
People Who Sell Psychedelics Are Clueless

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I’m very surprised (in a good way) by the amount of psychedelic shops where u can by psychedelics in Toronto. It seems like every few month a new shop opens! 
On the other hand, after visiting 5 shops I realized that people who sell things have no idea what they are selling and it is very sad and dangerous. 
I have been to one shop where u can purchase a 5MeO-DMT pen. I asked the guy what it does and how it works and he said that I could use it for relaxation LOL! Can u imagine a newbie buying 5MeO-DMT thinking he would “relax” on it?? 
Another guy  from a mushroom  shop told me he likes doing golden teacher for and watch Netflix ! 
But I’m sure that Toronto would be the first city in the world to sell 5-MeO-malt. Fingers crossed 🤞 

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Note: It's important to due adequate research before buying any substance. You should not rely on a sales clerk to be the person who completely educates you about a substance. You should pull from multiple sources and also realize how little understood psychedelics are in general. I also think that yes, these shops should inform people that that product is for experienced users.

You can use a 5meodmt pen  at low doses (small inhales) to relax after becoming a skilled user. You can take low doses and slowly work up at your own pace during a session by taking say, 6 small tokes over a 5 or 10 minute period as you wade into the waters, working to dissolve stress and gain greater depth, clarity, inner peace, and love in your contemplations. It can be relaxing. Though, it's not like drinking some lavender tea, it's not to be taken lightly.

There is a meditation retreat called "Bridging Heaven" which is a week long meditation retreat for experienced meditation practitioners who use low dose vape pens for deeper experience of peace and oneness. 

I actually find using a 5meodmt pen in the way I do now extremely peaceful, and extremely relaxing while laying in bed, and just relaxing. Letting go. and loving what is.

But, you should be careful especially if you are new to it. 

It's alright to incorporate all the ways people do use psychedelics. They are often used safely recreationally by people looking to enjoy their free time. Let's not judge people who use mushrooms to enjoy tv.

Not everyone, in fact most people are not interested in deep spirituality. 

I enjoy tripping and listening to music and nature sometimes, especially with mushrooms. It's important to enjoy life, and if you trip responsibly in a balanced way that is alright. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Just now, Thought Art said:

@TheGod You can use it at low doses to relax after becoming a skilled user. 

Low doses are still enough to blow my mind, just not in an overwhelming way :)


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@Yimpa I can't say for you.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Trust and own your direct experience.

How much are you willing to pay?

Edited by Yimpa


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Small print:   Some people may become psychotic or meet God.  

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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20 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

There is a meditation retreat called "Bridging Heaven" which is a week long meditation retreat for experienced meditation practitioners who use low dose vape pens for deeper experience of peace and oneness.

Since you mentioned the retreat, I guess this is a good place to post a recent video that includes a few people associated with it.



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One of my therapists sold me on psychedelics. A year after my trip I discovered that she started using 5-MeO, which inspired her to become more independent. Independence far beyond physical limitations. 

Edited by Yimpa


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I went to a psychedelic store in Amsterdam with a couple of friends before to buy truffles. My friends where complete virgins and the woman recommended a 15g dose each.

15g?! For a newbie?! 🤨

You can't trust these folks to know what they are selling. You must take complete responsibility for your research.

Edited by Basman

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5 minutes ago, Basman said:

I went to a psychedelic store in Amsterdam with a couple of friends before to buy truffles. My friends where complete virgins and the woman recommended a 15g dose each.

15g?! For a newbie?! 🤨

You can't trust these folks to know what they are selling. You must take complete responsibility for your research.

My doctor originally prescribed me a dose of cannabis that was too high. An absolutely humbling experience for the both of us 😅


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If I owned a psychedelic shop, I'd hang up a sign or something with a disclaimer, saying that any and all consumption are at your own risk, psychedelics are dangerous, you are responsible for doing your own research, etc. etc.

Edited by Basman

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44 minutes ago, Basman said:

I went to a psychedelic store in Amsterdam with a couple of friends before to buy truffles. My friends where complete virgins and the woman recommended a 15g dose each.

15g?! For a newbie?! 🤨

You can't trust these folks to know what they are selling. You must take complete responsibility for your research.

15 g is a common normal dose for truffles. I would recommend it to those who only do it very rarely in their lives. Overall it's not a bad dose to start with. You will get a trip.

5 Meo DMT can be for relaxation. I vaped with my vape pen 1:12 and after some hits it got very relaxed. I vaped 1 hour and was just relaxing. No insights, no spiritual stuff. Just relaxing. 




Edited by OBEler

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1 hour ago, Basman said:

I went to a psychedelic store in Amsterdam with a couple of friends before to buy truffles. My friends where complete virgins and the woman recommended a 15g dose each.

15g?! For a newbie?! 🤨

You can't trust these folks to know what they are selling. You must take complete responsibility for your research.

Comparing truffles and mushrooms it’s like comparing a kitten and a tiger. 
When I was on my solo trip in Amsterdam I tried most of the truffles. The first day I bought 2 packs of the strongest truffles in the store. It was as 1 gram of golden teacher. 
Now, I’m not trying to be smart because I paid a huge price for my arrogance eventually. The day before flying back home I bought 2 packs of the same truffles and ate them. After 10 minutes I smoked a huge joint. I was already way to high on the weed and when the truffles kicked in I had one of the worst bad trips in my entire life. Thanks god I was in my hotel room. 
I was lying on my bed whilst incarnating in animals being slaughtered, people being killed and raped and all other things. 
Few years later when I tried regular mushroom 50+ times i decided to try enigma mushrooms, arrogantly thinking I could manage 4 gram easily (I’d done 8 grams of golden teacher). Never in my my life had I been so terrified. On the other hand, I needed that trip to become wiser. Ever since I’m very very careful with mushrooms and other psychedelics. It’s better to have a light trip rather than thinking that you’ve lost your mind forever. 

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11 hours ago, Thought Art said:


It's important to due adequate research before buying any substance. You should not rely on a sales clerk to be the person who completely educates you about a substance. You should pull from multiple sources and also realize how little understood psychedelics are in general. I also think that yes, these shops should inform people that that product is for experienced users.


Do you have a problem with the OP? I perceive from you that classic Leo passive agressive reply completely unsolicited. 

The OP was just sharing a Legit information and but you reply in a such way that...well, what are you doing man? Are you Ok?

Just chill man.

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You're not wrong. The guy who sold me acid was an all-around drug dealer . Its a damn shame because that ended up getting him sent to jail.

Edited by Oppositionless

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I wonder how long it will take before Canada makes 5-meo illegal.  Modern culture is so low consciousness it takes something powerful and treats it like a toy.  

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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19 hours ago, OBEler said:

15 g is a common normal dose for truffles. I would recommend it to those who only do it very rarely in their lives. Overall it's not a bad dose to start with. You will get a trip.

I think my first dose was around 7,5g and I don't think I could've handled much more. Either way, you can't blindly listen to a sales clerk advice.

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@Javfly33  It's all good. No, just making general statements for those who read the thread and to remind the community that due diligence is importance. Be mindful of projections, and be well. I was simply speaking my mind about these types of interactions in general.

Perhaps try re-reading what I wrote in different voices and with different imagined intentions. I was speaking matter of factly. What I said is simply a good point.

@TheGod Is correct. If I bought 5meodmt without knowing about it thinking it was just relaxing... I would hurt myself without proper training. When it comes to psychedelics we should always do due diligence.

My response by no means is the totality of my interpretations of this issue.

@PenguinPablo Hi, if I am not sure I understand you correctly. In life there are not real guard rails which is why I stress doing a lot of research, observation and contemplation.


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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