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Plato's Gooncave

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I've been going through paramedic school for the past year.  Whenever I've had a learning crisis (retaking a test, etc) , I've consistently been able to--against all expectation of it being useful--edge (masturbate) with pornography while ingesting psilomethoxin and then figure the way out of my problem.


Weird I know, but I had an insight today that I am (consciously or unconsciously) simply replaying Plato's allegory physically and then wrestling with the consequences of duality following orgasm. Which side of orgasm is the cave? Before masturbation or after the orgasm? Some people think that pornography/masturbation/orgasm is a shackle of desire. Others think that sexual liberation is the key to ending repression.


Who am I to lead the ignorant out of the cave? Who's ignorant in this instance anyway?


I've also found that psychedelics have the capacity to advance abstract ideas with less friction, but maintaining brevity, succinctness, and weighing words effectively is incredibly important. The capacity to advance ideas while tripping is typically at the expense of a dangerous feeling of verbal anxiety.


Just my thoughts. Thanks.


Edited by vishnusavestheday
spellcheck & brevity

"Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd." -Sri Ramana Maharshi

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