technical errors on you iPhone is not at good way to look at. 





If you've done LSD or meditated for a long time, people will always describe this 1st level of reality change that appears wavy/dreamy/non dual state. The non dual state represents consciousness/God to some level, which means God is experiences/appearances/hallucinations itself.

When i was in state of consciousness/mind that i could drink milk forever without the glass getting empty, do you think technical devices should also "work properly". Ofcourse not!! Because your mind starts recognizing itself as consciousness = "no stability" , so if you would look in the mirror and your face is changing that is just your current mind commanding for new apperances to happen in consciousness.

Watch this short clip,  the girl talking on the laptop. First you watch her as being in the "movie", but ones your mind loses "stability and becomes fluid" you will witness that you're the one creating the reality all around you and suddenly she/you speaks to yourself.


Edited by Jowblob

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@Jowblob ok sorry for my ranting, I now understand. 

This is definitely a possibility although I never experienced that first hand. 

Next time I wanted to record a hallucination and see what happens. 

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Cool video. The Scientist who realizes that they’ve been experimenting themselves the entire time, yes, that will be a scientific breakthrough for sure. 

I AM reborn

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1 hour ago, Jowblob said:

do you realize your current reality is also a "delusion/hallucination"? Or are you denying that?

No, I don't. 

Reality is all about relativity, if you have a single bacteria in your body, would you call it a disease?

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On 7/2/2024 at 7:39 PM, OBEler said:

@Jowblob ok sorry for my ranting, I now understand. 

This is definitely a possibility although I never experienced that first hand. 

Next time I wanted to record a hallucination and see what happens. 

@OBEler Yes try it, if you witness an material object having another form / the object is replaced by another form and is stable , indistinguishable from illussion/reality. Try to make a picture of it.


For example: The chair in your room, suddenly has another stable form of an chair and it looks just as real as the chair from your present reality. Try to make a picture of it

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You are trying to take a picture of your mind with a phone thats in your mind. Its not possible. When you are tripping you are tripping inside your body. The world isn't changing for everyone else just you

Edited by Hojo

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Electricity runs at a counterpolarity to life's natural energies, and more importantly, Earth can only support certain things here that fit into its current physical, social, and mental dynamics. It/You will always create a limit when something cannot. When you reach this limit in too many areas of life, its the point people often seek elsewhere to incarnate.

It is most easily seen when a spiritual concept gradually becomes grounded and slowly stripped away to its practical uses, the more integrated it becomes into the planetary consciousness. Such as some people are attempting to do here in real-time in this conversation. OR I could just point you at the speed sign on your road outside the house, and say look, this is an imposed limit like any other. But for electrical devices, this would be all the cell phone and electrical pollution bouncing around outside the visual spectrum.

Daniel Winter once spoke on this, as have others, but you'll need to search for that yourself or someone similar. I once heard him speak that he knew of two other ways to power things with a better polarity over regular electricity, and that was over a decade ago. Polarity might be the wrong word, it's been a long time since I studied any of Daniel winter's material, because it's not very grounded, and filtering the usable material takes time. He's a kind man to talk to if you ever get time however:


Do you have any internal intuition to call on: If so, read this and ask if I'm being truthful (hint I always am to the best of my ability)

I have personally shut down computer systems accidently and frequently with a press of the screen, when I ran too much kundalini through my own body. Which was hilarious at work when I used to be at a dead-end job shutting down tills. You'll physically feel light pain when touching metal, many people have said the same and they stop wearing jewelry. Unless you put the work in to move energy through your body/mind, and get in a clean environment and bodily state free of electrical/phone, chemical/mental pollution, you'll never know. It may just be that reality becomes more malleable in more open or flow states of consciousness, and so if we install an intricate and ritual (patterned) belief system that this is happening, then it will.

I could do it again over six months, maybe less this time. It was fun till I blew out my Crown Chakra in an argument, that hurt like hell.

Edited by BlueOak

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One time I had a very bad and traumatizing psychedelic trip on DMT. I recorded it. Just as the terror began, the video cut off. Annoying, because I really wanted to see myself flail around the floor screaming. I was curious as to what it looked like from the outside looking in like that.

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8 hours ago, OldManCorcoran said:

One time I had a very bad and traumatizing psychedelic trip on DMT. I recorded it. Just as the terror began, the video cut off. Annoying, because I really wanted to see myself flail around the floor screaming. I was curious as to what it looked like from the outside looking in like that.

@OldManCorcoran thanks for sharing

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On 2/7/2024 at 6:53 PM, OBEler said:


I dont want to be direct but this thread goes into delusional areas. Mixing mystical experiences with technical errors on you iPhone is dangerously schizophrenic territory. You can think so while tripping, but being sober you should take a serious look otherwise you need some help.




The phone is imagined by consciousness as anything else. 

Like i said in the first post, Reiki practitioners advice to not bring your phone with you when receiving the energy for a reason. 

On 2/7/2024 at 6:40 PM, An young being said:

. God is just playing with you!


That i would call an hallucination lol

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

That i would call an hallucination lol

Maybe you are playing with yourself?

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To be frank, synchronicities such as the one he mentioned, where the phone doesn't work exactly at the time he wanted to, is perfectly possible. But an object magically manifesting is not a frequent occurrence, and also very close to impossible in my opinion. It's also important to take such incidents lightly, as they mostly serve no purpose other than increase your curiosity.

Why do I say that the synchronicity is not a delusion? Because such instances are very common in spiritual circles, including in my life. The line that differentiates synchronicities and delusions are the physical laws, in my belief. Free will is the place where you want to search if you wish to know the difference, and why synchronicities can exist within the laws.


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@An young being The way I see it, there is a personal and collective reality. Psychedelics tune you out of the collective and into the personal, they reveal how you construct your experience, which of course includes the collective one inside of it. Actually affecting the collective reality on a material level however does not usually work and I would ascribe the reason to it being a self-limiting reality where the will, belief and agency of others creates certain barriers and its own limitations, unable to be affected from personal experience alone, even though it is in a feedback loop with it, the intake of information might be unobstructed, but the expression of energy outwards has certain barriers and might be limited by having to pass through the barriers of the body. One's consciousness might exists beyond the body on higher layers irregardless and affect the body top down, but there might be a certain energetic limitation based on the nature of the collective world which makes it hard to manifest oneself because it would easily break all illusions. It's like switching between different vibrations of energy with some subtly affecting others, but also passing through each other and not being able to just influence each other directly but through vessels and less direct means to uphold the integrity of our reality.

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  Only time my phone has ever "glitched" so to say, was when I recorded my deepest/strongest (at the time) 5meo journey.

"Things that make you go hhhmmmmm"

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    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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For me since I do psycadelics is group setting I noticed that sometimes when I am about to hit some deep marks some sort of interription can appear. Next trip i will abandon the group when the intensity of the trip get in its top high. 

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15 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

but there might be a certain energetic limitation based on the nature of the collective world which makes it hard to manifest oneself because it would easily break all illusions.

Maybe you're right. This world is limiting in nature, because it may be better to have experiences that way. While directing a movie, you can't deviate too much from the plot or it will spoil the fun. Also, while watching the movie, you have to follow certain rules, such as not making too much noise, or else it will spoil the fun.

Edited by An young being

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On 2.7.2024 at 7:03 PM, Jowblob said:



wild vid. Experienced this many times. Videos/audiobooks talking to me, spiritually guiding me, instantly responding to thoughts I have, almost like a conversation. Often in a gentle way where it can kinda be attributed to being a random delusion but it also seems so real in the moment. When I rewatched the same content in a sober state, there seemed to be nothing spiritual or guiding about it. 

Also had moments where technology seemed to be acting up in a way where the time on my laptop stopped working or displaying seemingly random numbers and my internet stopping to work.

About why you might not be "allowed" to record in higher states: My theory would be, that it could be a sort of protective mechanism. Your lower state self couldn't comprehend what happened to you in your higher state. Having a recording wouldn't serve you. You'd be trying to bring static hard proof to a nondual flowy infinite state. It allows these two seemingly uncombinable realities to co-exist, saving you from having to question your day-to-day reality or the higher state. What you seem to be doing now is trying to understand your higher states through the lens of your lower state and I applaud your efforts, but I have my doubts that you'll get satisfying answers. 



Edited by Godhead

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1 hour ago, Godhead said:

My theory would be, that it could be a sort of protective mechanism. Your lower state self couldn't comprehend what happened to you in your higher state. Having a recording wouldn't serve you. You'd be trying to bring static hard proof to a nondual flowy infinite state.

What I'd add to that is a pointer in the form of "left and right brain hemispheres", reason and intuition. During psychedelics, our state of mind desolidifies and enters the deeper immaterial realm, but we're not there when sober, and the reason for that would be, that we still haven't worked out all the things that keep us grounded and reconciled them. I believe we can have the best of both worlds but need to reconcile and transcend the duality of material/spirit but it takes deconstruction and emotional mastery, in order to learn how to wield that power. To do so, we must change our basic patterns and transition through ego-backlash and authentically deal with all the limitations to bridge those states of mind and become more open and receptive to change, but not through force, but insight. And all world religions already point to these experiences, all art and poetry does as well, all kinds of new age phenomena, astral projection, schizophrenia, the fact that we dream and everything else also. But we have erected psychological and psychic barriers towards that freedom in the shape of identities, relationships, attachments, material desires and these form their own homeostasis that we have to transcend in order to purify and consecrate ourselves to uncover the mist that surrounds us and prevents us from being naturally psychedelic.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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