Jayson G

Project 2025??

301 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Zero remorse from them. Their whole mind is devoted to hating centrism. They will of course blame it all on the center.

So, then they have no real morals then because they themselves are really incredibly selfish people. 

If Trump becomes president again, then how are they going to feel when or if Trump is able to shut down their news network because he would have such "unlimited power" as president?

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

They do some of that, but they also call out Trump's lies and BS. It's just that they are not in the business of really mobilizing people.

Not mobilizing people against an authoritarian like Trump, is completely irresponsible. There's an old saying: "It's not just the evil who wreak havoc on the world. It's the good people who don't do enough to stop them." Good quality responsible journalism is supposed to be the Fourth Estate for our country's democracy.

Again, If Trump becomes president again, then what are they going to do when or if Trump is able to shut down their news network because he would have such "unlimited power" as president?

Look at how Merrick Garland fumbled the whole thing with prosecuting Trump for his crimes by pussyfooting for WAY TOO LONG over the need to send a special investigator like Jack Smith to hit the ground running on both the Jan. 6 case and the Classified Documents case, all because Garland way too afraid of being seen as too partisan.

Edited by Hardkill

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On 01/07/2024 at 8:23 PM, Leo Gura said:

Heritage is just an arm of the Christian Nationalists.

Wow Leo, thanks for sharing this two episodes in your last blog 


I think the problem with people that had a wake up from dogma and closemindness have no ideia or forgot the Ideia of what is a Mind Inclosed in itself. I repeat, I was a mormon beliver and even if deep down I always carried a suspicion that their doctrine was full of shit, at same time there was a certain appeal to the ideia that when Armagedom came I would not be among the sinners but would be among the saints that would  be in the Kingdoom of Peace and Glory of Jesus and the ones who would ressurect in the first ressurection and enjoy the Millenium of Peace. 

Quote from the link below 


What is meant by the phrase “morning of the first resurrection”? One of the blessings pronounced upon those who are sealed in the temple for time and all eternity is the power to come forth “in the morning of the first resurrection.” Elder McConkie explained: “Those being resurrected with celestial bodies, whose destiny is to inherit a celestial kingdom, will come forth in the morning of the first resurrection. Their graves shall be opened and they shall be caught up to meet the Lord at his Second Coming. They are Christ’s, the firstfruits, and they shall descend with him to reign as kings and priests during the millennial era.” (Mormon Doctrine, p. 640.)

They are making a Big Promisse: To Reing as Kings and Priests during 1000 years. People dont abandon such beliefs so easy. I did, because my Thirst for True was bigger than Dogma

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26 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

So, then they have no real morals then because they themselves are really incredibly selfish people. 

If Trump becomes president again, then how are they going to feel when or if Trump is able to shut down their news network because he would have such "unlimited power" as president?

Not mobilizing people against an authoritarian like Trump, is completely irresponsible. There's an old saying: "It's not just the evil who wreak havoc on the world. It's the good people who don't do enough to stop them."

Again, If Trump becomes president again, then what are they going to do when or if Trump is able to shut down their news network because he would have such "unlimited power" as president?

Look at how Merrick Garland fumbled the whole thing with prosecuting Trump for his crimes by pussyfooting for WAY TOO LONG over the need to send a special investigator like Jack Smith to hit the ground running on both the Jan. 6 case and the Classified Documents case, all because Garland way too afraid of being seen as too partisan.

Not really mobilizing people? When the entire populist left has been gutted and suppressed for two decades? Protest vilified and speech deleted. When they do mobilize, this kind of reply happens. Most are not active anymore, you can tell because they are not speaking, or being allowed to. The only ones left are stubborn enough to still reply, I guess when I get tired again or you guys get tired of hearing a view left of yours, there'll just be a complete vacuum to blame.

What happened to the populism on the left? Well, it either went unconscious or went to the right. I can't type a vaguely populist left reply anywhere but here, it gets deleted all the time. 

Nothing ever goes away. It just goes somewhere else.

I wish I could say I was angry with this characterization, but that all past over 10 years ago. Now, oh well same old same old. Blame the left that doesn't exist anymore for not being allowed to. How do I respond to that?

Edited by BlueOak

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

CNN and MSNBC are not helping Trump. They are warning people of Trump's danger.

The anti-mainstream left media is likely to get Trump re-elected because they would rather Trump win than to be responsible adults. Leftists hate the center more than they hate Trump, which is stupid, but leftists gonna leftist. It gives them more to whine about.


1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

So, then they have no real morals then because they themselves are really incredibly selfish people. 

If Trump becomes president again, then how are they going to feel when or if Trump is able to shut down their news network because he would have such "unlimited power" as president?

Not mobilizing people against an authoritarian like Trump, is completely irresponsible. There's an old saying: "It's not just the evil who wreak havoc on the world. It's the good people who don't do enough to stop them." Good quality responsible journalism is supposed to be the Fourth Estate for our country's democracy.

Again, If Trump becomes president again, then what are they going to do when or if Trump is able to shut down their news network because he would have such "unlimited power" as president?

Look at how Merrick Garland fumbled the whole thing with prosecuting Trump for his crimes by pussyfooting for WAY TOO LONG over the need to send a special investigator like Jack Smith to hit the ground running on both the Jan. 6 case and the Classified Documents case, all because Garland way too afraid of being seen as too partisan.

Leftists were the ones demanding a primary in the first place, had that happen and Biden lost if people saw his issues in a dem primary debate this wouldn’t be an issue because we’d have a different dem nominee.

Leftists weren’t the ones who cancelled the primary and are running someone who can’t talk, that is the establishment dems. 

How was it irresponsible to say Biden is too old when Biden is now on the verge of losing because he’s too old? Leftists aren’t the ones making Biden lose in polls, they are demanding he drop out so he is replaced with someone who isn’t too old precisely so the dems don’t lose which they are on path too.

leftists wanted Biden out -> Biden stays in -> Biden loses -> you: why would leftists do this?

that makes no sense, you can’t do the opposite of what leftists want then blame them when it doesn’t work

Edited by Raze

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@Raze There was and is no viable leftist candidate.

Yes, centerists make mistakes. No one is saying they are the best. We are dealing with less than ideal situations.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Raze There was and is no viable leftist candidate.

Yes, centerists make mistakes. No one is saying they are the best. We are dealing with less than ideal situations.

Most of the leftists I’m seeing are asking for a different centrist candidate to replace Biden. There is of course a minority that is gone because of Israel and other things Biden did, but that’s a small segment with no discernible impact in the general, aside from maybe Michigan but those aren’t leftists they are Arab Americans. 

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3 hours ago, BlueOak said:

What about it is a theory?

The only theory here is whether he will throw them under the bus if it suits him. Hint: He will.

   It is 900 pages of speculative actions and behaviors, wishful thinking by those Evangelical Christians just fantasizing what they want to do if Trump wins, similar to hundreds of pages that try to describe the grey aliens, the UFOs, the lizard people, other hoaxes in gov, and even conspiracy theories that are more paranormal and supernatural. Do you not see it as categorically a conspiracy theory, this project 2025? Because if you agree that project 2025 is a conspiracy theory, it necessarily raises the question of why a thread is allowed to discuss it when conspiracy theory threads are not allowed in this forum. Don't you agree?

   BTW, to me all conspiracy theories boil down to mostly speculations and predictions, and depending on the subject covered those probabilities can be much lower in reality. From the conspiracy theories and hoaxes that are CIA and gov related, all the way to the supernatural stuff.

Edited by Danioover9000

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2 hours ago, Hardkill said:

So, then they have no real morals then because they themselves are really incredibly selfish people. 

If Trump becomes president again, then how are they going to feel when or if Trump is able to shut down their news network because he would have such "unlimited power" as president?

Not mobilizing people against an authoritarian like Trump, is completely irresponsible. There's an old saying: "It's not just the evil who wreak havoc on the world. It's the good people who don't do enough to stop them." Good quality responsible journalism is supposed to be the Fourth Estate for our country's democracy.

Again, If Trump becomes president again, then what are they going to do when or if Trump is able to shut down their news network because he would have such "unlimited power" as president?

Look at how Merrick Garland fumbled the whole thing with prosecuting Trump for his crimes by pussyfooting for WAY TOO LONG over the need to send a special investigator like Jack Smith to hit the ground running on both the Jan. 6 case and the Classified Documents case, all because Garland way too afraid of being seen as too partisan.

   It is false to assert that the Evangelical Christian nationalists have no real morals. They certainly do have morals and morality, but the moral development is mostly tethered to their Holy Bible and their interpretations of the Holy Bible, and interpretations of Judeo-Christian values. The specific type here to worry though are the 1-5% of very rich capitalists who claim they're Christian when actually they're in it for the luxury, fame, materials and the power games.

   I also wouldn't be too harsh with the investigation on Trump, building up cases take time, just look at Romania's government and the case they're building against Andrew Tate. Takes time, a lot of paper work, and so on. I also would be careful of calling for mobilized action against any particular figure here, because that logic is also consistent with mobilizing action against Biden, or Obama, or Bill Clinton, or any other president, which in and of itself can be claimed as an insurrection event. See?

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28 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   It is 900 pages of speculative actions and behaviors, wishful thinking by those Evangelical Christians just fantasizing what they want to do if Trump wins, similar to hundreds of pages that try to describe the grey aliens, the UFOs, the lizard people, other hoaxes in gov, and even conspiracy theories that are more paranormal and supernatural. Do you not see it as categorically a conspiracy theory, this project 2025? Because if you agree that project 2025 is a conspiracy theory, it necessarily raises the question of why a thread is allowed to discuss it when conspiracy theory threads are not allowed in this forum. Don't you agree?

Fair point.

The left are treating it as if trump wrote it and will enact it as president, so doubt it would be considered conspiratorial here. 😁


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2 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

The left are treating it as if trump wrote it and will enact it as president, so doubt it would be considered conspiratorial here. 😁

Trump did write it ;)


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9 hours ago, strika said:

How is a thread on a conspiracy theory with 250 posts still standing on this forum? 

I thought conspiracies were banned here?

In fact one beautiful thread on conspiracies that was made yesterday was locked after 6 posts.

I guess conspiracies aren't so bad after all once they align with your bias am i right?

Openminded, unbiased, morally-superior Actualized.org forum is at it again, of course i can't say i'm suprised, go on, ride your Trump/anything slightly right related hate bandwagon Actualized.org users, you will suffer the consequences of your wise, openminded actions anyway, God will do it's thing.

And i better not see anyone trying to rationalize this one by saying it's not a conspiracy theory because the same can be said about so many of them that get banned on this forum every time, this is a matter of ignorant bias from the admin and the mods, openminded forum my ass.


47 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   It is 900 pages of speculative actions and behaviors, wishful thinking by those Evangelical Christians just fantasizing what they want to do if Trump wins, similar to hundreds of pages that try to describe the grey aliens, the UFOs, the lizard people, other hoaxes in gov, and even conspiracy theories that are more paranormal and supernatural. Do you not see it as categorically a conspiracy theory, this project 2025? Because if you agree that project 2025 is a conspiracy theory, it necessarily raises the question of why a thread is allowed to discuss it when conspiracy theory threads are not allowed in this forum. Don't you agree?

   BTW, to me all conspiracy theories boil down to mostly speculations and predictions, and depending on the subject covered those probabilities can be much lower in reality. From the conspiracy theories and hoaxes that are CIA and gov related, all the way to the supernatural stuff.

@Leo Gura No comment, Leo? Your blogpost is the entire catalyst for this thread. I remember my first impressions of Project 2025 almost finding it hard to believe.

Edited by lostingenosmaze


My posts are not representive of the person profiled. I'm just an Ennel-Andy

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Raze There was and is no viable leftist candidate.

Yes, centerists make mistakes. No one is saying they are the best. We are dealing with less than ideal situations.

I keep hearing from a number of commentators out there who say that people in America have become populists since the last decade because the people are tired of the status quo and the establishment. 

Do, you think that most voters in America really are now populists who want a populist leader to run the country or is that still not necessarily true? 

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Raze There was and is no viable leftist candidate.

Yes, centerists make mistakes. No one is saying they are the best. We are dealing with less than ideal situations.


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32 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

I keep hearing from a number of commentators out there who say that people in America have become populists since the last decade because the people are tired of the status quo and the establishment. 

Do, you think that most voters in America really are now populists who want a populist leader to run the country or is that still not necessarily true? 

How else do you explain the success up Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Bernie Sanders, AOC etc.

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20 minutes ago, Raze said:

How else do you explain the success up Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Bernie Sanders, AOC etc.

Yeah, but Trump lost the popular vote twice by a lot to establishment Democrats. Also, MTG, Sanders, and AOC still don't represent the majority of Americans because they either are too far right or come off as too far left. None of them would be able to win in a swing area or in a more moderate district or state.

Edited by Hardkill

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11 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Yeah, but Trump lost the popular vote twice by a lot to establishment Democrats. Also, MTG, Sanders, and AOC still don't represent the majority of Americans because they either are too far right or come off as too far left. None of them would be able to win in a swing area or in a more moderate district or state.

   Sure, but Trump's first popularity vote wasn't that bad, it was a close call. His second one is more noticeably bad. And true those figures are not representative of most Americans, just too far right or left, and Americans preferred likeable personalities and more corporate cultured politicians, either democrat or republican that has some corporate bias.

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11 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   It is 900 pages of speculative actions and behaviors, wishful thinking by those Evangelical Christians just fantasizing what they want to do if Trump wins, similar to hundreds of pages that try to describe the grey aliens, the UFOs, the lizard people, other hoaxes in gov, and even conspiracy theories that are more paranormal and supernatural. Do you not see it as categorically a conspiracy theory, this project 2025? Because if you agree that project 2025 is a conspiracy theory, it necessarily raises the question of why a thread is allowed to discuss it when conspiracy theory threads are not allowed in this forum. Don't you agree?

   BTW, to me all conspiracy theories boil down to mostly speculations and predictions, and depending on the subject covered those probabilities can be much lower in reality. From the conspiracy theories and hoaxes that are CIA and gov related, all the way to the supernatural stuff.

Aliens and UFO's are not a written policy that people are trying to implement. This is a plan or policy I can point to in plain view.

If I were to write a list of what I wanted, and then gave money to someone to get it and have several of my team work with them, My goal would not be a theory no, it would be a goal. They've already achieved certain things, like overturning Roe vs Wade for example, and stacking the Supreme Court. 

The theories can be formed for how much more they will get. Obviously, if the team partly responsible for Project 2025 is in office, more of this will be implemented. 

Edited by BlueOak

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