An young being

What could be the greatest purpose for us as a human being?

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To appreciate reality 

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36 minutes ago, Sempiternity said:

Mankind is an illusion/fantasy of Self.

EVERYTHING is a fantasy. And humanity is the greatest fantasy ever created. You have no clue of the gravity of what's happening right here and now.

HUMANITY didn't wake up yet. So.. there's your greatest purpose.

"Oh but humanity is just an illusion". NO IT ISN'T! YOU are HUMANITY. But you're not conscious enough to see that yet.

"But I'm God/Infinity and everything else is maya". STOP parroting that buddhist/nondual bullshit. You have no idea. This is the greatest Play ever invented and humanity is DIVINE ART. You're literally part of divine magic and you want to tell me that this is all ordinary / just an illusion.

It is not just an illusion. It is DIVINE IMAGINATION. That's a huge huuuuge difference.

Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, An young being said:

Yeah, I think it's definitely possible, but it's never going to disappear infinitely.

Isn´t this purpose of what we are doing to go from relative existence to Absolute existence?

Once you realize existence is absolute and only the ego is relative, how can it ever come back?

You can use a mind to use the power of thoughts and imagination to do stuff animals can not do, but how can the belief you are the ego can ever come back?


Edited by Javfly33

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1 hour ago, Sempiternity said:

Mankind is an illusion/fantasy of Self.

Yet here we are.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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When everything is said and done, there's nothing left but to observe and marvel at the beauty and mystery of existence.

All self-actualization work, childhood trauma work and other internal work, money accumulation, and raising one's consciousness are for this purpose.  

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, vibv said:

This is the greatest Play ever invented and humanity is DIVINE ART

What about ants and cockroaches and beetles. Humanity is only divine art to the mind. It's all divine art or none is divine art. Humanity's ego is what's divine art; exquisitely invented to make statements like these to feel special from the rest. That's what's invented. The rest is just appearing. Nothing has been invented but human shitting themselves.

The appearance is exquisite and marvelous and a sight to see and imagine, yeah. Humans created divinity. All will disagree but it's just what it is. Nothing wrong with that but the Absolute doesn't see divinity neither does a cat.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Yet here we are.

Like you said, magical.

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

What about ants and cockroaches and beetles. Humanity is only divine art to the mind. It's all divine art or none is divine art. Humanity's ego is what's divine art; exquisitely invented to make statements like these to feel special from the rest. That's what's invented. The rest is just appearing. Nothing has been invented but human shitting themselves.

The appearance is exquisite and marvelous and a sight to see and imagine, yeah. Humans created divinity. All will disagree but it's just what it is. Nothing wrong with that but the Absolute doesn't see divinity neither does a cat.

I am no cockroach, no raven, no fish, no bacteria right now. So I can't say anything about that. I am HUMAN — and so are you!

Humanity is special in a sense that it is happening right now, while the rest is not. That's all. And all animals and insects and beings are reflected in that, too. Humanity is a mirror that reflects the whole cosmos in it. Like everything else, but everything else doesn't matter right now.

It matters how we RELATE to all those other beings, though. That's actually of utmost importance.

This is not meant to offend you, but I think you have no clue about the Absolute. You have merely some logical understanding and a lot of concepts about the whole thing with little direct experience as the source of your statements. That's what I'm sensing, and that would be completely okay.

It goes way, way beyond appearance.

Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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11 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

How do you get to the end of this?

But we could always reach the last few  numbers before infinity, and I think that's a beautiful experience.

9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

To become a beacon of truth unto mankind.

That might be a noble or even the greatest purpose for a human, but what if you know it would bring more chaos or even suffering into the world if everyone becomes aware of truth? What if it collapses the world entirely? Will it still remain the greatest purpose?

9 hours ago, Sempiternity said:






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10 hours ago, Verg0 said:

To appreciate reality 


6 hours ago, jimwell said:

When everything is said and done, there's nothing left but to observe and marvel at the beauty and mystery of existence.

To appreciate reality, to be in awe of God's creation, that could definitely be a great purpose!

9 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Once you realize existence is absolute and only the ego is relative, how can it ever come back?

You can use a mind to use the power of thoughts and imagination to do stuff animals can not do, but how can the belief you are the ego can ever come back?

Wasn't it already the case? Weren't we already infinite, and still we created the veil called ego?

I agree that awakening lifts the veil, it destroys the belief that ego is superior, just like the belief of earth being flat shattered when we see the earth being round with direct experience. Still, it is possible to believe the earth is flat once again if the experiences wanes in our mind and new beliefs are formed. 

I agree that many refer to enlightenment as a permanent state with no chances of clinging back to the ego. But, looking at those popular people in both western and eastern traditions who claim to be enlightened, they do display their egoistic tendencies, even if it's barely noticeable, such as anger, fear, doubt etc. Seeing such people, it looks like enlightenment can't be permanent, but it indeed can be maintained for specific time with effort.

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3 hours ago, vibv said:

This is not meant to offend you, but I think you have no clue about the Absolute.

Nobody does. It can't be known. It's unknowable. There's nothing to know. It's Everything. What can get any simpler than that. You saying what you said here is also the Absolute. It's right here right now and nowhere simultaneously. This is not a contest. There are no Gurus, no teachers, no enlightened beings, no awareness no consciousness, no I AM, no individuals, no nothing. Nothing is happening and it is just one puff. Zilch nada. Nothing. Only appearances, stories, dreams, illusions, beliefs, concepts, ideas, parrots talking and birds chirping, apparently. 

Now, let's get back to our reality that has no ground, no point of reference, no source, no boundaries, no substance, no meaning, no purpose, just pure emptiness filled with lovely trees, gardens, animals, people and mountains until there's none. Time and space and the world disappears when you fall asleep and that's the Absolute for you, Absolutely nothing, but now it's everything and some, so let's enjoy while it lasts.

Know thyself....

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17 hours ago, An young being said:

But couldn't that be the least important purpose? If God's natural state or the beginning itself is in absolute unity, why would as a human being, we want to end where it all began?

Don't you want to return home?

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Posted (edited)

52 minutes ago, creativepursuit said:

Don't you want to return home?

13 hours ago, Verg0 said:


Yes, but I don't wish to reside there permanently! Not so soon!!

It's like taking a step outside your home and immediately return back in.

Edited by An young being

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4 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

There's nothing to know. It's Everything. What can get any simpler than that. You saying what you said here is also the Absolute. It's right here right now and nowhere simultaneously. This is not a contest. There are no Gurus, no teachers, no enlightened beings, no awareness no consciousness, no I AM, no individuals, no nothing. Nothing is happening and it is just one puff. Zilch nada. Nothing. Only appearances, stories, dreams, illusions, beliefs, concepts, ideas, parrots talking and birds chirping, apparently. 

Now, let's get back to our reality that has no ground, no point of reference, no source, no boundaries, no substance, no meaning, no purpose, just pure emptiness filled with lovely trees, gardens, animals, people and mountains until there's none. Time and space and the world disappears when you fall asleep and that's the Absolute for you, Absolutely nothing, but now it's everything and some, so let's enjoy while it lasts.

What you say has a kernel of truth. Except it's completely wrong, because it is so reductionistic that it is just complete falsehood. It is very comfortable for the mind to think it has "gotten" it. I don't think I do by the way, I just had some very profound insights – and I furthermore think it is impossible as a human to "get" it.

But the error lies in the inconspicuous words "just" and "simply". That's already deeply dualistic. It is not "just" an illusion. It is not "simply" nothing. It is Divine Illusion (or Imagination, which I prefer). It is Absolutely Nothing. That's completely different. That Absolute Nothing is at the same time absolutely Everything, Absolute Infinity. Eternal Life itself. If you reduce the whole to nothing, you miss LIFE!!!! Don't you see that?

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Posted (edited)

11 hours ago, An young being said:


To appreciate reality, to be in awe of God's creation, that could definitely be a great purpose!

Wasn't it already the case? Weren't we already infinite, and still we created the veil called ego?

I agree that awakening lifts the veil, it destroys the belief that ego is superior, just like the belief of earth being flat shattered when we see the earth being round with direct experience. Still, it is possible to believe the earth is flat once again if the experiences wanes in our mind and new beliefs are formed. 

I agree that many refer to enlightenment as a permanent state with no chances of clinging back to the ego. But, looking at those popular people in both western and eastern traditions who claim to be enlightened, they do display their egoistic tendencies, even if it's barely noticeable, such as anger, fear, doubt etc. Seeing such people, it looks like enlightenment can't be permanent, but it indeed can be maintained for specific time with effort.

Proper Enlightment is permanent simply because after It there is no reality left but you. 


Of course Still you can Carry a body and mind with certain personality 


Once you get what you are really you can not forgot, the whole process of Life was to realize what you are.

Isnt It call Self REALIZATION?


When you realize what you are Life ends. Dream ends. The countdown to dissolution starts, is not possible to go back. 

Edited by Javfly33

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On 6/30/2024 at 10:04 PM, An young being said:

What if it collapses the world entirely?

And what if falsehood collapses the world entirely?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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19 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Proper Enlightment is permanent simply because after It there is no reality left but you.

Of course Still you can Carry a body and mind with certain personality 

On 01/07/2024 at 1:34 AM, Verg0 said:


I believe enlightenment brightens the light inside your head to a great extent. ( As shown in many depictions of enlightened beings). The light was already present, it was either switched off or dimmed. Just like the light source can turn extremely bright to its maximum potential after enlightenment, as time passes it can also fade away due to the energy source ( which is the heart) that powers the light not being active enough. 

15 hours ago, Chadders said:

@An young being To actually shape reality at a large scale

Like to become like Zeus? 

6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

And what if falsehood collapses the world entirely?

In my view, we should see with an unbiased, rational and a selfless mind whether what we consider as the truth is beneficial for the human kind to be known. If it's indeed beneficial, it can become a great purpose to spread it all over the world. If it's not, maybe we should bury it just like those great poets and scriptures do.

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On 7/1/2024 at 6:53 AM, vibv said:

But the error lies in the inconspicuous words "just" and "simply". That's already deeply dualistic. It is not "just" an illusion. It is not "simply" nothing. It is Divine Illusion (or Imagination, which I prefer). It is Absolutely Nothing. That's completely different. That Absolute Nothing is at the same time absolutely Everything, Absolute Infinity. Eternal Life itself. If you reduce the whole to nothing, you miss LIFE!!!! Don't you see that?

You say the error lies in the inconspicuous words "just" and "simply"; why are you not seeing the meaning of the whole instead of "just" picking on a few words that can be removed and the meaning still remains the same. Language is dualistic. The meaning of what one is pointing to is the key, unless it is so way off. The difference in the "just and illusion" and "divine illusion" is just a matter of the adjectives describing the illusion and does not change the narrative of the sentence. Still an illusion. I could have said " a piece of shit illusion", still an illusion. They are "simply just" words. How's that for a double whammy.

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

38 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You say the error lies in the inconspicuous words "just" and "simply"; why are you not seeing the meaning of the whole instead of "just" picking on a few words that can be removed and the meaning still remains the same. Language is dualistic. The meaning of what one is pointing to is the key, unless it is so way off. The difference in the "just and illusion" and "divine illusion" is just a matter of the adjectives describing the illusion and does not change the narrative of the sentence. Still an illusion. I could have said " a piece of shit illusion", still an illusion. They are "simply just" words. How's that for a double whammy.

Because they don't point at what I'm trying to convey. Simple.. as that ;) 

In what you're saying there's someone that sees himself to be above the illusion. You can't just discard everything that's happening because "it doesn't matter anyway". That's just spiritual bypassing.

The illusion is absolute. As soon as you try to be above it you've fallen into some kind of metaphysical duality again.

Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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