Jayson G

Project 2025??

301 posts in this topic

21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The notion that normal people are being over-regulated is such nonsense. No American is waking up and saying to himself, "You know what the problem with my life is? That's government is overregulating me." It's corporate wolves and lobbiests who care about regulation.

The biggest regulations placed on ordinary people has been from the right: abortion bans, porn bans, drug bans.

It’s not possible to govern a capitalist economy without the alphabet agencies. I don’t think there is a serious intention to do this, it would be bad for the capitalists too.

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Posted (edited)

5 minutes ago, nerdspeak said:

it would be bad for the capitalists too.

Capitalists don't care what's best for capitalism. They care what's best for their company, stock price, and tax cuts for the next quarter or two.

Trump will certainly end badly for capitalism as a whole. The wolves don't care about that because their plan is to personally make out like a bandit.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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But look this interesting remix in France now. Gay guys that are part of the Far-Rigth Party. 

For me the think is: Human beings are the masters of Bullshit, are using Infinite intelligence to swing around anything and creating rationalizations to keep being whatever they are. I even saw one day a roober in interview telling that if he was not a robber the cops could not have jobs, that thanks to him cops have jobs. 

So, for me any ideiology is like a indentity addiction, and a junkie will use any excuse to keep being an addict. But dont ask this people for Integrity, that would ruin the game. 

But this girl in the video is a master genius on analysis of the situation. 


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This is legitmately scary. Its crazy how fast things are unraveling in this country. Even with Trump's 1st term and attempted coup I didn't imagine things would get this bad. If Biden or whatever Democrat isn't elected in 2024, I'm not sure how we're going to get through this. 

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Posted (edited)

The thing is, it's a lot easier to break government than it is to build it up into something effecient and fair.

The damage that Trump and his Christian stooges will do will take decades to fix. They have already corrupted and broken the Supreme Court for a generation. And that's before Trump went full dictator mode.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Notice, just since I made my blog post about this issue the right-wing has already made a big advance towards a Trump autocracy.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 7/1/2024 at 9:07 PM, Leo Gura said:

Wealth inequality is gonna be besides the point when you have a vengeful dictator in office.

Leo, what do you mean by this? What will happen to the middle class? Social programs, housing costs, cost of education?

What about the quality of education so that we can compete with other countries?

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Posted (edited)

15 minutes ago, mrPixel said:

What will happen to the middle class? Social programs, housing costs, cost of education?

All social programs will be slashed.

House costs will continue to rise even more.

Project 2025 calls for the elmination of the Department of Education, gutting public schools,  and making education a vehicle for Christian dogma.

Trump will set the corporate wolves free to prey on the middle class, pilliaging whatever they can. Corporations will use this opportunity to enslave and exploit the middle class.

But none of this will even make the news because of the criminal campaign that Trump will wage on his Democrat opponents and enemies and the mass deporation of migrants and other absurd actions.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Assuming Trump wins and goes full dictator, when will right-wing low and middle class citizens realize they opened pandora's box? At some point they have to wonder how in the hell they are going to survive due to wealth inequality. Trump will no longer be able to blame the radical left, immigrants, etc.

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Glad this is happening in the age of AI and AGI otherwise I don't really see a way out of this.

Apparently, the democrats are heavily considering replacing Biden for this run so that's interesting. 


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13 minutes ago, mrPixel said:

@Leo Gura Assuming Trump wins and goes full dictator, when will right-wing low and middle class citizens realize they opened pandora's box? At some point they have to wonder how in the hell they are going to survive due to wealth inequality. Trump will no longer be able to blame the radical left, immigrants, etc.

Half of them won't care because they have been brainwashed to foam at the mouth for owning the libs. The other half will realize they made a mistake but by then it will be way too late.

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37 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

they have been brainwashed to foam at the mouth for owning the libs

And freedom... Guns, Jesus, and not having to wear a mask.

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I'm reading about project 2025 right now. They are saying it is a group conservative project for conservatives to participate in to aid the next conservative president. 

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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Posted (edited)

10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Project 2025 calls for the elmination of the Department of Education,

This would mean no more federal student loans. All of higher ed would collapse. 

The harsh market-based system in the US is only legitimate (to the extent it is) because it provides cheap loans on very lenient terms to people to get educated. So, yeah, we have extreme inequality, but at least make gestures at equality of opportunity. 

More broadly, I skimmed the program and I don't think it's feasible. It's political technology designed to mobilize his base. 

To implement radical overhauls like this requires some degree of latent support, or extreme terror. In terms of support -- okay, maybe it's there in some regions. But California and the northeastern cities -- where all the money is -- not to mention large portions of the security services, would just not accept it.

In terms of extreme state terror -- I don't see it happening. 

Going back to mass support, you could say,  only 30% of Germans supported the Nazis in the early 30s. But Germany had only been a democracy for 15 years, you had huge numbers of people with PTSD and combat experience from WWI -- the context was completely different. 

What's more likely than implementation of this program is that continued erosion of US republican institutions and civil rights -- which eroded under Obama and Biden too, just not as fast -- will accelerate. The outcome will be more like Poland under Law and Justice, Hungary under Orban, or Serbia under Vucic. And in fact, the US is not so different from those places already in terms of domestic politics, with opinion tightly controlled through corporate control of the media and tech platforms. 

Edited by nerdspeak

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@Etherial Cat

15 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Etherial Cat

   The main reason why is that there's such a thing as too much multiculturalism, feminism, egalitarianism, and individualism run amok. Birthrates have been declining in western countries that have adopted American ideology, and swung to secularism/humanism too much. In Russia they have the most severe birthrate crisis out there due to legalizing abortion early on, and same with Japan and South Korea. It's gotten so bad that some western countries, led by Neoliberalism, destabilize or try to 3rd world countries that are mainly theocratic, in which they can and do reproduce replacement numbers. This is one factor of mass immigration that's also causing most people a headache to deal with.

   We need less or limited democracy, not more of it. More of it will degrade the social fabric of a nation faster, leading to anarchy and too many voices. Also, unlikely Trump may win this election, so IMO a bunch of left wing fear mongering.

   Unfortunately you haven't really addressed my points above with your post below me.

13 hours ago, Etherial Cat said:

Unfortunately, you are doing exactly what I have mentioned in my post. 

I find it perplexing how advocating for policies that restrict women's autonomy and support forced pregnancy could make someone appear attractive or desirable to date.

If you were seeking a partner, I'm certain you wouldn't want to go on a date with me if I were trying to coerce you into things you don't want to do. Moreover, blaming society's current collapse on your supposed lack of complacency, while simultaneously being oblivious to the actual sequence of cause and effect that generates the root cause of the problem would add up seriously to how unattractive one would appear.

Anyway, getting back to the topic... Generally speaking, the lower the quality of my life and the less optimistic I am about the future prospects for humanity, the less desire I have to reproduce.

In all these countries you've mentioned by name (which are largely governed by men, with men bearing most of the significant responsibility in terms of political, economic, and societal policies and power), both genders suffer, and many people are anxious about taking on more responsibilities in such uncertain times. Babies are typically conceived during times of prosperity or moments of euphoria, or at least when there are actual social policies that facilitate conditions for families.

Failing societies that need offspring to survive often attempt to coerce women into reproducing by suppressing or controlling their reproductive rights.

They resort to these measures because they are desperately unattractive—unable to provide for, or meet the actual needs of its citizens.

   First of all, even since Russia has been the first western country to have legalized abortion, their homogenous population has been on the decline for many decades. That's a fact. They have went too far with the atheism/secularism, went a bit too far left, and allowed that to damage family and traditional values, even Christian values that Russia did have. South Korea's feminism and egalitarianism problem, from adopting America's ideology, has crippled their birthrates and replacement numbers such that within 2 decades the manpower they enjoyed over North Korea will equalize. Why? Because at least with North Korea they still manage to reproduce and replace lost citizens, meanwhile South Korea has been infected with hyper capitalism and feminism, now their males have fewer options, never mind dating, but when even marrying and starting a family they are finding it far more difficult to do so because of work culture and females can easily say no and can divorce willy nilly. Hyper capitalism and individualism such, plus feminism that allows females to say no, which is fine at first, but when your country is struggling to reproduce itself and lacking replacement numbers, the country now has to outsource to mass immigration. Cue USA/UK and some EU countries. Thanks to Neoliberalism, and America destabilizing those bad autocratic and theocratic societies, such as Iraq at one point, then Haiti, and several more, in the name of egalitarianism, feminism, multiculturalism, and democracy, they instead make it more miserable for that native person to live within their own homeland, therefore making them migrate to westernized countries instead of staying and trying to fix up their society, their society that is being eroded by USA western values.

   On top of that, divorce rates are increasing now, which contributes to broken homes and single parent households and fathers. Mainly the black community have been suffering this for the longest, especially in America, just a lot of divided and broken households due to high divorce rates, and that 50% split from the marriage, and finally some struggling with work and income that the divorce sometimes just wipes out and makes your financial situation FAR WORCE!

   Now here I am arguing with logics and facts, and I am being nice. In comparison you are being mean, insulting me and assuming I'm some ugly trout that can't date or marry or lead the most exciting degenerate lifestyle imaginable. I don't care. I'm arguing for the high increase of divorce rates, decline in birthrates, and that we actually need to downsize our democracy a bit down, half autocracy and half democracy, just like the Romans did. All you have are fallacies and ad hominems thrown at me. Ok. 

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1 hour ago, nerdspeak said:

This would mean no more federal student loans. All of higher ed would collapse. 

The harsh market-based system in the US is only legitimate (to the extent it is) because it provides cheap loans on very lenient terms to people to get educated. So, yeah, we have extreme inequality, but at least make gestures at equality of opportunity. 

More broadly, I skimmed the program and I don't think it's feasible. It's political technology designed to mobilize his base. 

To implement radical overhauls like this requires some degree of latent support, or extreme terror. In terms of support -- okay, maybe it's there in some regions. But California and the northeastern cities -- where all the money is -- not to mention large portions of the security services, would just not accept it.

In terms of extreme state terror -- I don't see it happening. 

Going back to mass support, you could say,  only 30% of Germans supported the Nazis in the early 30s. But Germany had only been a democracy for 15 years, you had huge numbers of people with PTSD and combat experience from WWI -- the context was completely different. 

What's more likely than implementation of this program is that continued erosion of US republican institutions and civil rights -- which eroded under Obama and Biden too, just not as fast -- will accelerate. The outcome will be more like Poland under Law and Justice, Hungary under Orban, or Serbia under Vucic. And in fact, the US is not so different from those places already in terms of domestic politics, with opinion tightly controlled through corporate control of the media and tech platforms. 

   Which is why I'd like democracy to be downsized a bit, a more limited republican democracy, with more senate seats and limited voting powers. Too much multiculturalism, egalitarianism, and hyper capitalism/individualism is eroding America's current government.

   However, I think it's unlikely to be fearful of another Trump. Currently in polls he's not popular enough to win another election, so this fear mongering is a bit over exaggerated. The only way for Trump to win, is for Biden to fuck up badly enough that most of America would rather have Trump. And at that point it's the will of America that wants Trump, damn the consequences.

   Again, I don't think he'll win, and this fear mongering is a bit silly.

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   One example of maybe a Christian nationalist here, and just to make sense of their point of view:

   Also this guy has been heckled a lot in that park, for just speaking his view.

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6 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Etherial Cat

   Unfortunately you haven't really addressed my points above with your post below me.

   First of all, even since Russia has been the first western country to have legalized abortion, their homogenous population has been on the decline for many decades. That's a fact. They have went too far with the atheism/secularism, went a bit too far left, and allowed that to damage family and traditional values, even Christian values that Russia did have. South Korea's feminism and egalitarianism problem, from adopting America's ideology, has crippled their birthrates and replacement numbers such that within 2 decades the manpower they enjoyed over North Korea will equalize. Why? Because at least with North Korea they still manage to reproduce and replace lost citizens, meanwhile South Korea has been infected with hyper capitalism and feminism, now their males have fewer options, never mind dating, but when even marrying and starting a family they are finding it far more difficult to do so because of work culture and females can easily say no and can divorce willy nilly. Hyper capitalism and individualism such, plus feminism that allows females to say no, which is fine at first, but when your country is struggling to reproduce itself and lacking replacement numbers, the country now has to outsource to mass immigration. Cue USA/UK and some EU countries. Thanks to Neoliberalism, and America destabilizing those bad autocratic and theocratic societies, such as Iraq at one point, then Haiti, and several more, in the name of egalitarianism, feminism, multiculturalism, and democracy, they instead make it more miserable for that native person to live within their own homeland, therefore making them migrate to westernized countries instead of staying and trying to fix up their society, their society that is being eroded by USA western values.

   On top of that, divorce rates are increasing now, which contributes to broken homes and single parent households and fathers. Mainly the black community have been suffering this for the longest, especially in America, just a lot of divided and broken households due to high divorce rates, and that 50% split from the marriage, and finally some struggling with work and income that the divorce sometimes just wipes out and makes your financial situation FAR WORCE!

   Now here I am arguing with logics and facts, and I am being nice. In comparison you are being mean, insulting me and assuming I'm some ugly trout that can't date or marry or lead the most exciting degenerate lifestyle imaginable. I don't care. I'm arguing for the high increase of divorce rates, decline in birthrates, and that we actually need to downsize our democracy a bit down, half autocracy and half democracy, just like the Romans did. All you have are fallacies and ad hominems thrown at me. Ok. 

You may not be fully aware of the underlying violence in your words nor of the worldview you convey.

My intention was to illustrate how your current perspective contributes to the issue you're addressing.

Content wise, this analysis you've provided appears lacking in comprehensiveness and objectivity and it is strongly influenced by personal sentiments. The assessment of its relevance is overly optimistic. 

To be more precise, when compared to actual helpful research and analysis, the arguments in your post appear superficial and lack rigor.

Achieving the depth and relevance expected of skilled analysis demands a more thorough, disciplined, and multidimensional approach, which is not demonstrated in your writing. It doesn't look very informed either.

So why would I spend my time addressing points that are appearing to me clearly as someone's way of coping with its own feelings? 

And surely, I understand that you may think of my attempt to engage with you as a personal attack, but my aim is in no way to vilify you but help you question whether the beliefs you are holding are actually helpful when it comes to solving the issue you care about.

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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@Etherial Cat

2 minutes ago, Etherial Cat said:

You may not be fully aware of the underlying violence in your words nor of the worldview you convey.

My intention was to illustrate how your current perspective contributes to the issue you're addressing.

Content wise, this analysis you've provided appears lacking in comprehensiveness and objectivity and it is strongly influenced by personal sentiments. The assessment of its relevance is overly optimistic. 

To be more precise, when compared to actual helpful research and analysis, the arguments in your post appear superficial and lack rigor.

Achieving the depth and relevance expected of skilled analysis demands a more thorough, disciplined, and multidimensional approach, which is not demonstrated in your writing. It doesn't look very informed either.

So why would I spend my time addressing points that are appearing to me clearly as someone's way of coping with its own feelings? 

And surely, I understand that you may think of my attempt to engage with you as a personal attack, but my aim is in no way to vilify you but help you question whether the beliefs you are holding are actually helpful when it comes to solving the issue you care about.

   But you did personally attack me, and vilify me instead of addressing the delusion and denial rampant in left leaning circles that too much feminism, too much liberalism, too much multiculturalism, too much individualism and democracy, too much secularism, too much capitalism, all equals high divorce rates, decline in birthrates in most western societies, and broken homes and single parent households! Why don't you question their beliefs instead of finger pointing at me and my supposed ugly unattractiveness?! 

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Just now, Danioover9000 said:

@Etherial Cat

   But you did personally attack me, and vilify me instead of addressing the delusion and denial rampant in left leaning circles that too much feminism, too much liberalism, too much multiculturalism, too much individualism and democracy, too much secularism, too much capitalism, all equals high divorce rates, decline in birthrates in most western societies, and broken homes and single parent households! Why don't you question their beliefs instead of finger pointing at me and my supposed ugly unattractiveness?! 

I'm not saying that you are unattractive. Rather, I'm pointing out that your current belief system is acting as a deterrent. And that you seem to be steadfast in holding onto it and convincing yourself of its correctness, despite of the fact that it is not it.

I believe you could benefit from being more objective and understanding that reality is actually more favorable than the framework you're presenting, especially regarding women's interest in being with men.

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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