
Series for women, Understanding The Femenine Mind

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I’ve watched peaky blinders.

Now i understand man psychology.

The devil is in the details.

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@Lila9 Are there any male authors who you think write about women with any depth and insight?

What do you think of the criticism of how women write men?

On reddit there is a large subreddit on men writing women but as women authors and creators are being centred more, women's writing of men is under microscope too and even amongst women a lot of problematic things are highlighted in the way women write men. 

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On 6/29/2024 at 3:40 AM, Davino said:

Lately I've started watching the iconic series called: "Sex and the City"

It's the type of serie that gives an insider taste of women psychology. I have found it very thougtful and presents in each short chapter an interesting sexual or relationship dilemma and how women actually live it.

I would like to ask you, do you know any more well crafted series or films to understand more the inner workings of women?

Definitely not. Sex and the City can give you a sense of what kind of tv shows a lot of women tend to like to watch.

But generally, female characters in movies and shows are typically written by men because it is a male-dominated industry. And they also tend to be very underwritten... though I can't speak to the dimensionality of the characters in Sex an the City because I haven't more than one or two episodes.

But what you're seeing is a fantasy that's meant to appeal to women but that's usually crafted by male writers.

So, it won't depict much in the way of accurate female behavior.

It's similar to how you can't watch a James Bond film and understand very much about male psychology from the actual behavior that James Bond displays and the choices that he makes. It's a fantasy fulfillment character. And to a somewhat lesser extent, so are the women from Sex in the City.

If you want a movie that's really good for understanding female psychology and experiences, the most relatable that I've found is the Disney movie "Turning Red" which is about the female adolescent experience. I watched it and I was like "hmmm... that is SOOO on the money."

And that's because it was created by a woman who build the story around her actual experiences as an adolescent... with some extra magic flourishes added. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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I couldn't get through more than 4 episodes of that show. It was really cringe. 

It's so dated and it aged REALLY badly.

It was really progressive for it's time in the late 90s since it was tabboo for women to be talking about sex so openly on TV and to have a group of women in the 30 somethings be represented as something other than a wife and a mother. 

But by today's standards, it's extremely closed off in terms of sexual exploration, boundaries, and nonhetronormative dynamics. I found the few episodes I saw as very flat and lacking in depth even if the topics they were tackling was interesting. 

Not to mention Carrie Bradshaw was incredibly insufferable to where people can probably write a 20 page essay about how unhinged she is, how bad of a friend she is, and the dumpster fire that was her relationship with Mr. Big. I can't even say that it was a bad depiction of reality without chuckling because it feels so obvious that I don't even think I need to say it.  

I have faith in the person I am becoming xD


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On 29/06/2024 at 8:24 PM, Davino said:

@NoSelfSelf Yes, that's what I am doing. That's the main dish. I go to the source.

I was just wondering to see if there were other ways, atlhough more indirect, that could give me insights. Particularly on how women behave with other women, which is very difficult to spot as you are a man and that makes it impossible.

That's something I'm fascinating to see by the series; the women to women interactions, particularly in a group of friends. In the same way man to man interactions in an only male group are unique, so much so that just the presence of a women would break the spell.

Is dificult to study women if you are surrounded by hyper western conditioned women, for me it comes mind this woman who dress conventionaly what all woman dress in instagram and are just copies one of the other. To study a speciment you need to find the ones that were not disformed by the artificial environment. A Dog for example is a dog and not a Wolf, if you try to understand Wolf psycology by observation of Dogs you will have a hard time. I was in Brasil last year and I meet very raw women. Not savages but woman super connected with their femenine side, so connected that to be able to flow in their ways demanded a very Masculine firmeness from me, dancing with the polarity, listening with consciouness because they were not of facades they were saying things as they felt, they were not ashamed to be wildly woman. 

So in summary, find Real Woman. And observe. Movies are pastiche representations.

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