
Trump is going to win the election

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This is who trully win election, no matter who wins. The winners are the ones wh9 win no matter what


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Posted (edited)

22 hours ago, Vrubel said:

Yes, all humans and most definitely countries are selfish, no way around that. That's why a certain American paybook for order in the world is necessary. Its effectiveness can be measured in the amount of... well... ORDER, as opposed to endless war and instability.  

You mentioned it yourself, the stage orange component of the "American world order" is pretty crucial. It's supremely preferred and much more stable than the Russian or China's stage blue (and even red) playbooks. 

Without America, the world would have been back in the jungle of a pre-WW2 world where endless wars are fought over ideology and nationalistic domination. 

What you say is not unreasonable but the issue with America s orange is that they are willing to exploit others for their own benefit, regardless of what happens to those countries.

USA is fine with a country being destroyed and put into endless chaos if it benefits them. That is the issue here.

The main difference between blue and orange here is that USA does it for economic reasons meanwhile Russia does it for nationalistic reasons. And because nationalism is a stronger emotional force than economic profit, it leads to more brutal and ruthless campagains. 

Iraq, Syria, Libya, Guatemala are examples of countries that used to have law and order and became messes after USA got involved.

A dictatorship is better than anarchy.

It is true that China and Russia are not better, but China I have not seen them invade anyone yet to be honest.

With Russia the only proper invasion and meddling that seems to be destroying a country is Ukraine.

Georgia invasion was really small and the country did perfectly fine after.

Afghanistan was messed up by both Russia and USA. First Russia messed it up then USA did.

So to me both have blame there.

If Russia and China started going on USA type invasion sprees and bombing campaigns I am sure the results would also be horrible, maybe even worse than USA involvements.

Issue is that they tend to mind their own business a lot more, especially China.

Edited by Karmadhi

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Regarding American led order and stability - the stability of American born corporate interests actually depends on instability for stable profits and power monopolisation. The reason I say born is because though corporate elites may be bred on American soil, they have outgrown their own countries and become transnational elites. This means, they couldn't care less if they serve the American people, the incentives are less when you can live in Miami or Dubai, or live in prosperous enclaved communities with security or private jet yourself to islands like New Zealand or the Caymans.

Their immune from the side effects of their actions, the same way America is mostly immune from the side effects of their foreign adventurism and interventions due to being geographically blessed. They can go around the world dick swinging and flexing with little cost to themselves as they are protected by vast seas on both sides, an ally to their North and a weak nation to their South.

The US is sooooo at threat from Russia and China who are in different continents - that it spends more on its military than the next nine countries combined. Investing this much in an industry demands a return, which peace doesn’t give. This is why Biden even historically said Israel is the best “investment” America could make - because they view things from a materialist, zero-sum, prey vs predatory perspective.

The US has over reached and abused their power through a weaponised financial system which sanctions and economically carpet bombs countries that don't ''align'' with them to the point that the non Western world have had enough and are building a parallel system where no one has power over you, but where you have power with others. They trade with each other in their own currencies for example. The US isn't collapsing as a state or society, but as a hegemon - and to this they are lashing out.

Both stages can produce individuals who commit unethical acts, but for different reasons. Stage Blue, because their morality is exclusionary. Stage Orange, because of disconnection to the soul (depth) in pursuit of the material (surface). What we call stage orange also has elements of stage blue married to it to make a dangerous combination ie Neocons or Ultra-Zionists  = ancient texts married to modern tech with enough leverage to destroy at scale.

Stage blue has a sense of morality that can balance and check power, but only within its own rigid framework that excludes those who aren’t in it and are deemed sinful or 'other'. Stage orange can lack morality in pursuit of the material or be morally relativistic to justify the unjustifiable. Its disconnect from the soul manifests in its shadow when the powerful tools it excels at developing (through science, rationality) are used to interfere and intervene in world affairs in unethical ways, rather than interact and integrate with others on the world stage. Stage blue is spiritually bloated (confined to cast creed or colour) while stage Orange is a spiritual vacuum - both can be dangerous to the world.


Edited by zazen

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If you make the American people your #1 priority no one will help you get elected and you will never be president. Being president is about greasing wheels for your richest supporters because without them you are nobody. And if you don't serve either party that means you are the enemy of both parties and they will tank you.

Notice that as supposedly rich as Trump is, he still has to kiss the ass of Christians to have a chance at election. He has to promise them a theocracy to win.

Edited by Leo Gura

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This country needs serious campaign finance laws, I swear.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

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Edited by Raze

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This elections are getting a lot of material for a juicy video, just sayin

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


Notice that as supposedly rich as Trump is, he still has to kiss the ass of Christians to have a chance at election. He has to promise them a theocracy to win.

Source ?

The devil is in the details.

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Posted (edited)

Looks like a police officer confronted the shooter near moments before he shot Trump.

It must have been enough of a distraction for the shooter to miss making a fatal shot.


Not long before shots rang out, rally goers noticed a man climbing to the top of a roof of a nearby building and warned local law enforcement, according to two law enforcement officials.

One officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder and Crooks quickly took a shot toward former President Donald Trump, and that’s when the U.S. Secret Service counter snipers shot him, said the officials who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

(whoops, meant to post this on the other thread) 


Edited by Yimpa

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Posted (edited)

4 minutes ago, Raze said:



AOC needs more security around her. The MAGA lunatics are circling.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Trump is saying the assassination attempt has changed him. He's saying he will start to unite instead of divide. 


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J.D Vance interview from many years ago


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Looks like Trump chose a real winner of a VP. Imagine any pre-Trump VP comparing thier running mate to Hitler 



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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

J.D Vance interview from many years ago


Great interview! 

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4 hours ago, DocWatts said:

Looks like Trump chose a real winner of a VP. Imagine any pre-Trump VP comparing thier running mate to Hitler 



Josh McLaurin Is the one who sounds angry and bitter. lol. 

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America should stop this presidential system and design a system of elections where even the average citizen have a shot at being the president.

Right now, these two parties act like they are the gatekeepers of the president. You need to appease either of these parties before even contesting in the elections. That's undemocratic. There is no choice offered to the voters.

First, the people should elect the people they want. Once you know the will of the people, then make decisions based on that.

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