Leo Gura and the World Economic Forum

By Enigma777 in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events,
Hey @Leo Gura, I would want your personal opinion on the WEF. Most of what I see online are right wing capitalists and conservative propagandists blindly reacting to the idea of “globalization” and demonizing this organization. So I wanted a non biased alternative perspective on them and thus came here  From what I see from them they seem to be at a green/emergent yellow perspective. They seem to be high up on the spiral and seem to embody the healthy aspects of green.  Just like in an individual’s psyche, the disparate parts must come together(through Love) to form a coherent whole, do you think the WEF and their plans of globalization are the doorway towards a greater global unity and a reaching up collectively on the spiral? I heard you speak about the conscious future of humanity being a unified one world government, and the WEF might be a doorway towards this happening.  We know what happened in the 20th century with ideologies promoting the dissolution of boundaries(communism) for the greater good, which is representative of the shadow of green, it’s toxic aspect. Could the WEF be the healthy green going into yellow the collective was waiting for, and the prerequisite for a future global turquoise government? Where do you stand on all of this
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