Jayson G

Project 2025??

301 posts in this topic


6 hours ago, DocWatts said:

According to the skewed rules of the game he won, I wouldn't call it 'fair and square ' since he lost the popular vote by 3 million.

   I'm talking about the time when most people didn't know Trump now. Just like how most people didn't know how lethal Covid-19 was. Should you assign moral blame to those who really don't know?

   And BTW, 40% of Americans that leaned a bit right felt betrayed by Obama, and even some of the democrats voted Trump in at that time. What can you realistically do when half the country wants revenge on the left administration that failed them mostly for 8 years straight?

Edited by Danioover9000

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


   I'm talking about the time when most people didn't know Trump now. Just like how most people didn't know how lethal Covid-19 was. Should you assign moral blame to those who really don't know?

   And BTW, 40% of Americans that leaned a bit right felt betrayed by Obama, and even some of the democrats voted Trump in at that time. What can you realistically do when half the country wants revenge on the left administration that failed them mostly for 8 years straight?

My point was more that Trump wasn't elected because a majority of Americans wanted him in office or agreed with his vision for the country.

Rather, he became president in no small part because of structural flaws baked into America's antiquated electoral system. Where a candidate who loses by 3 million votes can win a presidential election. (Note that I'm not saying that Trump 'stole' the 2016 election, just that the rules of the game were weighted in his favor).

The reason I'm emphasizing this is because of bad narratives from both the far-Left and the far-Right that the American people supposedly want (or by contrast 'deserve') a vengeful Trump autocracy.

When in actually the system is heavily weighted in favor of the %30-40 of the country who find Trump's narcissistic authoritarianism appealing. In this respect there's a parallel to be drawn with misconceptions that a majority of Germans supported Hitler. In the last free Weimar election the Nazis were only got a third of the vote, then proceeded to exploit structural flaws within the Weimer constitution to end German democracy.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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@Rafael Thundercat

18 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:


   Well, the students are taught that democracy came from ancient Greeks like the Athenians because to them that's were it originated. Technically democracy originated when hominids have the capacity to group and be social and dream about different realities, technically.

   Also the Native Americans were not perfect in their notions of democracy:

   As they're still bound by nature and competition for natural resources, which creates natural inequality, which creates conflicts over who gets access to a bit more buffalo, or who gets to claim more land marks.

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43 minutes ago, BlueOak said:


Of course he denies it. He is unstoppable. 😀

American politics lately is like a top Netflix show. You cant make this shit up. 

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The Devil has already started throwing his necro Christian ass-kissers under the bus.

You strike a deal with the Devil and you are not getting away scott free.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura How is this man not in prison? charged on all accounts, still gets to run for president? supreme court immunity ruling, involvement with a criminal organization, i mean all in front of the public eye and every part of america is just letting this happen? It doesnt make sense .. US law is actually pretty good compared to the whole world, we actually abide by it, its well respected, america has great infastructure, so how does a solid system allow one man to get away with so much like this though ... Im starting to think that we hold the position of "president" as dictatorial to some degree, before trump was ever elected, Im not sure, im just trying to get an understanding of all this, but thats the only explanation I have.

"If you're the president we'll let pretty much everything slide" - America ?

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A great explanation about the Movement of Christian Nationalists and How they work and how even if is a minority they can affect politics 


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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

he Devil has already started throwing his necro Christian ass-kissers under the bus.

You strike a deal with the Devil and you are not getting away scott free.

I read your answers here on this post Leo and I am really suprised.

You have said in countless videos and posts here that America is too evolved to sink into a dictatorship.

Now you claim it will happen for sure if Trump wins??

Even if Trump wants to become a dictator, the general American public will not agree to it.

It will collapse like dictatorships in Eastern Europe did after people got fed up with them.

What will Trump do? Imprison and murder hundreds of thousands of protestors to remove all opposition?

Will even the police and military agree to it?

I thought America is far too evolved for this stuff.

Or by "dictator" you mean more of a guy that does not leave office and has immunity from corruption but still shares most of the power with others in his administration. That is really your average corrupt democracy, called "flawed democracy" or "hybrid regime". Not pure authoritarianism where 10 people are Gods and can do whatever they want.

So soft dictator, not Putin style.

Edited by Karmadhi

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42 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

I read your answers here on this post Leo and I am really suprised.

You have said in countless videos and posts here that America is too evolved to sink into a dictatorship.

Now you claim it will happen for sure if Trump wins??

Even if Trump wants to become a dictator, the general American public will not agree to it.

It will collapse like dictatorships in Eastern Europe did after people got fed up with them.

What will Trump do? Imprison and murder hundreds of thousands of protestors to remove all opposition?

Will even the police and military agree to it?

I thought America is far too evolved for this stuff.

Or by "dictator" you mean more of a guy that does not leave office and has immunity from corruption but still shares most of the power with others in his administration. That is really your average corrupt democracy, called "flawed democracy" or "hybrid regime". Not pure authoritarianism where 10 people are Gods and can do whatever they want.

So soft dictator, not Putin style.

   That and the polls recently shows it's unlikely Trump will ever win again, despite that presidential debate being a bad performance by Biden.

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3 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

That and the polls recently shows it's unlikely Trump will ever win again, despite that presidential debate being a bad performance by Biden.

What polls say that? All the polls out are saying trump will win. Prior to the debate, i thought Biden could still win it. Now Biden is screaming about the elites, the party is divided and seems malfunctioning. They are basically handing it to trump. 

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1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:

I read your answers here on this post Leo and I am really suprised.

You have said in countless videos and posts here that America is too evolved to sink into a dictatorship.

Now you claim it will happen for sure if Trump wins??

Because the Republican party has slowly decended into bald-faced corruption. That corruption has now made its ways into the courts and the Supreme Court.

There would not be a serious risk of dictatorship if the Republican party behaved themselves and held Trump accountable for his crimes. But they don't want to do that. Instead they want their Christian theocracy. So here we are.

I didn't foresee that Republicans are this shameless. They are willing to lie, cheat, steal, and commit crimes to get their way, and the population is ignorant and brainwashed by a corrupt right-wing media to enable it all.

It's surprising in its stupidity and shamelessness. And the amount of Americans rationalizing, enabling, and gaslighting about this is an embarassment. This election should not even be close.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Over the past month, Project 2025 has generated such significant interest and attention online, that it now has surpassed even highly popular topics like Taylor Swift and the NFL!!!😨


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If Biden does good in the next debate and rip Trump apart, it will change a lot.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Because the Republican party has slowly decended into bald-faced corruption. That corruption has now made its ways into the courts and the Supreme Court.

There would not be a serious risk of dictatorship if the Republican party behaved themselves and held Trump accountable for his crimes. But they don't want to do that. Instead they want their Christian theocracy. So here we are

I understand.

3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I didn't foresee that Republicans are this shameless. They are willing to lie, cheat, steal, and commit crimes to get their way, and the population is ignorant and brainwashed by a corrupt right-wing media to enable it all.

That may be true for MAGA people but tons of Americans are also liberal and will not put up if democracy is seriously attacked. There were already massive protests against the abortion laws which is a mild policy. Imagine if they do some Putin shit. It could lead to civil war I assume or massive clashing's. Americans never lived in dictatorships or monarchies so it is in their blood not to submit to them. Or am I wrong?

3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's surprising in its stupidity and shamelessness. And the amount of Americans rationalizing, enabling, and gaslighting about this is an embarassment. This election should not even be close.

Does not help with Biden being in such a bad shape. Also most people are just ignorant, to be honest if I did not follow your work I would not even be aware of Project 2025. But I also do not live in the US.

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How can Biden "do well" in the future? His health has deteriorated and it's at the point where he is really, really struggling to meet his obligations. If you can't see that than I imagine you assume they've got him cranked with some special benjamin button juice? He didn't just discover breathwork or something to make a life and death defying stunt. 

It's like asking someone to vote for Trump but in this case Trump's a good guy. It just doesn't feel right to people because they are voting an incompetent leader into office who just isn't as funny as donald. If they want to have an impact on the system, they may believe voting for the bad party would have the best chance of causing an uproar that would hopefully result in competent leaders stepping up to the plate. There's no real plan, it's a tear it down strategy based in an ideology that things would be better changed and the resulting change would surely be better because of how bad it is now. But they won't rationalize it, or talk about it. But they will either not vote or vote to "expose" the joke. Exposing it seems more crystal clear from the irony of Trump but this is a donkey looking in the mirror type situation.  

Edited by Quader
Explanation to why Joe Biden can't be expected to recover due to evident signs of mortality

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49 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

but tons of Americans are also liberal and will not put up if democracy is seriously attacked.

If Trump wins the election it will be too late. Protests will not stop him. In fact, he can use those protests as an excuse to declare martial law.

The key is that this needs to be foreseen by the people now, he needs to be stopped now, not after the election.

You are not going to stop him if he has official legal power. The Supreme Court just gave him nearly unlimited power.

People need to take this seriously now, as if he was being elected as dictator, because that's really what is at stake here.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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