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Leo, what is your plan to get enlightened?

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You said that after hundreds of deep trips you've done you're still at pretty much the same baseline state. You have some accurate concepts, perhaps, but do you think you will reach enlightenment with your current understanding of the process? 

How do you plan to get enlightened, practically? 

Do you believe that death will awaken you? 

Or will you give a cop out like oh your confusing permanent vs impermanent states or whatever. Enlightenment is permanent and removes the need to dream other dreams, because the reason for dreaming was abolished. I know you won't get this now, but anyway, just wondering what's your POV on how you will do it. 

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found merely a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse, of that one the world is no longer worthy." - Jesus

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