
Is there any possibility to choose a new life after death

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12 minutes ago, seriousman24 said:

For each unit of freedom, bliss and love there will be a proportionally higher amount of intensity and time spent in suffering, we are in an evolving universe so this proportion will progress towards more and more suffering, so you can start at a 1 to 2 ratio and end at a 1 to a trillion rate of suffering, until you say fuck all proportion, all fairness, all selfness and say yes to all your greed, I want everything for free and for no repercussions and for there to be no negative consequences 100% of the time at 100% of intensity, seeing that this is not the case my own and your suffering will keep increasing to absolutely unfairly crazy levels, you might be thinking everything's okay now, you suffered your part to deserve your reward but that's not how it works.

How it works is, either you have everything, all the time in every possible good way for the absolutely freeist and laziest way, whatever way you like or be stubborn and insist that you need to torture yourself and be egoless and get your "reward" which is progressively higher degrees of horrific torture until you develop a real ego so you can finally say fuck all and everything and be the absolute most selfish one, the ultimate selfishness that knows no limits because fuck you and all your torture and say yes to all your depravities with no shame as they come in their infinite forms.

It's an abnormal kind of selfishness so that doesn't mean just to be evil but it will certainly look very scary from the outside.Sorry.

Understandings are twisted, those who are selfless do not care to be selfless, they are that because they're experientially attuned and drawn to it and experience joy and fulfillment in doing so. It's likely they transcended their selfish desires a long time ago or haven't developed them, look at Jesus or Gandhi.

But we are human and we desire, there is nothing wrong with desire, the problem is the damage we create in insisting upon it, in the aggressive tendencies that we express through violence and domination that perpetuate the cycle of suffering, the ignorance and endless greed that can never be satisfied. It is because we are so separate, because we do not understand the interconnectedness of all life, that selfishness is a problem. Originally, there was no thing as selfishness, everything was selfish, because everything was self. But the conditions we created by enslaving and objectifying each other and nature for our convenience, that's what creates massive suffering.

The ego deserves to be selfish but for its own sake and through its own means, not at the expense of others yet the world we live in is highly distorted, we suffer so much because we do not realize that our actions influence each other and many simply don't care.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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9 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

The human design is quite scary. The volume of human suffering is enormous. people suffer by definition. great loneliness, bitterness, frustration, terror and depression. Imagine a hospital, all the suffering that is there. So why wouldn't there be something worse? how much worse? infinitely worse? 😅 But then you can think is something wonderful. Be a bird in the jungle, the beauty, immerse in the absolute freedom, the pure joy. Why couldn't be something better? Maybe infinitely better. The glory of being is limitless. 

I sometimes wonder if everything exists everything one could think of and beyond that who knows. Both the good and the bad as you say

yes the human design is scary enough 

Edited by Sugarcoat

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2 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

Also, wars are short for a reason, only so many can die before we run out of people,

Life is war in essence. At the moment that single-celled bacteria filled the ocean and alliances of bacteria emerged to kill others and steal their energy, forming more complex organisms, the war began. It is in the essence of life.

You, as a human, are at war with other humans. war for self-esteem, for resources, for sex, for freedom, for space. Realizing this is essential to understanding what it means to be human. all the layers of suffering in us come from this fact. fear, anxiety. We are at war mainly against death, we are not free and happy beings, we are beings in struggle.

All living beings are, but in a more basic and programmed way. Even a butterfly, when it flies, is at war. It is looking for something and avoiding something. If it weren't like that, it wouldn't do anything at all. War is the engine of the beauty of life. 

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@Breakingthewall Alright, I shall breathe violently then

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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13 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

But we are human and we desire, there is nothing wrong with desire, the problem is the damage we create in insisting upon it, in the aggressive tendencies that we express through violence and domination that perpetuate the cycle of suffering, the ignorance and endless greed that can never be satisfied.

Humans are living beings that have left their marked place, their box. They have entered a different phase of growth, outside of any predetermined order. Its growth is exponential, it is something unpredictable. The ignorance we have about what is and what will be is complete. We are the life that frees itself from the matter. The mind that creates itself using the strength of millions of minds. 

Just now, Keryo Koffa said:

@Breakingthewall Alright, I shall breathe violently then

It's gentle and beautiful violence, is the violence against stop breathing. 

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@Breakingthewall I do see what you mean however. Polarity creates existence and all action has this thrusting out characteristic, desire, expression, direction, choice, purpose, meaning, life itself is an expression of energy, of movement, of change, of death. Our skin cells are continuously falling away and being replaced with new ones. Living being are always on the move. The life energy permeating the universe lives by change, life is change and change is death, the universe at war.

But war is also a state of mind and it is but one lens to take on. The Hindu for example see the life as one big play "Maya"

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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6 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Humans are living beings that have left their marked place, their box. They have entered a different phase of growth, outside of any predetermined order. Its growth is exponential, it is something unpredictable. The ignorance we have about what is and what will be is complete. We are the life that frees itself from the matter. The mind that creates itself using the strength of millions of minds. 

Human history has brief times of great transformation that keep becoming more dense and we are just about to enter a whole next level singularity

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Is there any possibility to choose a new death after life?


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There is no life here in the first place. There is no 'here', no 'place'.

You alter the frequencies you experience to have another experience or not.

I'm out for a while after I'm done. I'm staying in the mental realm entirely for a while. I know that's also a bad pun because all is mind, but I don't want the imagined limitations either.

Edited by BlueOak

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7 hours ago, BlueOak said:

There is no life here in the first place. There is no 'here', no 'place'.

You alter the frequencies you experience to have another experience or not.

I'm out for a while after I'm done. I'm staying in the mental realm entirely for a while. I know that's also a bad pun because all is mind, but I don't want the imagined limitations either.

I keep wondering, I'd like to just have a void for myself to rest for a long time, like being submerged in water but able to breath in it, with no one to disrupt the peace and no physical limitations, a place to just be still and unwind, with time maybe create but even then I'd live to take my time.

Then again, you say there is no 'here', no 'place' to begin with, maybe I can find or manifest such places and circumstances in this reality but whatever the case, I'll be taking a long break for incarnation if not leave it entirely after this life. If there are to be others, I'd want to become them instead and solve whatever problems arise internally.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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7 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

I keep wondering, I'd like to just have a void for myself to rest for a long time, like being submerged in water but able to breath in it, with no one to disrupt the peace and no physical limitations, a place to just be still and unwind, with time maybe create but even then I'd live to take my time.

Then again, you say there is no 'here', no 'place' to begin with, maybe I can find or manifest such places and circumstances in this reality but whatever the case, I'll be taking a long break for incarnation if not leave it entirely after this life. If there are to be others, I'd want to become them instead and solve whatever problems arise internally.

You seem to have your shit together @Keryo Koffa . Your posts are eloquent, insightful, masterful, and creative. How old are you? What do you do? What are you future dreams ? Will we be seeing good things from you? Any advice to younger or struggling members?

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@enchanted I'm 23 and have lived my life shifting through various emotions of great intensity. As a child I have been sentimental and attuned to life and pets and people, I grew up when the internet, technology and video games grew in popularity, yet I lived in rural areas, I got to experience a 50/50 split of both worlds. I've carried a great sense of loneliness being an only child and being on my own, though I've also experienced times of immense joy and friendship. I have always contemplated everything deeply and this also led to great amounts of anxiety and overthinking. I spent my late teenage years in nature and past that worked two years in excruciatingly monotonous jobs.

I started my psychedelic journey in September last year and transcended so much, I've become a whole nother person since, though its really the progress of acceleration. I've been drawing for many years now and am learning how to code, currently I am experimenting with making animation and video games. What accelerated my journey is Leo, Sadhguru and Seth, though I'm always soaking in whatever content I can find at 4.5x watch speed and it's not fast enough with thousands if not millions of unique lessons and experiences that took lifetimes of other people to learn. I'm integrating as much as I can with the multiple dimensions of yoga, books written by channeled entities, life advice from all stages, exploration of life through art like movies, series, books, deliberately looking for the tones I'm drawn to and delving ever deeper into shadow work and epistemology to bring out all within myself that distorts my perception.

As Leo said, this is massive work and I've made so many posts and been journaling for so long, that it would probably amount to countless books, but I've got no time for that, every new perspective recontextualizes the whole, AI is not creating frameworks fast enough, I've learned to trust my brain to keep track of everything as I learn new frameworks to organize it, I've been practicing visualization and I've been practicing yoga and yet every time I meditate or go for a psychedelic/dissociative trip everything gets recontextualize to the point that I wonder if I've been fooling around and wasting my time, but I then remind myself of what I've been doing every minute every hour and realize I'm always progressing and standing on the shoulders of giants and my own.

Where am I going? I seek to integrate all information of the world into a coherent framework in myself and organize it in a way that simplifies it elegantly, I seek to create art and create stories and AI will certainly help in that. I want to keep myself open and maybe explore the world. I am letting go continuously, doing shadow work and inquiring towards self-actualization. And I'm working to balance all that. Honestly, I wouldn't be here without psychedelics, they opened pandora's box of consciousness and without I might have led a pretty anxious and monotonous life that I fell into. It's like I modified reality through my higher self go give myself that possibility to break patterns and transform myself, though it's been a pretty difficult journey with much suffering at times.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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2 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@enchanted I'm 23 and have lived my life shifting through various emotions of great intensity. As a child I have been sentimental and attuned to life and pets and people, I grew up when the internet, technology and video games grew in popularity, yet I lived in rural areas, I got to experience a 50/50 split of both worlds. I've carried a great sense of loneliness being an only child and being on my own, though I've also experienced times of immense joy and friendship. I have always contemplated everything deeply and this also led to great amounts of anxiety and overthinking. I spent my late teenage years in nature and past that worked two years in excruciatingly monotonous jobs.

I started my psychedelic journey in September last year and transcended so much, I've become a whole nother person since, though its really the progress of acceleration. I've been drawing for many years now and am learning how to code, currently I am experimenting with making animation and video games. What accelerated my journey is Leo, Sadhguru and Seth, though I'm always soaking in whatever content I can find at 4.5x watch speed and it's not fast enough with thousands if not millions of unique lessons and experiences that took lifetimes of other people to learn. I'm integrating as much as I can with the multiple dimensions of yoga, books written by channeled entities, life advice from all stages, exploration of life through art like movies, series, books, deliberately looking for the tones I'm drawn to and delving ever deeper into shadow work and epistemology to bring out all within myself that distorts my perception.

As Leo said, this is massive work and I've made so many posts and been journaling for so long, that it would probably amount to countless books, but I've got no time for that, every new perspective recontextualizes the whole, AI is not creating frameworks fast enough, I've learned to trust my brain to keep track of everything as I learn new frameworks to organize it, I've been practicing visualization and I've been practicing yoga and yet every time I meditate or go for a psychedelic/dissociative trip everything gets recontextualize to the point that I wonder if I've been fooling around and wasting my time, but I then remind myself of what I've been doing every minute every hour and realize I'm always progressing and standing on the shoulders of giants and my own.

Where am I going? I seek to integrate all information of the world into a coherent framework in myself and organize it in a way that simplifies it elegantly, I seek to create art and create stories and AI will certainly help in that. I want to keep myself open and maybe explore the world. I am letting go continuously, doing shadow work and inquiring towards self-actualization. And I'm working to balance all that. Honestly, I wouldn't be here without psychedelics, they opened pandora's box of consciousness and without I might have led a pretty anxious and monotonous life that I fell into. It's like I modified reality through my higher self go give myself that possibility to break patterns and transform myself, though it's been a pretty difficult journey with much suffering at times.

Wow Amazing. Thanks! Good luck with everything you do!

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@Someone here It is a perfect example, life is basically a divine video game, that's why we love challenging video games, we like that type of suffering, it is intriguing and satisfying. Life responds to you just like a video game would, with traps and rewards.  

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According to many NDEs, you choose the circumstances of your life, together with some guides and stuff
And some things in life are predetermined to happen

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You actually are creating your next life now. The average person spends brief moments in the casaul. You can actually feel it if you can feel mental energies, as the higher plane of the mental body. If your consciousness is there, theoretically you could create anything. So thats why your ashram will limit you... from therr karma is taken into account. So you are essentially creating around your karma.

Masters can stay in the casaul, they dont actually need one because their karma is worked out, but they can create one if needed. Most higher level non master aspirants can spend a lot of time on the plane, its where people often are if they 'aloof'. There the soul uses the mind as a tool to essentially dream of your next life.

After you die the bodies die off but the casaul doesnt die, so you technically are still dreaming when you are dead, but its not on the astral level like mosy dreams, so most people wouldnt be conscious of it unless their consciousness has developed to a degree.


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