
Owen Cook Priceless Business Advice

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52 minutes ago, Jayson G said:

@Leo Gura Gotchya, I guess I just didn't want to feel that genetics is 100% of your success.

It's not 100%. It's a foundation from which all effort happens.

52 minutes ago, Jayson G said:

Hearing that genetics is a very huge factor feels threatening, like I lack control. 

Of course. That's the rub.

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I think it's a cultural thing.Here in Germany it's pretty normal to see that 70% comes from genetics (I think most germans here believe even 90%). We have no problem with that because in our school and university it's also teached that way.

So kids with low IQ are not pressured to work harder than others to outcome their genetic faith but to just switch to another class for "special kids" or see where they are good at and concentrate on that.


Edited by OBEler

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6 hours ago, OBEler said:

Guys I just follow Owen cook randomly and sometimes feel he is exaggerating/ making big claims.

He said he never got sick a single day in 10 years.

What do you think about that? Is that true? Did he really find out something that makes him healthy and robust or is it just a dump lie. 

I tip he got sick several times but is still working his ass off on these days and therefore doesn't count that as s sick day because he worked...

He didn't get Covid?

Maybe he got it but count it as a virulent infection but he's still not sick?

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59 minutes ago, hyruga said:

He didn't get Covid?

Maybe he got it but count it as a virulent infection but he's still not sick?

In every video since 2020 he talks shit about the pandemic, the lockdowns, etc, he would never admit it to get covid even if it almost killed him.

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Owen is a good example of the difference between cultural code (spiral stage), cognitive development (cogdev), and the growth to goodness. As far as code goes, he seems to be Orange, but in terms of cogdev, he is likely metasystematic and maybe even paradigmatic. This is what confused me for a long time until I got better at telling the difference. Because he has such high cogdev it seems as if he's operating with high code like Yellow. He thinks a lot like what we might consider Yellow, but it's within an Orange value system. Or at least that's a good orientating generalization. No measurement is perfect, and my intuition is obviously going to be biased. 

When it comes to growth to goodness, this is the idea that as we develop in code or cogdev we are growing toward goodness. We are by definition becoming more moral. This is a myth. Instead it's more that your capacity for moral action is higher. This could go very right or very wrong, depending on the specific situation. 

In other words, someone like Owen may be very developed, but his capacity for morality and integrity are in some way limited by his developmental position. I actually think (perhaps hope) he has very high integrity, but regardless it is going to be defined by a Stage Orange cultural code. His capacity for morality will be shaped, limited, and provided for by Orange values. He believes in the capacity for capitalism to create a lot of good for society (which it can), but he doesn't really care to look beyond capitalism and so he is ultimately limited by that.  So again, within the value system of stage Orange he may be incredibly integrous, it's just that Orange values can only get you so far. Contrast this with someone at Green who has higher capacity for integrity, but supports very low integrity moves against capitalism, and you're dealing with someone who has less integrity than Owen despite their value system affording them a higher form of integrity. 

I'm obviously assuming a lot, so maybe I'm wrong about him, but I think he serves as a good case study. 

Edited by WillCameron

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In order to run around and do pickup for 20 years your development must obviously hit a certain glass ceiling.

For Owen to reach the next stage he would have to give up pickup and marketing and recognize how toxic and delusional it was. Which of course he is unlikely to do.

Tis hard to get a man to understand a thing when his job depends on him not understanding it.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

For Owen to reach the next stage he would have to give up pickup and marketing and recognize how toxic and delusional it was. Which of course he is unlikely to do.

Do you also see Alex Hormozi as toxic and delusional? He is currently one of the biggest guys in the market and sales space

Edited by Zen LaCroix

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56 minutes ago, Zen LaCroix said:

Do you also see Alex Hormozi as toxic and delusional? He is currently one of the biggest guys in the market and sales space

Look, marketing can be a set of skills. No skill in itself is delusional. It's what you do with it and why you care about it at all.

I don't know what Hormozi's worldview is. His marketing advice itself seems legit. But what evil did he do to make his millions I don't know.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Alex Hormozi is the highest quality stage orange mentor you can find for general sales, marketing and bizz advice. If you're at this stage of life and are not furiously consuming his content you're seriously missing out. I'm surprised I haven't found a single red or even yellow flag in his character or content. He's an open book and has serious integrity, genuineness and benevolence for his age and net worth.

Edited by mmKay

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On 28/06/2024 at 4:00 AM, Leo Gura said:

Obviously one of the surest ways to get rich is to provide services to insanely rich spoiled people. Because they are so rich they just don't care about wasting money.

Catering to frugal people is a lot hard because it reduces your profit margins. This is why luxury brands earn crazy profits for selling useless junk which nobody needs. A Rolex is essentially a useless piece of junk.

A lot of video games nowadays survive of rich whales like this, especially free to play titles. Like Star Citizen that has DLC that cost up to 48000 USD and people lap it up. The profit margins must be nuts.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't know what Hormozi's worldview is. His marketing advice itself seems legit. But what evil did he do to make his millions I don't know.

He's actually a Trump supporter. The only time I've seen him get mad is when someone mentioned he had some privileges. That pissed him off. And when he talks about race on occasion and victim mentality on other occasions he seems highly irritated 

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So is Atlas Shrugged wrong? I always felt like there was an enlightened way of making that billion without losing yourself. What if you were born into old money and started your own business to make a billion? At that point you already know that money is no big deal 



Edited by Twentyfirst

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

In order to run around and do pickup for 20 years your development must obviously hit a certain glass ceiling.

For Owen to reach the next stage he would have to give up pickup and marketing and recognize how toxic and delusional it was. Which of course he is unlikely to do.

Tis hard to get a man to understand a thing when his job depends on him not understanding it.

Do you have any remote vision of what the actual natural evolution of someone like Owen would look like? less partying and less capitalism but then what? I feel he has really nailed his LP and I think him being forced to evolve his niche into broader personal development was almost a natural next step. I guess you're mostly talking about evolving in the dimension of slowly transcending materialism and egoic drives, but I cant imagine how it would fit to someone as insanely driven as Owen, at least not in his current lifetime. It would literally break him in half

Edited by mmKay

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6 hours ago, Zen LaCroix said:

He's actually a Trump supporter.

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

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5 hours ago, Twentyfirst said:

What if you were born into old money

That would almost certainly ensure your corruption for life.

This is Trump's life story. He was given $450 million by daddy.

How do you think old money got their money? From expliotation.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 hours ago, mmKay said:

Do you have any remote vision of what the actual natural evolution of someone like Owen would look like? less partying and less capitalism but then what? I feel he has really nailed his LP and I think him being forced to evolve his niche into broader personal development was almost a natural next step. I guess you're mostly talking about evolving in the dimension of slowly transcending materialism and egoic drives, but I cant imagine how it would fit to someone as insanely driven as Owen, at least not in his current lifetime. It would literally break him in half

It's hard to say, there's no one right way to live.

The thing that would really evolve Owen is surrendering his insane ambition. What comes of that, who knows?

Edited by Leo Gura

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38 minutes ago, Greatnestwithin said:

@Leo Gura how do you balance your ambition for more Money with the surrendering of having enough. Have you found It?

I just care about higher values more than I care about money.

That doesn't mean I don't have to keep an eye on making money, but to me that's mostly a chore I would rather not do.

Edited by Leo Gura

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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

@Leo Gura I noticed a lot of smart, wise good people are trump supporters because they are ignorant of politics, and see some business advantages from Trump and turn a blind eye to all other bad stuff about trump. 

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@Leo Gura does that mean your lifestyle has reduced?  - Or you just simply found a way make the same Money every year to keep your desires lifestyle? 

Is there a place where we use money as a tool for transformation? Rather than growth for the sake of It. Like given that is available what It can offer, why not commit to making a lot without getting Lost in it

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