
Trump is going to win the election

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He’s self destructing

”we will give cops complete immunity so they can do there jobs” 

he thinks exactly like a dictator 

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Don't forget that the more Trump gets cornered like a rat, the more toxic Stage Red he will exhibit.

Kamala will be a major threat to him, so he will get more and more unhinged as Kamala rises in the polls, which she will.

Edited by Leo Gura

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Don't forget that the more Trump gets cornered like a rat, the more toxic Stage Red he will exhibit.

Weird, I thought he was Stage Blue. I must be colorblind.

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Posted (edited)

@Yimpa Trump is a toxic mix of stage red and orange.

Edited by JTL

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1 hour ago, integral said:

He’s self destructing


How can he deliver on giving cops full immunity? I don't think he has this kind of power

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Posted (edited)

@Yimpa @JTL Trump is solid red, he only knows enough about blues and oranges in order to manipulate them. Just because someone is a cunning businessperson doesn't mean they are orange. Trump only understands criminal, illegitimate business. He doesn't want to play business by the rules (integration of stage blue), which is what separates red and orange business styles. When he does play by the rules, he only does so because he wants to avoid punishment. That is peak red.

Edited by Staples

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@Staples Trump is plenty Orange too.

People are not simple cartoon characters. Even Trump.

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Posted (edited)

4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Staples Trump is plenty Orange too.

People are not simple cartoon characters. Even Trump.

What would you say are solidly orange characteristics of his? I try not to pay too much attention to him, but when I do see him it's pretty solidly red with just enough blue and orange to not annoy his allies.

Edited by Staples

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Posted (edited)

Stage Rainbow when 🌈 

I rank Bob Ross as Stage Rainbow 

Edited by Yimpa

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Posted (edited)

9 minutes ago, Staples said:

What would you say are solidly orange characteristics of his? I try not to pay too much attention to him, but when I do see him it's pretty solidly red with just enough blue and orange to not annoy his allies.

If Trump was as Red as you say he is, he would be a lot more violent, like a Hitler or a Hamas leader.

Trump is relatively mild-mannered. He acts like a wannabe mob boss, but he is not nearly as ruthless as a true mob boss like Tony Soprano.

Trump is largely a toxic Orange conartist with some Red elements. Which is why he is not as dangerous as a Hitler. But he is still plenty dangerous to democracy.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Trump is relatively mild-mannered. He acts like a wannabe mob boss, but he is not nearly as ruthless as a true mob boss like Tony Soprano.

Good point, although I wonder how much mob boss comes out behind closed doors. Maybe not much, else there would be more evidence.

God and I worked things out

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Posted (edited)

6 minutes ago, Staples said:

Good point, although I wonder how much mob boss comes out behind closed doors. Maybe not much, else there would be more evidence.

Trump loves to posture as being tough, but that itself is his greatest con. He is actually weak on the inside. He is lazy, dumb, and soft. He is not to be confused with someone like Putin who is a proper coldblooded authoritarian.

Trump is a sleezy used car salesman blown up to an epic scale. This is not the same thing as a proper authoritarian. Which is the only reason we are not totally fucked if he wins.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If Trump was as Red as you say he is, he would be a lot more violent, like a Hitler or a Hamas leader.

Trump is relatively mild-mannered. He acts like a wannabe mob boss, but he is not nearly as ruthless as a true mob boss like Tony Soprano.

Trump is largely a toxic Orange conartist with some Red elements. Which is why he is not as dangerous as a Hitler. But he is still plenty dangerous to democracy.

1) lack of violence has a lot more to do with what they can get away with, a hamas leader or Hitler living in America today would be hesitant to commit violence do to the legal apparatus 

2) if he’s orange why does he have no blue basis, he shows no connection to religion or traditional family values. He’s clearly red because he is self obsessed, he only wants money in how it enhances his image of self, not for orange reasons.

Edited by Raze

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Intersting how Trump is so stage orange that he turns into orange. He is showing his stage of development.:D

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Intersting how Trump is so stage orange that he turns into orange.

This isn't mere funny coincidence.

Fake suntans to make yourself appear more attractive is a Stage Orange invention.

Trump is so fake that even his skin is fake! But half of Americans are too foolish to understand this.

Trump could walk out on stage with a pair of fake tits and Americans would be like: "Fuck yeah! Let's vote for titties! USA! USA! TITTIES!!!"

Well, at least they would if they weren't transphobic.

Edited by Leo Gura

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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This isn't mere funny coincidence.

Fake suntans to make yourself appear more attractive is a Stage Orange invention.

Trump is so fake that even his skin is fake! But half of Americans are too foolish to understand this.

Trump could walk out on stage with a pair of fake tits and Americans would be like: "Fuck yeah! Let's vote for titties! USA! USA! TITTIES!!!"

Well, at least they would if they we're transphobic.

I will make an AI image of this TransTrump

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Jesusa is laughing in her grave…




Edited by Yimpa

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To much focus is given to Trump’s personality  rather than what he represents to his followers.   He is basically leading a redneck revolt against the rapid changes imposed on society by the progressives.   Before he ran for president, Trump was considered a traditional liberal.  Bill and Hillary Clinton were his friends.  If John Kennedy were alive today, he would be to the right of Trump.  That’s how fast things have changed.  There is also an urban vs. rural thing going on here.  The rural people are always resistant to big changes whereas change spreads rapidly in urban settings.  That’s why when the new Christian cult took over, the rural folks (i.e.,  “the pagans”) were the last to dump the old gods.  It’s no accident the Olympics presented the trans Jesus as the symbol of their new religion.   Trump’s followers (who are the pagans of 2024) prefer the old Jesus.  Is that confusing enough?

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

Before he ran for president, Trump was considered a traditional liberal.

Trump, like a typical capitalist, isn't anything. He's just an opportunist who does whatever gives him more power and money.

Trump would be Satan worshiper if it would get him power and money.

The reason Trump is so successful in politics is because he has zero moral qualms or principles about telling fools exactly whatever they want to hear. When the majority of people are ignorant, this is extremely effective for gaining power. Just tell the most ignorant segment of the population exactly what they want to hear, reinforce all their deepest hatreds and biases and they will love and vote for you.

Trump does the exact opposite of what I do with my audience.

If I wanted to have the most successful YT channel, I would tell fools exactly what they wanted to hear: Here's how to get easy sex, money, and fame by using tricks and shortcuts.

Edited by Leo Gura

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