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Psychedelic newbie

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Wanna try mushrooms to start with psychedelics. Never had any, how do u get you hands on a clean source? Also what can I expect like will I still be conscious and functional like able to talk and go to bathroom etc on low Dosis? Obviously gonna research more myself but any advice, tips, recommendations are appreciated!

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2 minutes ago, KenDo said:

Also what can I expect like will I still be conscious and functional like able to talk and go to bathroom etc on low Dosis?

You can expect to be tickled by God.


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Its like your imagination gets more in focus than reality. So its like all the pictures your imagination is shooting out come to the foreground and you go into a trance. This feels like you are totally in a new reality and it can be very weird and very scary.

Like imagine 1000s of images flying through your mind really fast and sometimes they make videos and it becomes so strong your entire visual field is 1000s of images coming in and out rapidly then they fuse together to create another dimension.

It can bring up very scary feelings but if you can not react to your emotions its easy. You just gotta see your emotions as something thats just there.

And just watch whats happening. If focused you can ride mostly the whole thing without fear and shift between multiple dimensions in one trip. Anything can happen on mushrooms

One time it felt like my visual field was just insects flapping their butts really fast. and they slowed down and i stopped existing for a bit.

Another time I went outside and it felt like the Earth was a snowglobe.
Another time It felt like I went to akashic records and went to 1d and 2d.

Another time it felt like I was just a lonely god sleeping in a void

Another time it looked like in my mind that my cells had id codes when when i touched the wall the wall had a different id code and they x each other out and thats why I couldnt go throught it lol.

Another time I saw that I had the entire universe inside of me.

I dont take any of them seriously except the last one.

You can go to the bathroom on low doses and on high but when you go into a trance you are totally disconnected from here and by then you wont have bowels to worry about peeing or talking. You go to imagination land.

Edited by Hojo

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@KenDo Start with low dose

no sourcing allowed here

Stay safe

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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A simple option is to travel to a country where it's legal, such as the NL.

Mushrooms is how I started.

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@KenDo I have only been doing psychedelics for a couple of years now and consider myself barely dipping my toe in the absolute potential of psychedelics  

Good that you are starting with mushrooms. That is sensible because the duration is not too long and you can easily dose. 

You don’t know your tolerance yet so the key is to become more familiar with a change in consciousness. That is ultimately what happens. You’re consciousness changes and if you take too much too soon it’ll freak you out. 

When I started I only microdosed to get a feel for what I was getting myself into. On mushrooms that is around 100mg though again it varies depending on your tolerance. Personally I would start there and work your way up. 

In terms of sourcing that is often the hard part. When I really wanted to get into psychedelics I had no connect and couldn’t source. A couple of leads I had went flat. I literally took myself to the Peak District which is a local national park where liberty caps grow and I picked them myself! Obviously be very sensible here but at the time I had no source so that’s what I did. 

I do now have a reliable and trustworthy source. Through a friend of a friend. Reach out to your networks and see if there are any connections is the best bet. I wouldn’t do anything with the dark web. Fuck that. 

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Easiest way to get your hands on some shrooms is to grow them yourself. It's often legal to order grow box online where it's really easy and fun to grow.

For the trip in itself you can consider it like a teaching, you are going to teach yourself new things you need to know through this medicine, just trust the process ^_^

You can work your way up and increase slowly dosage each time you feel comfortable with your new step.

You can check the strenght of your strain but unless you've got a very potent strain, 1g is a good place to start with standard shrooms like the Mexican ones for example.

Keep some space between trips for integration purpose, general rule is you'll know when it's time for you to trip again (yes, just trust the process).

Daily meditation is greatly appreciated between trips for grounding purpose, it's a good way to integrate the lessons you will receive.

And last but not least, don't forget to have fun because it's a fun journey too! xD


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