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TV Shows vs Books

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Does anybody else find it really tough to sit through TV shows (and some movies), even if it's about something you're interested in?

I would much rather just watch a documentary or read a book about the topic, than watch a show that is based on it.

I think this may be to do with how INTPs process information. Textual information is much easier to process than visual for me.

Edited by quantumspiral

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For example, I'm really interested in how the narco world operates (yes, perhaps this is immaturity on my part- but that's besides the point for now).

But I just can't bring myself to watch the entire Narcos Netflix series. I got to the end of the third episode and I was done.

I've read countless books / documentaries on the narco related stuff- from the underpinnings of the economics of the drugs game to the history of military dictatorships in Brazil. These easily gripped me from start to finish.

The strange thing is your average Joe would binge on Narcos Netflix, but wouldn't think about reading some of the books I've read.

I just find TV shows tedious- anyone else feel the same?

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