
Trump is going to win the election

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Posted (edited)

20 minutes ago, ryandesreu said:

Why would the R heavy Supreme Court give President Biden this kind of power?

Because he clearly won't abuse it.

Their decision is so bad because a president of good character doesn't need immunity from crimes, only one with bad character does. It's like a one way door which lets in criminals and has no impact on decent leaders 

It's the stupidest decision. Pure corruption. No good leader needs immunity from crimes. Only the bad ones do. No US President has been charged for any crimes while in office other than Trump and Nixon. Which is the system working correctly.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 hour ago, ryandesreu said:

Why would the R heavy Supreme Court give President Biden this kind of power?

   I agree it's suspicious. If it was a totally objective and a neutral system then there wouldn't be a need to give anyone president this much power.

   If we limited democracy and made it half half autocracy and democracy, like a Roman republic, with more experienced senates and a revised voting system, with people who are more educated and experienced only, then the nation would be more stronger. If we revised egalitarianism, multiculturalism, and feminism, and acknowledged it was running amok for far too long, and actually had the good will to make democracy smaller and more filled with experienced senates, then America wouldn't be in this mess. These political games and lies and corruption, is really from a deep denial of Neoliberalism, and too much liberalism. That's all. 

Edited by Danioover9000

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@Danioover9000What type of revised voting system are you proposing?

How did feminism contribute to this ruling?

Edited by ryandesreu

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2 minutes ago, ryandesreu said:

@Danioover9000What type of revised voting system are you proposing?

How did feminism contribute to this ruling?

   One example is better questionnaires about American history, the constitution, and some more assessments to determine if you as an American citizen should get 1 integer vote, or get a decimal vote. If for example you as an American has greatly contributed to society, knows it's history, knows the constitution at heart or paraphrased closely to original, and demonstrate comradery and being a good Samaritan to your community in America, also you are working and actually giving value to society then you get to have whole number vote. However, if you are an immigrant, still learning English language, still getting integrated to community, you kind of know America's history, kind of know the constitution, but maybe not keen on helping community, then you only have 0.8 vote. Or if you a criminal, have a long rap sheet, been to few rehabs and always promising to change yet betray yourself and community, half interesting In America's history or constitution, demonstrating laziness or lack to better your community, then you only get 0.5 or 0.4 vote, or even no voting power because you committed horrific crimes like strangling children or gang attack and gang bang some woman and knifing people you get light sentencing for it then no voting power for you. Something like this and yes certain conditions on legibility and illegibility to vote as an adult. Basically you must love America and earn your right to score and have higher voting powers one decimal point at a time.

   Feminism contributed to the increase in loneliness in dating, the higher divorce rates and failings in marriages, and the declines in family raising and birthrates in local areas within the country/nations of westernized societies, which is why governments have to outsource more from 3rd world theocracies with stronger traditional/conservative values, which also increases tensions in own country's workforce now. Of course Neoliberalism played it's part as well  as predatory capitalism but those are very deep problems which may take decades to fix. I do think the fix maybe is smaller democracy with better people in it.

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Posted (edited)

On 02/07/2024 at 0:39 PM, DocWatts said:


The Supreme Court is effectively giving Trump all of the tools he needs to be America's version of Putin.

Yes, but its worse than that.

Picture a clever version of Trump running, more sociopathic and less narcissistic.

OR more realistically, an ideologue. Say, a Christian nationalist which is perfectly possible in the current climate, or if someone prefers an idealistic socialist without morals, who is more radical and less status quo, who would reform quickly rather than slowly.

The court has ruled anything can be done by that man or woman, that should scare the hell out of everyone whichever political denomination. Whatever country they are in they should be terrified, as it added another dictator to the world stage who has different goals to the BRICS dictators. 

To everyone: I watch the conditions for WW3 being continually set up to a round of applause, and I don't get it, it's like people can only see the direct moment in front of them and the immediate short-term gain or loss. This is Gen Z's influence in a nutshell, unable to concentrate for more than 5 minutes on anything like a goldfish.

The courts are a requirement for world peace and stability. Institutions, treaties, diplomacy, and international agreements keep the world from being a fiery, dusty bowl.

Edited by BlueOak

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17 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

The biggest gaslighting here is that a country infamous for overthrowing democratically elected governments is somehow "progressive".

Only deluded American wokies believe this and some of them are even starting to doubt themselves.

Get real for a second.

The only progress you made is in the number of genders you could come up with. 

Wokies hate America which is different from healthy and chill stage green.  

I am as real as can be, if you're interested in economic and developmental growth as any country naturally is you have nothing to fear from America. It's only when you threaten other countries and the world order that America will keep a close eye on you.

This is actually the pretty reasonable and chill context/world-order of today, before we had the cold war era context/world-order and before that the absolutely volatile context/world-order that led to two world wars. 

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Posted (edited)

14 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   One example is better questionnaires about American history, the constitution, and some more assessments to determine if you as an American citizen should get 1 integer vote, or get a decimal vote. If for example you as an American has greatly contributed to society, knows it's history, knows the constitution at heart or paraphrased closely to original, and demonstrate comradery and being a good Samaritan to your community in America, also you are working and actually giving value to society then you get to have whole number vote. However, if you are an immigrant, still learning English language, still getting integrated to community, you kind of know America's history, kind of know the constitution, but maybe not keen on helping community, then you only have 0.8 vote. Or if you a criminal, have a long rap sheet, been to few rehabs and always promising to change yet betray yourself and community, half interesting In America's history or constitution, demonstrating laziness or lack to better your community, then you only get 0.5 or 0.4 vote, or even no voting power because you committed horrific crimes like strangling children or gang attack and gang bang some woman and knifing people you get light sentencing for it then no voting power for you. Something like this and yes certain conditions on legibility and illegibility to vote as an adult. Basically you must love America and earn your right to score and have higher voting powers one decimal point at a time.

   Feminism contributed to the increase in loneliness in dating, the higher divorce rates and failings in marriages, and the declines in family raising and birthrates in local areas within the country/nations of westernized societies, which is why governments have to outsource more from 3rd world theocracies with stronger traditional/conservative values, which also increases tensions in own country's workforce now. Of course Neoliberalism played it's part as well  as predatory capitalism but those are very deep problems which may take decades to fix. I do think the fix maybe is smaller democracy with better people in it.

The judgements of vote percentage could easily be subjected to bias, abuse, and seems too extensive and messy. Who are we hiring to assess voters? Maybe AI. 😉 

Edited by ryandesreu

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, BlueOak said:

Yes, but its worse than that.

Picture a clever version of Trump running, more sociopathic and less narcissistic.

OR more realistically, an ideologue. Say, a Christian nationalist which is perfectly possible in the current climate, or if someone prefers an idealistic socialist without morals, who is more radical and less status quo, who would reform quickly rather than slowly.

The court has ruled anything can be done by that man or woman, that should scare the hell out of everyone whichever political denomination. Whatever country they are in they should be terrified, as it added another dictator to the world stage who has different goals to the BRICS dictators. 

Agreed. The Trump Immunity decision needs to be framed in discussions and the media as a Judicial Coup against constitutional democracy, because that's exactly what it is.

Edited by DocWatts

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On 2024-07-07 at 3:14 PM, ryandesreu said:

The judgements of vote percentage could easily be subjected to bias, abuse, and seems too extensive and messy. Who are we hiring to assess voters? Maybe AI. 😉 

   Sure but at least we're trying to educate and get more citizens to be more conscious of politics at least in this way. That same critique could be applied to Leo's conscious politics. For example he forewords that all candidate and politicians come election cycle wear masks to hide their human identities, and only list policies. Yes, bias is minimal, but not free from abuse, and agendas behind closed doors, also plays into the whole deep state narrative, and encourages anon or anonymous and uncertainty which shouldn't be that high. Yet according to this it's very bias neutral, yet see how easy it is to backfire? 

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4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Sure but at least we're trying to educate and get more citizens to be more conscious of politics at least in this way. That same critique could be applied to Leo's conscious politics. For example he forewords that all candidate and politicians come election cycle wear masks to hide their human identities, and only list policies. Yes, bias is minimal, but not free from abuse, and agendas behind closed doors, also plays into the whole deep state narrative, and encourages anon or anonymous and uncertainty which shouldn't be that high. Yet according to this it's very bias neutral, yet see how easy it is to backfire? 

Anonymous candidates doesn't work for me personally because I like to get my information straight from the horses mouth whenever possible, and I can already hear the conspiracy theories that it would create. I'm not trying to be contrarian in this conversation. 

Maybe just a simple political literacy test would work as part of voter registration. Like a driver's license test but every 4 years. That would weed out many of the ignorant voters. I can hear the conspiracy theories about that one too, lol. Or even real fraud. It happens. 

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23 hours ago, ryandesreu said:

Anonymous candidates doesn't work for me personally because I like to get my information straight from the horses mouth whenever possible, and I can already hear the conspiracy theories that it would create. I'm not trying to be contrarian in this conversation. 

Maybe just a simple political literacy test would work as part of voter registration. Like a driver's license test but every 4 years. That would weed out many of the ignorant voters. I can hear the conspiracy theories about that one too, lol. Or even real fraud. It happens. 

   For sure. Didn't mean to put you on the spot with that argument there. I just want the population to be more educated and informed, even if that means more assessments and question lists per election cycle. I think every year this test should be done nation wide instead of 4 years, just like with the annual tax payments, make this every year. And yes there are some who will object, even conjure up conspiracist, and to that point is where I brought up Leo's point in one of his conscious politics series, about removing the human persona, making politician candidates anonymous, which'll feed into those deep state theories

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On 7/6/2024 at 11:33 PM, Leo Gura said:

No US President has been charged for any crimes while in office

Bush should have been charged for war crimes for his illegal invasion of Iraq.

That was a failure imo.

Rest of presidents I cannot comment.

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Posted (edited)

On 7/7/2024 at 1:29 PM, Vrubel said:

It's only when you threaten other countries and the world order that America will keep a close eye on you.

Did Libya or Syria threaten any random countries? Curious. From what I saw, they just threatened USA interests.

I do agree with what you say but the issue is that the world order you talk about is the one that benefits America. So of course they will not invade you if you fall in line and submit to them.

Russia is the same. Every country they have invaded was invaded because they tried to break from the established order which was that they were submitted to Russia. Georgia and Ukraine being examples. They got invaded exactly when they stopped submitting to Russia and tried to reach towards the West.

My point is that every big power country tries to maximize their interests and will not hesitate to bully or even invade others if needed.

Their truth is their self interest, no "right" or "law".

As much as I like the internal politics of the USA and how they are miles ahead compared to the other big powers like India, China, Russia in terms of corruption, democracy, freedom etc. Their foreign policy is pure selfishness orange type with 0 disregard to law, ethics or "what is right". The only thing they have better is that they do not downright annex land but just keep troops there that dictate how things will operate.

USA illegally invaded Libya, Iraq, Syria, Cuba etc.

Russia illegally invaded Georgia, Ukraine.

China may invade Taiwan soon , who knows.

The harsh truth is that depending on your geography and history, smaller countries have to submit to the big powers. If they try to deviate from it, then they will be invaded. All the big powers are capable, selfish and ruthless enough to do it.

Edited by Karmadhi

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Rest of presidents I cannot comment.

A lot of people are talking about Obama and the drone strikes in Yemen that killed American citizens, being illegal. And that he is protected by presidential immunity. 

It works for both sides. 


Edited by Merkabah Star

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25 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

A lot of people are talking about Obama and the drone strikes in Yemen that killed American citizens, being illegal. And that he is protected by presidential immunity. 


I see, thank you for telling me. I was not aware.

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Russia is the same. Every country they have invaded was invaded because they tried to break from the established order which was that they were submitted to Russia.

Some invasions are legitimate. Every country has to take care of its own existence.

NATO in Ukraine is a threat to Russia. So, it was a legitimate invasion. 

If Iraq posed a real threat to the US, then it would have been the correct move to invade Iraq. But Iraq was not a threat at all. So it was an illegitimate and illegal invasion. 

Edited by Bobby_2021

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Merkabah Star said:

A lot of people are talking about Obama and the drone strikes in Yemen that killed American citizens, being illegal. And that he is protected by presidential immunity. 

It works for both sides. 


Presidents can't get arrested or be found guilty in the US for any war crimes. They can only get arrested and convicted for crimes done within American soil.

Edited by Hardkill

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3 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Presidents can't get arrested or be found guilty in the US for any war crimes. They can only get arrested and convicted for crimes done within American soil.

The US wasn’t at war with Yemen in 2011. 

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Posted (edited)

18 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Their foreign policy is pure selfishness orange type with 0 disregard to law, ethics or "what is right".

Yes, all humans and most definitely countries are selfish, no way around that. That's why a certain American paybook for order in the world is necessary. Its effectiveness can be measured in the amount of... well... ORDER, as opposed to endless war and instability.  

You mentioned it yourself, the stage orange component of the "American world order" is pretty crucial. It's supremely preferred and much more stable than the Russian or China's stage blue (and even red) playbooks. 

Without America, the world would have been back in the jungle of a pre-WW2 world where endless wars are fought over ideology and nationalistic domination. 


Edited by Vrubel

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