
Girl punched me hard in the chest.

62 posts in this topic

6 minutes ago, Peo said:

You know most nightclubs and bars are close on the day right?

Yes. A pretty good argument for nightgame during the night :)

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27 minutes ago, Peo said:

Ok, but i don't really know what people mean when they talk about vibe and energy. Is that in my head?

How are you feeling when you talk to girls? Are you feeling good in your own body? Are you happy? Are you having fun? Are you feeling confident? And like you are on top of the world? Are you feeling light and playful?

Or are you anxious, nervous, stifled, fearful, insecure, closed off in your body?


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11 minutes ago, Miguel1 said:

Or are you anxious, nervous, stifled, fearful, insecure, closed off in your body?

Do you ever approach despite feeling this way? 


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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Do you ever approach despite feeling this way? 

I am rarely that way nowadays anymore.

But yes, especially if I am in that state, I force myself even more to approach.

Because I know that if I don’t then it’s just gonna spiral downwards even further. To hell.

The key when you are in such negative state, is to allow yourself to approach more people like guys and not attractive girls. Basically you gotta lower your standards.

Altho going for the hardest set in this state will shake you our of it the fastest, if you have the self-esteem to handle a brutal rejection from a hard set.

If you don’t, then you fuck yourself up even further.

Edited by Miguel1

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Damn, a slap on the cheek alright but a punch?

Something’s not right with the women in your country

Edited by MarkKol

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4 hours ago, MarkKol said:

Damn, a slap on the cheek alright but a punch?

Something’s not right with the women in your country

If there's one thing I learned during the year where I approached 800 girls through daygame, it's that nothing good will ever come of approaching a non-foreign Norwegian girl on the street. 

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4 hours ago, joeyi99 said:

What city are you in?

Norway. Bergen

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6 hours ago, Miguel1 said:

The key when you are in such negative state, is to allow yourself to approach more people like guys and not attractive girls. Basically you gotta lower your standards.

I don't like talking to unattractive girls. I always approach girls between 6-10s

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10 hours ago, Miguel1 said:

Whenever I get rejected, I get into state.

The harsher the rejection, the faster I get into state

Holy cow I made similar experiences so far but never became really aware of that because it is so counterintuitive. 

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Always start with "excuse me" because you could be interrupting something important.

Also if you dont know why you say hey in the firtst place and just saying it thinking it will position you to get what you want, is why you lose before even saying hey.Same problem with the thread before.Pick up is throwing shit againts the wall hoping it sticks mindset.

Im ignoring the punch because only way to avoid it is go train krav maga to get a sense when attack is coming, nothing to do with approaching.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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This could just be a one off thing. But if it’s a consistent pattern then the vibe you are giving off might be threatening or creepy.

Maybe you are breaking some basic rules of socialisation which you must follow in order to make others feel safe around you.

Talking to people at night on the street (esp if it’s not a busy street) is the kind of setting where you have to show that you are friendly and mean no harm within the first 5 seconds or you’re going to run into a lot of trouble. 

Dont come up from behind a girl or approach girls you haven’t made a bit of eye contact with first. And you can’t just start with a deadpan ‘hi’. You have to include some kind of conversation starter that shows you aren’t a robot or a weirdo. Even just something like “Hey! Are you having a great night?” Or something like that. Be fun, friendly and high energy.

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5 hours ago, Peo said:

I don't like talking to unattractive girls. I always approach girls between 6-10s

The real problem is you see yourself as a 0.

Edited by Yimpa


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19 hours ago, Peo said:


Anyone else gotten punched by a girl doing pick-up?

How do you deal with really brutal nights?

If i can get punched by just saying hey, am i going to suddenly get slapped for kissing a girl at the wrong time?

I was in the past, not punched in the chest but in the face. But was because she was drunk and mainly because was a GIRL.

Woman, a real Mature Woman dont do this things. 

Look for other girls, develop dicerment. 

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14 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

The real problem is you see yourself as a 0.

false. Stop with these assumtions. Have never said that i see myself as 0. 

Edited by Peo
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The next girl you approach, ask if you’d like to grab some punch together :)


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@Yimpa Its all fun and games until that thing hits you 😂

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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38 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Yimpa Its all fun and games until that thing hits you 😂

Life is magical and ironic… I just found out that my medical cannabis dispensary just released this fruit punch gummy today!

@bebotalk I take my punch legally ;)

Edited by Yimpa


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Once girl spit in my face and in an hour we were fucking. Dont take it personally and seriously.

Tough nights will be there. But if you keep going there always be magical nights

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