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The essence of natural numbers

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I came across an interesting concept :

{} = empty set

{} = the all set at its beginning state containing nothing yet 

This is step one.

Next step:

{} = still the empty set

{ {} } = The all set now contains all that there is which is just the empty set

Step three:

{ {}, { {} } } = The all set containing all previous variations.

Step four:

{   {},   { {} },   { {}, { {} } }   } = The all step containing yet again all previous variations.

It is easy to see how this set grows and portrays all the natural numbers and gives each one a distinct description.

for instance the number 2 is depicted in it as { {}, { {} } } and so on.

Dint know where to post this but I think it might be interesting to some. 

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That's standard set theory dogma but it doesn't touch the real essence of numbers.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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