Leo Do Psychedelics Strain The Body?

68 posts in this topic

Just now, Leo Gura said:

I have said nothing against their truthfulness.

My health does not allow me to use psychedelics any more. But my health situation is pretty unique, so you should not draw too many conclusions from that.

I'm curious, in which ways do psychedelics strain your body? Like how do you feel after the trips? I know that every situation is unique, you included.

Personally, even after the most difficult heroic dose-tier trips, I feel refreshed, reset and full of energy and motivation.

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@Porphyry Fedotov me personally after a bigger dose I can't even look at psychedelics for a while... It's just too intense for me. I'm not sure how could I describe it better, but it's not really physically tiring but rather mentally. 

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@Leo Gura

14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I have said nothing against their truthfulness.

My health does not allow me to use psychedelics any more. But my health situation is pretty unique, so you should not draw too many conclusions from that.

Were your health issues caused by psychedelics? And if yes, which psychedelics strained your system the most?

I remember you saying that you had taken to so much 5-meo-malt that it could kill a horse, implying that its pretty safe. 

I feel some psychedelics are safe on the physical body (not talking about psychological damage). Moderate amounts of magic mushrooms and LSD won't damage your physical body i feel.

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14 hours ago, OBEler said:

We make such simplistic assumptions because there are almost no reports here from anyone who damaged his health in any way through psychedelic usage (only one case but it was a big overwhelming dose of 5 Meo Dmt). I have tripped so much already and also don't see any negative  biological/ energetic effects. Psychological is another topic.

What we need are anecdotes not assumptions/ generalizations (everyone is different and so on, yeah we heard that often enough). So please share your anecdotes

I agree . I also believe that most psychedelics are pretty safe on the physical body. I don't see mushrooms or LSD at moderate doses causing any harm to the physical body.

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13 hours ago, James123 said:


They fucked my nervous system. 

What were your symptoms? And what psychedelic specifically caused this?

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With LSD I didn't experience that high of a body load as with mushrooms.

The most stress on my body I experienced with weed (edibles). My heart was doing a super marathon of some sorts for hours.

I felt like I might die - but at the same time totally ok with that.


And that is the gist of it.

We take psychedelics to explore the depth of consciousness. You have to decide how valuable this is to you. In that sense we are like astronauts or explorers. Is a mission to mars risky? Yes of course! But could you live on, knowing you decided not to take a voyage?


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2 hours ago, SQAAD said:


What were your symptoms? And what psychedelic specifically caused this?

Shrooms caused it. MDD, anxiety and PTSD. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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3 hours ago, James123 said:

Shrooms caused it. MDD, anxiety and PTSD. 

LOL I had the same thing, shrooms were intense, but I kept going and they arent as bad anymore.

I think the main danger with any healing work is the begin then not finish. You have to be comitted to go all the way

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