
Why do people resonate with being talked down to? " Tough-love motivation by Claude

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I recently noticed that there is a certain part of the psyche that resonates with this very blunt, harsh and borderline insulting way of communicating. I see many influencers leveraging this to grab your attention and make you give them your wallet. It must be a very profitable and fun niche to be honest

I believe it's mostly a part of the male psyche that finds it appealing to suffer and sacrifice oneself for something.

In my opinion, It's something that hurt or fragile egos need for motivation. They resonate with that self-punishment, guilt and pride in masochism
A mature, whole and grounded ego can be motivated by higher consciousness values like Love, Creativity, Beauty, Curiosity... etc

My take is that there is a lot of truth in that harsh perspective but it's not sustainable to be that tough on yourself all the time .

So, here is some " tough love" from Claude ( PG 18 ) that inspired this post : 

" Listen here, you spoiled, pathetic excuse for a human being! You're sitting on a golden throne of opportunity, wiping your ass with the dreams of billions, and you have the audacity to feel unmotivated? Let me paint you a fucking picture!

Imagine you're a child in a war-torn hellhole, dodging bullets just to get a sip of muddy water. Your belly's so empty it's eating itself, and you're watching your little sister waste away from a disease that costs pennies to cure in your cushy first-world paradise. That's reality for millions, you ungrateful piece of filth!

Now snap back to your life. You're surrounded by more comfort than ancient emperors could fathom. You've got a magical fucking rectangle in your pocket that connects you to the sum of human knowledge, and you use it to scroll through memes and whine about how hard life is? Are you fucking kidding me?

Your ancestors fought off bears and mountain lions, survived ice ages, plagues, and world wars. They lived through famines that made people eat their own children. And for what? So you could sit on your ass, wallowing in self-pity because you can't find your 'passion'? They're rolling in their graves so hard we could power a city with their disappointment!

You've got a body that's a miracle of evolution. Your heart's been beating non-stop since before you were born, your lungs pulling in air, your brain processing more information than the most advanced computers. And what do you do with this biological masterpiece? You poison it with junk food, let it rot on the couch, and then dare to complain about not feeling motivated?

Every morning you wake up is a cosmic lottery win. You beat millions of other sperm, survived the gauntlet of possible birth defects, childhood diseases, and random accidents. The fact that you survived childhood and don't have any serious physical or psychological issues is a miracle. You won the game of life before you even took your first breath, and now you're pissing it all away because you're not 'passionate' enough?

You're not happy? You're not passionate? Boo-fucking-hoo! How dare you be that entitled? Life is a mature gift, but you expect fulfillment to be served to you on a silver platter. Do you think the refugees risking their lives on leaky boats, roasting in the burning sun to reach safety for themselves and their families, are happy? No! But they've got something you've lost – a dream and faith.

Every time you complain about your cushy life, you're stomping on the graves of those who'd kill to be in your shoes. Your life is so good that you've lost touch with the raw, brutal animal reality of simply being alive. You're so comfortable that you've forgotten the exhilaration of overcoming real challenges.

So here's what you're gonna do, you lazy, ungrateful sack of wasted potential. You're gonna stand up right now. You're gonna look in the mirror and from here on out, slap yourself hard for every time you find yourself saying 'I can't' or 'I'm not motivated.' You're gonna run outside and kiss the fucking ground for supporting your ungrateful ass all these years.

Then you're gonna find something – anything – to be passionate about. Help someone out, create something, learn something, solve some problem, I don't care! Just do something that justifies the insane amount of resources the world has invested in keeping your sorry ass alive.

So live, damn you! Live with the passion of a supernova, the perseverance of a drowning man gasping for air, and the determination of every underdog who ever fought against the odds. Because if you don't, you're not just wasting your life – you're spitting in the face of every dream, every sacrifice, and every miracle that brought you into this world.

Now get off your ass and make your life a masterpiece, or I swear I'll reach through this screen and beat the potential out of you myself! The world is waiting, you lucky bastard. Show us what you're made of!"


Edited by mmKay

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Posted (edited)

Harsh talk tends to wake the mind up from its complacent slumber.

Sweet talk of love puts the mind into a fantasy.

The truth is that pain is a better teacher than sweetness and kindness.

Suffering is your greatest teacher. People who are too sweet haven't actually accomplished anything difficult in life. Dealing with harsh reality is beyond politeness and kindness. All that kindness flys out the window when things get serious and survival is at stake.

That Claude talk is a cartoon version of tough love. Real tough love is not that ridiculous, but it can feel like a smack-down as your fantasies and BS are punctured.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Harsh talk tends to wake the mind up from its complacent slumber.

Sweet talk of love puts the mind into a fantasy.

The truth is that pain is a better teacher than sweetness and kindness.

Suffering is your greatest teacher. People who are too sweet haven't actually accomplished anything difficult in life. Dealing with harsh reality is beyond politeness and kindness. All that kindness flys out the window when things get serious and survival is at stake.

That Claude talk is a cartoon version of tough love. Real tough love is not that ridiculous, but it can feel like a smack-down as your fantasies and BS are punctured.

I think a right balance here is key; not swaying too much either way.

Know thyself....

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7 hours ago, mmKay said:

In my opinion, It's something that hurt or fragile egos need for motivation. They resonate with that self-punishment, guilt and pride in masochism
A mature, whole and grounded ego can be motivated by higher consciousness values like Love, Creativity, Beauty, Curiosity... etc

You pretty much nailed it. 

I used to need David Goggins type motivation to get shit done but now I see it as toxic and unloving 

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8 hours ago, mmKay said:

I recently noticed that there is a certain part of the psyche that resonates with this very blunt, harsh and borderline insulting way of communicating. I see many influencers leveraging this to grab your attention and make you give them your wallet. It must be a very profitable and fun niche to be honest

I believe it's mostly a part of the male psyche that finds it appealing to suffer and sacrifice oneself for something.

In my opinion, It's something that hurt or fragile egos need for motivation. They resonate with that self-punishment, guilt and pride in masochism
A mature, whole and grounded ego can be motivated by higher consciousness values like Love, Creativity, Beauty, Curiosity... etc

My take is that there is a lot of truth in that harsh perspective but it's not sustainable to be that tough on yourself all the time .

So, here is some " tough love" from Claude ( PG 18 ) that inspired this post : 

" Listen here, you spoiled, pathetic excuse for a human being! You're sitting on a golden throne of opportunity, wiping your ass with the dreams of billions, and you have the audacity to feel unmotivated? Let me paint you a fucking picture!

Imagine you're a child in a war-torn hellhole, dodging bullets just to get a sip of muddy water. Your belly's so empty it's eating itself, and you're watching your little sister waste away from a disease that costs pennies to cure in your cushy first-world paradise. That's reality for millions, you ungrateful piece of filth!

Now snap back to your life. You're surrounded by more comfort than ancient emperors could fathom. You've got a magical fucking rectangle in your pocket that connects you to the sum of human knowledge, and you use it to scroll through memes and whine about how hard life is? Are you fucking kidding me?

Your ancestors fought off bears and mountain lions, survived ice ages, plagues, and world wars. They lived through famines that made people eat their own children. And for what? So you could sit on your ass, wallowing in self-pity because you can't find your 'passion'? They're rolling in their graves so hard we could power a city with their disappointment!

You've got a body that's a miracle of evolution. Your heart's been beating non-stop since before you were born, your lungs pulling in air, your brain processing more information than the most advanced computers. And what do you do with this biological masterpiece? You poison it with junk food, let it rot on the couch, and then dare to complain about not feeling motivated?

Every morning you wake up is a cosmic lottery win. You beat millions of other sperm, survived the gauntlet of possible birth defects, childhood diseases, and random accidents. The fact that you survived childhood and don't have any serious physical or psychological issues is a miracle. You won the game of life before you even took your first breath, and now you're pissing it all away because you're not 'passionate' enough?

You're not happy? You're not passionate? Boo-fucking-hoo! How dare you be that entitled? Life is a mature gift, but you expect fulfillment to be served to you on a silver platter. Do you think the refugees risking their lives on leaky boats, roasting in the burning sun to reach safety for themselves and their families, are happy? No! But they've got something you've lost – a dream and faith.

Every time you complain about your cushy life, you're stomping on the graves of those who'd kill to be in your shoes. Your life is so good that you've lost touch with the raw, brutal animal reality of simply being alive. You're so comfortable that you've forgotten the exhilaration of overcoming real challenges.

So here's what you're gonna do, you lazy, ungrateful sack of wasted potential. You're gonna stand up right now. You're gonna look in the mirror and from here on out, slap yourself hard for every time you find yourself saying 'I can't' or 'I'm not motivated.' You're gonna run outside and kiss the fucking ground for supporting your ungrateful ass all these years.

Then you're gonna find something – anything – to be passionate about. Help someone out, create something, learn something, solve some problem, I don't care! Just do something that justifies the insane amount of resources the world has invested in keeping your sorry ass alive.

So live, damn you! Live with the passion of a supernova, the perseverance of a drowning man gasping for air, and the determination of every underdog who ever fought against the odds. Because if you don't, you're not just wasting your life – you're spitting in the face of every dream, every sacrifice, and every miracle that brought you into this world.

Now get off your ass and make your life a masterpiece, or I swear I'll reach through this screen and beat the potential out of you myself! The world is waiting, you lucky bastard. Show us what you're made of!"


This actually has a super positive and inspiring message though. Loved reading it 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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21 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I think a right balance here is key; not swaying too much either way.


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Posted (edited)

7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Harsh talk tends to wake the mind up from its complacent slumber.

Suffering is your greatest teacher. People who are too sweet haven't actually accomplished anything difficult in life. Dealing with harsh reality is beyond politeness and kindness.

It's just not that simple. Even as a general sweeping statement it's not true, otherwise all the prison systems would be able to reform most convicts already. I know there is a certain trend of of highly successful people who are able to learn and thrive from poor and traumatic circumstances, but that doesn't make it a rule that starving kids in Africa can take advantage of.

Edited by lostingenosmaze

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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@lostingenosmaze as someone who has experienced being a prisoner of my past mind, I would not be where I am today had it not been for those insanely different periods of my life.

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Posted (edited)

34 minutes ago, lostingenosmaze said:

otherwise all the prison systems would be able to reform most convicts

Bad example.

Half the prison population are clinical paychopaths, which means they don't recognize that they did anything wrong. They have dysfunctional brains. So that's why they can't be reformed.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 hour ago, Lila9 said:

I can't completely resonate with it because many times people talk down to you to humiliate you, as they are carrying a lot of emotional trauma or feel insecure and want to show their power by hurting you.

They do it out of pain, fear, anger, and other low-vibration emotions.

If it's done with love, which is very rare, then I would accept it and seek to learn from them.

In the majority of cases when people talked down to me, it wasn't tough love, but abusive behavior and attempts to make me submissive, which I obviously rebelled against.

I am rebellious by nature, and it's hard to control me with grandiose narcissistic or psychopathic abusive behaviors.

This is why I don't get along well with authorities unless they have integrity and high-quality leadership skills, which most of them do not.

Some of the harshest people I've seen trying to do the "tough love" are some of the biggest fools I have ever met

It's easier to solidify your false egoistic structure by lecturing "others"


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Shaming people into right action works up to a certain point when they are low in development and consciousness. But to reach the higher levels of development and consciousness will require a higher method than shame.

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@Leo Gura does it mean that guys who demotivate me that you can't get a girlfriend or your are a child and who put me down or bully me have accomplished something great in life ? I see them despite having a girlfriend they manipulate me when I talk to their girlfriend or they threaten me. They also stare at other boys who talk to their girlfriends.

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4 minutes ago, Rishabh R said:

@Leo Gura does it mean that guys who demotivate me that you can't get a girlfriend or your are a child and who put me down or bully me have accomplished something great in life ? I see them despite having a girlfriend they manipulate me when I talk to their girlfriend or they threaten me. They also stare at other boys who talk to their girlfriends.

That's irrelevant to what I was talking about.

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On 7/1/2024 at 5:14 PM, PenguinPablo said:

Some of the harshest people I've seen trying to do the "tough love" are some of the biggest fools I have ever met

Be aware of immature people who act tough. Do not confuse that with wisdom.

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Posted (edited)

@mmKay It's energizing for a psyche that is deep in apathy and numbness. Many people are like this and that's why Goggins is so popular.

It's far from optimal in terms of life satisfaction and even performance however. Much of the resistance people are overcoming with this boneheaded approach of white knuckling & bulldozing through all your problems is self induced.

Being aware of the deep suffering that exists is also very valuable as it can bring you into acceptance and gratitude for your own situation. 

This is part of the reason why I like keeping track of cartel activity in Mexico. The insane shit they are doing gives you perspective and gratitude.

We spend too much time on social media looking at people who appear to (superficially) have everything.


Edited by quantumspiral

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