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My POV on how to get enlightened. Do you agree?

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I think it's a question of desire. Enlightenment is a total commitment.

Whenever I choose to focus on that place of inner stillness inside as much as I can for extended periods of time, like months, I begin to merge with God, little by little. Sometimes I get an enlightenment experience every few days, if I meditate all day all night. Sometimes I wake up in bliss, and I can carry it with me throughout the day, at least a bit.

My dreams become celestial as well, even more amazing than what I experience on psychedelics, but psychedelics have a certain tension to it, at least for me, but when I get heavenly dreams, they are completely effortless and have a natural feel if that makes sense. 

So my experience tells me that if I commit myself fully to this practice, I get closer and closer to God. It is The Way. 

If I drop this total commitment, all my bliss and enlightenment experiences go away. 

It's my current understanding that we cannot serve two masters, we have to either choose God completely, or this world, this body and this mind.

To get enlightened, this mind has to be returned to God, whose memory in us is the unshakable inner peace we can connect to. 

I don't think psychedelics can do it for you, not sure why. It would be the easiest path, just take them and tadaa, you're there. But it doesn't feel like it works that way, no matter how often you do it. It just show's you what's ahead, but to go there, you have to completely surrender to God.

I think to really go for it, we have to be certain that nothing here satisfies us, we don't want anything from the world anymore, we're tired of it and we finally want to come back to our true home in Heaven, the place of Infinite Love. 

Interestingly, I learned, to a pretty high degree of mastery, how to manifest what I want in life. Bashar and Abraham and CwG teach this and it does work. It's just finding what you really really want, seeing it day and night, being obsessed by that vision, even acting it out to really tune yourself to that vibration, and then you get it, but it has to have a lot of momentum behind it.

But whenever I get something, it's pretty empty and doesn't satisfy for long, even a soulmate or a lot of money. Compared to the Love of God, everything here is just breadcrumbs. 

Anyway.. That's my present understanding, how do you guys see it? 


Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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8 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

I think it's a question of desire. Enlightenment is a total commitment.

Whenever I choose to focus on that place of inner stillness inside as much as I can for extended periods of time, like months, I begin to merge with God, little by little. Sometimes I get an enlightenment experience every few days, if I meditate all day all night. Sometimes I wake up in bliss, and I can carry it with me throughout the day, at least a bit.

My dreams become celestial as well, even more amazing than what I experience on psychedelics, but psychedelics have a certain tension to it, at least for me, but when I get heavenly dreams, they are completely effortless and have a natural feel if that makes sense. 

So my experience tells me that if I commit myself fully to this practice, I get closer and closer to God. It is The Way. 

If I drop this total commitment, all my bliss and enlightenment experiences go away. 

It's my current understanding that we cannot serve two masters, we have to either choose God completely, or this world, this body and this mind.

To get enlightened, this mind has to be returned to God, whose memory in us is the unshakable inner peace we can connect to. 

I don't think psychedelics can do it for you, not sure why. It would be the easiest path, just take them and tadaa, you're there. But it doesn't feel like it works that way, no matter how often you do it. It just show's you what's ahead, but to go there, you have to completely surrender to God.

I think to really go for it, we have to be certain that nothing here satisfies us, we don't want anything from the world anymore, we're tired of it and we finally want to come back to our true home in Heaven, the place of Infinite Love. 

Interestingly, I learned, to a pretty high degree of mastery, how to manifest what I want in life. Bashar and Abraham and CwG teach this and it does work. It's just finding what you really really want, seeing it day and night, being obsessed by that vision, even acting it out to really tune yourself to that vibration, and then you get it, but it has to have a lot of momentum behind it.

But whenever I get something, it's pretty empty and doesn't satisfy for long, even a soulmate or a lot of money. Compared to the Love of God, everything here is just breadcrumbs. 

Anyway.. That's my present understanding, how do you guys see it? 


Drop all the knowledge you have including sentences above and my sentences as everyone. That's enlightenment, therefore identical for everyone. 

No knowledge or experience can enter there. 


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Desire is Synonymous with Life, you wanting no Desire is just One Big Desire, once You come here as Life form, especially as a Human, You cannot deny Desire, try it and then really look at it, in the end its a Desire. You want to be More than what You are right now, no difference if You go to the Bar, the Church, the Ashram or the Psychedelic store and go for a trip, all of You/Us want to be more than what we are right now, that is Desire, and its given to us as a pre Instinct before the Survival Instinct, it is just that it doesn't come to our Awareness until Survival is taken care of, no other life form on this planet has this within them..

You are right, you cannot serve two masters, if You serve the Survival Master, Accumulating more of everything, food, sex, drugs, knowledge, expression, experience, money, power, whatever You currency is, then You will stay a little Human, to become a Big Human then You have to go the way of Desire to its ultimate conclusion, that is to go beyond Your Body and Mind complexes, and expand endlessly.. There are a Million ways to do this, but this is the Ultimate goal for Us, anything less than this is a life not living up to its Potential... 

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Yes everything here is breadcrumbs, but those breadcrumbs are all most people ever have (during life).
It's our mission to spread this bread and help people however we can.
Enlightenment only for our personal use would be useless.

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Anything that helps you lower your egoistic tendencies will help you achieve enlightenment. Passionate effort, suffering, devotion, mindfulness, selflessness are a few things that help you achieve this.

Edited by An young being

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I think it’s ultimately not up to the ego’s attempts at engineering experience to reach God. God will find you now. Or God will find you later. Some people are meant to be more worldly. Others are meant to be more spiritual. Both are fine. God is always there regardless. 

Psychedelics don’t let you find God. Prayer doesn’t bring you to God. Meditation doesn’t bring you to God. Good actions don’t bring you to God. Spiritual knowledge doesn’t bring you to God. Wisdom doesn’t bring you to God. 

God brings you to God. And if the ego is given a path using any of the methods above, it takes credit for what God provided. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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It is not necessary to go to a cave and become antisocial, just understand how you limit yourself and stop doing it. There is no such thing as god or worldly, everything is reality.

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42 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I think it’s ultimately not up to the ego’s attempts at engineering experience to reach God. God will find you now. Or God will find you later. Some people are meant to be more worldly. Others are meant to be more spiritual. Both are fine. God is always there regardless. 

Psychedelics don’t let you find God. Prayer doesn’t bring you to God. Meditation doesn’t bring you to God. Good actions don’t bring you to God. Spiritual knowledge doesn’t bring you to God. Wisdom doesn’t bring you to God. 

God brings you to God. And if the ego is given a path using any of the methods above, it takes credit for what God provided. 

That doesnt really make any sense at all, your literally nullifying life, its senseless

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44 minutes ago, bambi said:

That doesnt really make any sense at all, your literally nullifying life, its senseless

What he is saying is that all the tools in the world won't help if you aren't at a point in your life where the time is right for God to be revealed to you.   However I will say that if you are ready for God to be revealed to you then doing the spiritual practices laid out here can certainly trigger an awakening or mystical experience.  But it isn't the tools themselves that are really the source behind the awakening.  They are merely a means to an end.  The source is God because your true nature is God.    The tools can help get you in touch with that.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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19 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

What he is saying is that all the tools in the world won't help if you aren't at a point in your life where the time is right for God to be revealed to you.   However I will say that if you are ready for God to be revealed to you then doing the spiritual practices laid out here can certainly trigger an awakening or mystical experience.  But it isn't the tools themselves that are really the source behind the awakening.  They are merely a means to an end.  The source is God because your true nature is God.    The tools can help get you in touch with that.

Sure you cant cause awakening no more than you can cause sleep.

You set up conducive conditions for sleep, like intention to sleep, good sleep hydiene, comfy cool room with no light, then the causes and conditions of the universe will bring the sleeping

Its basic common sense you can do the same with awakening: cut out all your self destructive behaviours, start to sober up from your addicitons and compulsions etc etc

Think it was Osho that said 'If he isnt ready, a thousand buddhas wont help him'

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2 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I think it’s ultimately not up to the ego’s attempts at engineering experience to reach God. God will find you now. Or God will find you later. Some people are meant to be more worldly. Others are meant to be more spiritual. Both are fine. God is always there regardless. 

Psychedelics don’t let you find God. Prayer doesn’t bring you to God. Meditation doesn’t bring you to God. Good actions don’t bring you to God. Spiritual knowledge doesn’t bring you to God. Wisdom doesn’t bring you to God. 

God brings you to God. And if the ego is given a path using any of the methods above, it takes credit for what God provided. 

The one thing I found useful here is that we should not let our ego feel superior just because we are able to easily sense or reach God. We can be proud about our efforts, but it could very well pull us away from God, if it exceeds certain limit. The best way to overcome such spiritual ego is to believe that God is responsible for all of our experiences.

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21 hours ago, An young being said:

The one thing I found useful here is that we should not let our ego feel superior just because we are able to easily sense or reach God. We can be proud about our efforts, but it could very well pull us away from God, if it exceeds certain limit. The best way to overcome such spiritual ego is to believe that God is responsible for all of our experiences.

Sure there are plenty of actions we can take to awaken. The issue is that awakening shows precisely how little reality there is to thinking the ego takes actions. The ego acting and getting what it wants is a gross oversimplification of what is happening. When I wrote this, I just had the momentary inspiration to illuminate the partial perspective that it is God and the conditions of our existence which are given to us that ultimately awaken us rather than our efforts. Of course there is plenty of validity to seeing awakening as a personal journey and endeavor which takes focus, determination, strong desire to break out of the limiting norm of common behaviors and perspectives, and much more. The OP already illuminated the effortful and individual part of the equation, so I illuminated the effortless and God/destiny driven part of the equation. Both are relevant, and neither is correct on their own. Even together, these understandings point to a very limited picture of what goes on when awakening happens. 

@CoolDreamThanks was essentially saying that someone has to want to bake a cake for a cake to be created. I was saying that without the conditions of a baker’s existence giving him or her the ingredients of flour, sugar, and the other fattening ingredients used to make a cake, you’re not getting far. One important thing to understand is that one of the conditions for a baker’s existence is that they want to bake things. This also is in some ways deterministic. Desire is oftentimes not entirely up for us to choose. The desire to awaken isn’t something most human beings can cultivate deeply given their current life circumstances, and this is a huge reason why awakening isn’t that common of an occurrence. Awakening is actually not that difficult, but finding yourself with enough intrinsic desire that you would succeed on the path toward awakening is quite rare. 

The conditions that give a person a strong enough desire to awaken are more of a limiting factor than the difficulty of the awakening process. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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On 3.7.2024 at 1:22 PM, BipolarGrowth said:

I think it’s ultimately not up to the ego’s attempts at engineering experience to reach God. God will find you now. Or God will find you later. Some people are meant to be more worldly. Others are meant to be more spiritual. Both are fine. God is always there regardless. 

Psychedelics don’t let you find God. Prayer doesn’t bring you to God. Meditation doesn’t bring you to God. Good actions don’t bring you to God. Spiritual knowledge doesn’t bring you to God. Wisdom doesn’t bring you to God. 

God brings you to God. And if the ego is given a path using any of the methods above, it takes credit for what God provided. 

i like this. God presents itself through different forms of media / tools, but ultimately the tools are just arbitary channels through which God reveals itself

Edited by emil1234

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